God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 634 I don't listen to you, I listen to him

Chapter 634 I don't listen to you, I listen to him
Today, in the Eastern Palace.

Li Chengqian sits on the main seat, and below are the six ministers.

Among them, Gao Shilian, Minister of the Ministry of Officials; Sun Qian, Minister of the Ministry of Households; Li Daozong, Minister of the Ministry of Rites; Li Ji, Minister of the Ministry of War; Li Jing, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment; Duan Lun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

There were a total of six people below, their brows were tightly frowned, as if they had encountered something that could not be resolved.

Gao Shilian first said: "His Royal Highness, my six departments are a little short of manpower. It is very difficult to implement this monetary policy!"

Understaffed?It is logically impossible to happen.

But it did happen.

So Li Chengqian also felt curious.

Li Jing seemed to see Li Chengqian's doubts, so he said: "On weekdays, the staff of my six departments have a lot of things to do, so I can't devote too much attention to the currency reform. Xu Guogong is afraid that it will hinder the great cause of His Royal Highness, so he said that! "

If you say that, it is very clear.

Li Chengqian said straightly: "This king also has a deep understanding of this point, so if this king promotes some people to manage, then there will be no such thing?"

Li Chengqian knew that, in fact, there was another point that the five surnames and Qiwang were obstructing it, and he also cleared out some people with the five surnames, because the court's personnel replenishment in a short period of time was extremely timely.

This situation will be greatly improved with the progress of the imperial examination, but there is still some time before the imperial examination.Far water cannot save near fire, so what we need to do now is to promote some people first.

The problem is that he can't come up with a list of these people now.

Therefore, he asked: "This king wants someone to be responsible for the currency reform. I wonder if you can choose someone?"

This kind of reform can be said to be thankless, and if the announcement continues, there may be few people doing it.

Unless you pick from the lower layers.

Li Jing said: "His Royal Highness, forgive me, this may be difficult! After all, the officials in the court have their own affairs to deal with. If they are separated, some matters may be delayed."

Insufficient manpower has become a more urgent matter for Datang.

Li Chengqian didn't have much time to deal with the issue of currency. After all, this ministerial decree was not fake. He also had to deal with some state affairs every day. Regarding the reform, he might favor one person over another. Therefore, at this time, if someone It is naturally the best to come out and take charge of one's own side.

At this time, Sun Qian came out and said: "There may be someone from Xing Guogong, and he has a wide network, so he must be able to find some people to deal with!"

"Well! This matter is feasible, how about it, let's stop here today, you all go down, the king will go to Xing Guogong to see if he has someone who can be used for currency reform."

In fact, Li Chengqian didn't want to force it. If he said something so that someone could come and carry it out, who would dare to say no?
His words are equivalent to Li Shimin's words, who dare not follow?
He still didn't do that after all.

"Yes! Your Royal Highness! Then we will leave first!"


All the ministers waited, and then they withdrew from the East Palace.

But Li Chengqian recruited Xue Rengui, and the two of them left the East Palace and headed towards Duke Xing's mansion.

Although Fang Xuanling's house is not far away, it is still a bit far away.

The two walked forward.

After about a while, there seemed to be a noise on the road.

Hearing this voice, Li Chengqian felt a little familiar.

Li Chengqian thought, isn't that the voice of Liu Hongji?

What the hell is he doing again?
Does this guy feel upset if something happens every day?

So he quickened his pace to check.

Before this person arrived, Liu Hongji could be heard shouting from there: "A mere Zhonglang general dares to stop me? At best, you are just a janitor!"

No matter how you say it, General Zhong Lang can be regarded as a general of the fourth rank. How could he become so unbearable at that time?

Is the existence of a gatekeeper an insult?
Li Chengqian felt curious, who would stand in his way?
This deserves a good compliment.

So quicken the pace.

That Zhonglang will be a man in his 40s, with a strong face, standing in front of Liu Hongji at this time, he opened his mouth:

"Duke Kui, please don't insult the last general! No matter how the last general is appointed by His Majesty, he is also a fourth-rank existence. How can you allow you to be so mean!?"

Liu Hongji smiled coldly, with a trace of contempt in his laughter.

This kind of contempt makes people very uncomfortable.

"Am I wrong? Are you not a gatekeeper? We are all like this. It's not bad that we didn't call you dogs."

Although he didn't scold, the meaning was similar, and the faces of the soldiers present were flushed.

Liu Hongji dared to be so presumptuous because of his higher official position.

It can be said that it is lawless.

The Zhonglang general was full of anger, and the official ranks were high. Who made him have only one Zhonglang general?
If he was a general like Cheng Yaojin, wouldn't the entire palace have to walk sideways?
How can you be afraid of this product?
But he is not.

There were dozens of people accompanying them, some of them were Liu Hongji's attendants, and the others were fully armed, so they must be the subordinates of the middle-aged man.It can be seen from their expressions that these people are also very upset at being looked down upon by this man called Duke Kui.

No matter what, my boss is also a military general, and he can get the position of fourth-rank military general only after being heavily used by Li Shimin.

Then how could Liu Hongji be so mean?

"Duke Kui, please show some respect!"

"Respect? A joke! What respect do you want?"


As soon as Li Chengqian heard it, he felt that the general was very aggrieved, so he wanted to help him.

In other words, suppressing Liu Hongji is also something he is very happy to do.

"What are you doing?"

So he yelled.

At this time, when the crowd saw that it was Li Chengqian, they were shocked, it was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!
Afterwards, he saluted Li Chengqian.

"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

The middle-aged man didn't make too much effort, but Liu Hongji was very resistant.

Not for anything else, just because Li Chengqian came over.

"what happened?"

Li Chengqian asked again.

Everyone waited silently, but looked at the man and Liu Hongji.

Without waiting for the man to say anything, Liu Hongji said, "It's like this..."

"I don't listen to you, I want to listen to him!"

Li Chengqian directly interrupted Liu Hongji's words.

Not giving him face like this shocked everyone present.

They were divided into two factions, divided into two expressions.

One is joy, it seems that the news of the world is coming, and Liu Hongji is about to suffer.

Others were annoyed, how could they meet the prince?But there is nothing to do.

At this time, Liu Hongji was afraid that he wanted to die.

From Li Chengqian's gaze, it can be seen that the old guy will be punished next.

(End of this chapter)

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