Chapter 646 Bank?

On this day, in the East Palace, Li Chengqian summoned people from the six ministries, as well as the left and right servants, to discuss the issue of currency.

Among them, of course, Ma Zhou is indispensable.

They are discussing some progress of currency implementation.

Li Chengqian said directly:
"Ma Zhou, how is the progress of my Tang currency today?"

Ma Zhou said, "Nine out of ten."

"Huh? It's still one-tenth short, when will it be finished?"

Before Ma Zhou could reply, there was a little yellow door shouting: "Your Majesty is here!"

At this time, everyone stood up immediately.

During this period of time, Li Shimin always appeared in front of everyone in the form of a person, basically without the eldest grandson and queen by his side.Because Empress Changsun is waiting to give birth, if they are together, it may be inconvenient.

"See Your Majesty!"

Everyone said straight.

At this time Li Shimin nodded and said, "Excuse me!"

Then, Li Chengqian asked directly: "What is your majesty's reason for coming to the East Palace this time?"

He asked very directly.

The so-called not going to the Three Treasures Hall if there is nothing to do, Li Shimin must have something to do when he comes.

"I heard that the tax in Chang'an has increased recently, and the currency seems to be doing well. I also heard that you are in the East Palace, so I came here."

Oh I see.

As for taxation, it is of course under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

So Sun Qian came out and said: "Your Majesty is wise, regarding the aspect of taxation, it is because the implementation of currency has made more and more private investment behaviors, businessmen are in an endless stream, and the implementation of currency has directly touched the entire society. Datang's economic development."

The so-called money must flow, that can drive the economy.

This is one of the reasons why there is a golden week for tourism in modern times.

Let the money live, stimulate domestic demand, people's income will increase, and the economy will be able to move.

The entire economy will get better, and then Datang will be strong.

Ma Zhou also said, "That's right, Your Majesty, the discussion on currency reform in recent days is also unprecedented."

Gao Shilian said: "Not only that, the cost of this currency is frighteningly low. Usually, the cost we use to cast a copper coin can be more than a thousand times that of paper money."

Du Ruhui said: "Yes, the key point is that a lot of metal can be saved, so that the metal can have more uses!"

Fang Xuanling said: "The storage is naturally very convenient, especially for the transaction between the two parties, it can be completed in a short time."

For a while, several people kept talking about the benefits of paper money. Of course, they were also fans of its convenience.

Some people took out banknotes directly from their pockets to prove that they answered the call.

There is no need for Li Chengqian to say all of this, everyone has already said it well.

"The currency reform, when will it be good?"

What Li Shimin asked was exactly what Li Chengqian wanted to ask just now.

It was precisely because of Li Shimin's sudden visit that he didn't know exactly when it would be good.

"Return to Your Majesty, the promotion of the entire Tang Dynasty will be completed in the afternoon."

As Ma Zhou said, all of this was calculated.

Li Chengqian was right to ask Ma Zhou to do this, judging from his performance.

He really can do it.

Just as Ma Zhou had just spoken, Li Chengqian's head buzzed.

"Congratulations to the host, for completing the monetary policy task, reward [-] points (not deductible)

Start task [-], open Datang Baijia Bank, and reward [-] points! "


Interesting, Banks.

Li Chengqian couldn't help thinking about the role of the bank.

The main business of banks is deposits, loans, remittance and settlement.

It can play a role in expanding the scale of production and promoting economic development; by concentrating and accumulating monetary funds, banks can adjust the surplus and shortage of funds and make social reproduction go smoothly; by controlling the investment and scale of loans, they can adjust the industrial structure , Create conditions for stable economic development; through credit activities, play a supervisory role in the entire national economy.

Therefore, it seems reasonable for the system to give him the task of this bank at this time.

But how to talk about this with Li Shimin?
You have to think about it, he thought about it, and he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

His thinking made Li Shimin feel curious.

"Gao Ming, what's wrong with you?"


Suddenly Li Shimin's voice came from next to his ear, the voice was so loud that he was startled.

"His Royal Highness..."

"His Royal Highness..."

And the voices of the ministers.

Li Shimin leaned over and shook Li Chengqian's shoulder.

"Gao Ming, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

When he came to his senses, he had an idea, and just couldn't think of how to respond to Li Shimin, so he responded:
"It's nothing, Your Majesty, I was thinking about something just now. I was fascinated by it!"

"Oh? Come and listen to me."

What exactly would make him dreamy?At the same time, Li Shimin's curiosity was raised.

"Yes! Your Majesty, my son is thinking about how to make Datang's economy to a higher level."

Li Chengqian's words made the people present a little embarrassed. They were still in the joy of reforming the currency, but the prince was thinking about how to make Datang's economy better.

This is the difference between good and bad consciousness.

"Then, have you thought about it?"

Li Shimin asked.

"I think I've thought about it, but it's not particularly mature yet. How about it, Your Majesty, I will go back and sort it out, and make a proposal tomorrow morning before reporting."

The matter of the bank is of great importance. He can't be too anxious. This matter needs to be planned carefully.

He had to be prepared to bring up this matter again, so as not to be restrained by others.

"Oh? That's right. If the idea is immature, then what you say will be full of loopholes, and the impact will be bad."

Li Shimin also said the same.

"Your Majesty is wise."

"For the currency reform, it depends on your hard work. If there is anything you need to talk to Gao Ming directly, now he can execute all my orders. I also know that the reform will not happen overnight. It will take a long time. .”

Li Shimin said earnestly.

He is always a Mingjun, able to understand the difficulties of things, and gave the greatest support, that is to say, he wants to change, and wants to make Datang even stronger.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, there will be no difficulties here with my ministers here!"

Li Chengqian said with a promise.

In the past, when he said this, no one would believe it, but now when he said it, people regarded it as a classic.

Du Ruhui said: "Yes, Your Majesty, everything His Royal Highness does is for the sake of the people. With this heart, no matter how difficult it is, we will face it."

A few others said the same.

This made Li Shimin very pleased.

"With Gaoming, I can really rest easy."

In the end, Li Shimin stayed in the East Palace for a while before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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