God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 635 It's Not Worth It To Kill You

Chapter 635 It's Not Worth It To Kill You
"His Royal Highness, this..."

"Liu Hongji, give way!"

Li Chengqian said bluntly.

"8 His Royal Highness, this..."

"Huh? Can't you understand what the king is saying?"

"This is"

Now the people on the side of the middle-aged man began to show great joy.In this way, His Royal Highness is very likely to decide for them.

"His Royal Highness, the old minister has something else to do, so leave first!"

Liu Hongji was about to leave after speaking, but was stopped by Li Chengqian!
"Stop! Did the king tell you to leave?"

How could this guy leave before the matter was figured out.

Then Liu Hongji was speechless.I had no choice but to stand there, in a daze.

His entourage looked at him helplessly, with a dull expression.Is this still the Duke?I dare not fart in front of the prince!

What Li Chengqian did made Liu Hongji very embarrassed. Even Li Shimin didn't dare to do this, but Li Chengqian dared to do it!

Li Chengqian ignored him, but walked towards the middle-aged man.

Ask: "What's your name?"

The middle-aged man said bluntly: "His Royal Highness, what will the end be like!"

When Li Chengqian heard Chang He's name, he felt very familiar.

why?It can be said that without him, Li Shimin would not be the emperor.

At that time, Chang He closed the Xuanwu Gate after Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji entered the dynasty through the Xuanwu Gate during the Xuanwu Gate Incident, preventing Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji's subordinates from entering the rescue, which indirectly ensured that Li Shimin got rid of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji and became the prince.Then you can ascend to the throne.

That proves that the importance of this product is still there, so Li Shimin gave him a Zhonglang general.But he hasn't been able to make a big contribution recently, so he has been lingering in this position.

Thinking of this, since it is him, another person will be involved.

Ma Zhou was down and out at the time.

Where is Ma Zhou sacred?
That is an existence that was invited four times by Li Shimin.

In the fifth year of Zhenguan (631), Li Shimin ordered all officials to write a letter to discuss the gains and losses of the government. Because Chang He was a military officer and did not dabble in Confucian classics, Ma Zhou stated more than 20 timely things for Chang He, and asked him to play it, and everything was in line with his will.Li Shimin doubted that Chang He had such a talent, and asked Chang He, Chang He said: "This is not what I can write, but it was drafted by the family guest Ma Zhou. Every time he talks with my ministers, he always regards loyalty and filial piety as the purpose." Taizong On the same day, Ma Zhou was summoned. Before Ma Zhou arrived, the emperor sent people to urge him four times.After meeting with Ma Zhou, Emperor Taizong talked with him very happily, and made him serve on duty in Menxia province.

In the end, he also skyrocketed and became the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. His contribution to the Tang Dynasty can be said to be very great.It can be said that he is a great talent, if he can use it for himself, then it must be very wonderful.

He also needs a strong assistant to help him now, and he can help him now.

Since this is the case, then Chang He must make a good effort to win him over, and by the way, get out the available talent Ma Zhou.As for Fang Xuanling, it was like this first, and I didn't expect him to help.

Coincidentally, this Liu Hongji's dominance also made him meet, so he can teach him a lesson.

So he said: "What's the matter with Chang, tell me what's going on with this king!"

"His Royal Highness, it's like this. The last general was here to guard the city gate just now. Unexpectedly, Duke Kui hurriedly said that he wanted to go out of the city gate, but he couldn't prove it. Therefore, I prevented him from going out of the city gate, but he insulted me. It's fine for him to insult me, but he can't insult the general Zhonglang bestowed by His Majesty!"

"Nonsense, obviously you were wrong first!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Hongji became angry.

The sound is also much louder.

But in terms of volume, how can it compare to Chang He who is a general?
"Duke Kui, there are not a few people in our court who go in and out of this gate, and there has never been a high-ranking official as rude as you!"

Chang He is a shrewd person, knowing that Li Chengqian and Liu Hongji are also at odds, and he can see that Li Chengqian wants to make decisions for himself, so he straightened his waist.

Dare to face tough Liu Hongji.

He was so angry that he was almost speechless.

But it could not be refuted.

"Oh? In this way, it was Liu Hongji who was wrong first, and I heard the insult just now clearly. In this way, he must be punished!"

When Li Chengqian said that he would be punished, Liu Hongji realized that it was a disaster.

Because he knew that Li Chengqian would not let him go.

This is interesting.

Everyone is there waiting to see the good show.

So how to punish?
"His Royal Highness, in this imperial court, I am afraid that only His Majesty can punish ministers. You are exceeding your authority! Are you afraid that Your Majesty will know?"

Liu Hongji is not afraid at all, why?Because Li Shimin also valued him very much.

What he meant was that Li Chengqian was not qualified enough to punish him.

"Are you questioning the king's power?"

Li Chengqian said coldly, his tone was very cold.

Everyone was shivering when they heard it.

"His Royal Highness, in fact, this matter is not too big, why not let it go!"

When Chang He heard that Liu Hongji had moved out of Li Shimin, he was a little scared.

Besides, Liu Hongji can be regarded as a celebrity in front of Li Shimin.I am only a fourth-rank military officer, how can I compare with him?

In case one day, he and Li Shimin said something that shouldn't be said, he might lose his job.

And he has persuasion, and he can retreat in the future, this guy is very shrewd!
How could Li Chengqian give up this good opportunity when he finally came across it?

"Forget it? No! Liu Hongji has to be punished today, otherwise my surname will not be Li!"

Li Chengqian made a heavy oath that he would not give up if Liu Hongji was not punished this time.

When Liu Hongji heard this, he was a little surprised and a little panicked at the same time.

"His Royal Highness, where can we tell His Majesty!"

Liu Hongji tried to leave, but was blocked by Xue Rengui.

"Liu Hongji, do you take this king's words seriously? First, this king is the crown prince! Second, this king is also a minister. Your majesty once said that this king's decision can be made before it is announced!"

When Li Chengqian's words came out, Liu Hongji was shocked.

cut?Li Chengqian talked about beheading.

"You dare to kill me? Why am I also a great hero, how dare you?"

"No, no, no, no beheading. It's not worth beheading you, it's just a small punishment for you!"

Li Chengqian then said: "Xue Rengui, slap his mouth!"

When these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

No matter what, Liu Hongji can be regarded as a prince of the state.

How can it be slapped?
But in front of him was Li Chengqian who was even older than him.

Whether it is the prince or the minister, is there any official who is not older than him?
Therefore, Liu Hongji may be beaten in vain.

"Your Highness, you can't do this!"

Liu Hongji strongly opposed it.

But it was too late, because Xue Rengui's hand had already been raised.

I'm afraid this matter will become a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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