God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 644 Let the minister be punished

Chapter 644 Let the ministers be punished together

How could Liu Hongji have expected that Li Chengqian would take the initiative to ask him.

After a while, he stammered and said, "I have an exchange."

"Really? How does it feel? Is it easy to use? How is the texture? What is the pattern on it? Can you tell me?"

Li Chengqian asked one more question on purpose.

Liu Hongji blushed so much.

Li Chengqian knew that this guy was lying.

how do you feel?Liu Hongji was afraid that he was going to say something against his will.

“Very good, very convenient...”

As for the texture pattern, how does he know?

At this time, Liu Hongji's desire to survive was very strong. If he didn't say that, he might be blamed by Li Shimin. After all, all the ministers participated in it.

If you don't participate, then you don't care about Datang's career.

Li Chengqian may refer to him again at any time.

At that time, I am afraid I will regret it.

At the same time, Liu Hongji had to pay attention to Li Chengqian again, this nine-year-old child who didn't look like a child.

It was really terrible, but he was not reconciled!
Li Chengqian laughed, so let's take it as if he really changed.

"Hahaha! Duke Kui, can you show one or two of them?"

This is obviously not giving him a step down.

All the ministers and others directly focused their eyes on him, especially Li Shimin.

How to do?How to do?
After all, Liu Hongji is still an experienced person.

He said: "I came out in a hurry and couldn't carry it! So, I didn't bring it out."

That being said, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"Then how about you describe it? What is printed on my banknotes? You should have an impression, right?"

Liu Hongji hated Li Chengqian to death now, and it was obvious that he wanted to embarrass him.


Finally, Li Chengqian said directly:
"Duke Kui, you haven't exchanged it, have you?"

Everyone swiped and fixed their eyes on Liu Hongji.

I could see his old face flushed red.

Cheng Yaojin first said: "Mr. Kui, you are not mean enough. Shouldn't we, as ministers, support such a big thing as currency reform? And it won't hurt you if you change it. Why don't you change it! Or Said that your family has too much money, afraid of exposing your financial resources? Hahaha!"

Du Ruhui also said:
"Yes! It's good that you didn't exchange it, but you dared to lie to His Royal Highness and us! This is not a light crime!"

Of course, Li Chengqian was the one who spoke the most.

He shouted: "It's not a big deal to deceive the king, but to deceive your majesty is the crime of deceiving the king!"

A huge hat was buckled down, causing Liu Hongji to kneel down with a plop.

"Your Majesty, I don't mean it!"

He was so frightened that he trembled all over, and at the same time, he hated Li Chengqian so much in his heart.

But Li Chengqian smiled coldly, who told you, an old guy, to complain behind his back, just to take advantage of this time to deal with you again.

Of course, this was also his temporary idea, in order to let Liu Hongji gain insight.

Otherwise, this guy always dances the most joyously.

It's good to let him rest for a while.

"As a minister, you don't even support the cause of my Great Tang. How can you make the people of the Great Tang believe in my Great Tang court?"

Another hat came down.

Who made him not cooperate.

But in the final analysis, he wouldn't cooperate with Li Chengqian. It would be good if he didn't have a deep confrontation with Li Chengqian, so would he cooperate?
Liu Hongji thought too much, but Li Chengqian always kept it in his heart.

No, it was exposed directly.

"Your Majesty, those ministers who have not exchanged will be punished!"

Suddenly, Li Chengqian said so.

This directly punished some people who did not cooperate.

Already some people's complexions have become not very good.

Needless to say, these people must be people without exchange.

Li Shimin nodded.

"It makes sense. If we don't lead by example, how can we convince the people? How can we make the people feel at ease? Gao Ming, how do you think we will be punished?"

"Let's punish them to go down to the grass-roots level to spread the knowledge of currency to the people. There is not much time, limited to three days. I believe that with the efforts of the ministers, the common people will be more convinced."

Li Chengqian didn't punish them physically, just because he was short of manpower, it would be a good thing for everyone to help.

"Your Majesty, no! We have a lot of things to deal with every day. If we are among the people..."

Liu Hongji said.

"If Duke Kui thinks he can't do it, I have many candidates who can replace you!"

Li Chengqian's words made Liu Hongji feel a chill.

Nothing can make Li Chengqian succeed, so he said: "I can do it. I am willing!"

He changed his words very quickly!

"What do you think?"

Li Shimin asked.

No one spoke.

It just proves that they accept it!
The matter was a foregone conclusion, and people hated Liu Hongji to the core. Without him provoking the prince, this kind of thing would not have happened to everyone.

Liu Hongji came out and said, "Your Majesty, I can make up for my mistakes, so go and exchange them now."

In order to please him, he actually said that.

How could Li Chengqian let him go.

"It's too late, Your Majesty. Duke Kui is in an important position, so he must lead by example. Therefore, he has to start in ten days."

Liu Hongji: ...

Liu Hongji already had tens of thousands of grass and mud horses galloping in his heart.

Why, he wants ten days?Others only need three days?

"Gao Ming is right, I don't care about what happened to you just now, Liu Hongji, do you know?"

"I obey my orders!"

Liu Hongji had to obey.

And Li Shimin said again:
"What do you think? Is there enough time? Not enough time!"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Shimin said this on purpose.

"Your Majesty, three days is enough, and we will definitely work hard in these three days!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, three days is enough..."

Three days is enough, no one responded just now, if you don't respond now, it may take more time.

Everyone's heart is the unity of consistency.

"That's excellent! And Gao Ming, you have to work hard and strive to spread to the entire Tang Dynasty as soon as possible! I know that it will take a lot of time, but if it is done well, it will definitely revitalize the Tang Dynasty. "

Li Shimin said with some worry.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the currency reform can be fully completed within a month at most!"

Li Chengqian patted his chest and said.

This task is a very long process, and it can't be done in a few months. Fortunately, Li Chengqian is very young and has plenty of time, so he can take his time.

"Okay, if there is nothing wrong, then retreat!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Some people's faces were as pale as paper, why did Li Chengqian get involved?Who made them fight against Li Chengqian?Take it upon yourself.

In the end, Li Shimin made everyone wait to retreat.

The ministers withdrew with a heavy heart.

That Liu Hongji stared fiercely at Li Chengqian.It was like eating him.

But Li Chengqian looked at him and smiled.

Let him act as a demon, is it okay now?Hahaha!
Li Chengqian was so happy from the bottom of his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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