God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 645 Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 645 Buying People's Hearts
In May, the weather gradually turns hot.

Outside the south of Chang'an City, hundreds of civil and military officials lined up on the left and right.

They didn't know what they were waiting for. At this time, there were no people coming in and out, and there were a large number of soldiers and horses lined up outside the south gate.The appearance of being ready for battle, it seems that something big is about to happen.

And these people are led by Li Shimin, and Li Chengqian and others.

They seem to be waiting for someone's return.

Time passed minute by minute.

The sun rose higher and higher, and everyone looked at the south, but there was no change at all.

At this time, there is not even a mosquito, so how can there be people!

Li Shimin couldn't wait any longer, and asked, "Gao Ming, is that the right time? It's already noon, is anyone here yet?"

Li Chengqian responded: "Your Majesty, what the carrier pigeon said is today's noon. Maybe something has delayed the trip, maybe it is."

Information dissemination in ancient times was not like modern times. Sometimes it only takes a text message to know where you are.

The methods of communication they use all take time.

"Alright, it's not too late anyway, I'll wait for the return of the warrior."

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, someone shouted, "Here they come! They're back!"

After finishing, I saw a group of people and horses appearing in the sky, and the flag they held was the flag of Datang.

"It's back! Come here, welcome their return with me!"

When Li Shimin saw it, he immediately called out.


The ministers agreed.

Then he took a team of people and headed south.

After traveling for about three miles, a group of people appeared, and the leader was Su Lie who existed like a god of death.

The soldiers behind him were very mighty and did not lose Datang's face.

When Su Lie saw Li Shimin coming to greet him in person, he jumped off his horse in fright.

The expression is flustered.

Such a battle made him a little scared.

Seeing Li Shimin and Li Chengqian, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

From his eyes, it can be seen that he is a little flattered.

No one could have imagined that Li Shimin and Li Chengqian came out to meet him with all the civil and military officials.

It can be seen how much Li Shimin and Li Chengqian attach importance to the things behind him.

"Good! Very good, Su Lie, have you ever completed the task of escorting the horse?"

Li Shimin asked like this.

Because he did not see the appearance of the war horse.

Su Lie quickly responded: "Your Majesty, I did not disgrace the holy order, and brought back [-] horses! A lot of horses! Please take a look, Your Majesty!"

Following the direction Su Lie pointed at, there are really tens of thousands of horses galloping behind him.

These horses are all of the highest quality, and they were all gifts from the Tubo people.

It's a gift, it's better to say that Li Chengqian won it back.

To get [-] horses by shooting only three arrows is shocking to everyone.

But if they were asked to compare, no one would dare to compare.

Li Shimin has been fighting all the year round, so he knows how to watch horses best.

Directly order people to invite some horses.

Soon, some war horses appeared in front of them.

Li Shimin caressed the mighty and majestic war horse and said: "Good horses, these horses are of very high quality. In the future, the strength of our Datang army will be improved! Su Lie, you have done a good job!"

"Thanks to Your Majesty for giving me this opportunity to show myself. It's an honor to escort these horses!"

Su Lie said so.

It made Li Shimin laugh out loud.

"Well said! Neither arrogance nor impetuosity! You have the style of a general! Gao Ming's vision is really good."

"I'm almost the same as old Cheng! Old Cheng also had this style back then."

Cheng Yaojin said shamelessly.

Everyone gave him a blank look, and then Li Chengqian shouted:
"Come here, put the horseshoes on these [-] horses, and be ready to intervene in the war at any time!"


Then someone introduced [-] horses into the city of Chang'an.

Without a horseshoe equipped with horseshoes, the combat power cannot be continuously exerted.

But Li Shimin said: "Come, come, I will reward you well!"

These people are very fortunate to guard the frontier. It is always right to reward them. This is also one of Li Shimin's ways to win people's hearts.

The so-called clear rewards and punishments, that's it.

All the soldiers waited wildly.

Thank you Lord Ron.

Then, Li Shimin turned his eyes to Su Lie.

From the expression, he is very fond of Su Lie.

He said earnestly and earnestly: "Su Lie, you have made great achievements in leading troops to guard the frontier, and you have brought back ten thousand horses. I will make you General Huaihua and reward you with a hundred pieces of cloth and a hundred taels of gold!"

Gold and other things come second. You know, General Huaihua is no small character.

General Huaihua is equivalent to a position under the third rank, half a rank higher than General Yunhui from the third rank.

In this way, he is a senior official, half a rank higher than Xue Rengui.

In just half a year, his official position was higher than that of Xue Rengui.

As long as you dare!The more chaotic the war, the more peaceful the sky will be.

But this is what he deserves. Fortunately, he spent half a year in the frontier without any complaints, and brought back [-] horses.

Such credit, if not rewarding him, who should be rewarded?
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

All the officials and others also came forward to congratulate Su Lie.

Su Lie saluted one by one, apparently in a hurry, he had never received such important attention before.

After that, Li Shimin said suddenly: "Su Lie, you are really my right-hand man!"

The more Li Shimin watched Su Lie, the more he liked Su Lie.

But Su Lie is Li Chengqian's subordinate, how could he let him snatch him away?
Without waiting for Li Chengqian to say anything, Su Lie said first: "Your Majesty, this is because His Highness the Crown Prince has taught you well. If you don't have the insight of His Highness the Crown Prince, I am afraid that you are still in the deep forest at this time, unable to use all your martial arts. .I'm afraid it's just a lifetime of mediocrity."

Finally, he didn't accept Su Lie in vain, Li Shimin laughed and said:

"Oh? After all, it's better to use a clever method?"

All the ministers also said that the prince deserved his name.

"Your Majesty, thanks to the generals who don't dislike him, I just did everything that a prince should do."

Li Chengqian laughed aloud.

The more this is the case, the less you can take the credit and be proud, otherwise it will make people annoying.

Although Li Chengqian was very rampant in private, he tried his best to restrain himself in front of Li Shimin.

"Hahaha, you have my bearing, you are brilliant, you are brilliant, the more I see you, the happier I am!"

Li Chengqian hurriedly said modestly, all this is due to you, I just did my job.

But I wanted to say in my heart, without me, you can still get such benefits?

I want to return to thinking, but I can't say that.

All the ministers said again: "His Majesty is blessed to have the help of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

At this time, the ministers are still of one mind.

"Hahaha, I am happy today, come here, prepare a good drink, I want to reward the three armies!"


That night, all the troops had a carnival.

With the return of Su Lie and the addition of war horses, Datang's strength will rise to another level.

(End of this chapter)

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