Chapter 655
"Come on, close the door, don't let anyone in!"

Li Chengqian said so.

Ma Zhou didn't know why, but when he saw the visitor, he immediately did the same.


Then he went to close the door.

As soon as the door was closed, a group of people waited to salute this person.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

It turned out that Li Shimin was in front of them, and at this time he was entering the Datang Bank in casual attire.

Along with him was Liu Hongji.

This is a private visit on Weibo, the sudden visit is a bit unnatural.

Whether it was Cheng Chumo and others, Xue Rengui, or Ma Zhou, they were all very surprised why Li Shimin came.

But when Li Chengqian saw Liu Hongji, he knew that this matter must have something to do with him.

It's not obvious, it must be a secret, this guy is trying to destroy Li Chengqian's bank secretly.Then he will definitely point out the various problems of his bank later.

Let the banking industry not be implemented, and Li Chengqian's task cannot be completed.

Li Chengqian's thoughts turned rapidly, some things should be faced, but still have to be faced.If you can't let him get what he wants, then face it.

He stepped forward to salute and said, "Your Majesty, why didn't you let me know in advance when you are coming. Let my son be prepared."

"Gao Ming, I don't want to make too much noise. I heard from Liu Hongji that you have made a big splash here. It's very good, and you can't hold him back, so I came here to see how the situation is. When I looked from the outside, the front There must be thousands of people before and after. It is really very popular, it seems that your direction is very correct."

Li Shimin found a place to sit down.

Sure enough, Liu Hongji did it secretly.Deliberately let Li Shimin come over!
"Thanks to His Majesty's cover, the Datang Bank was able to open smoothly."

Following Li Chengqian's words, Liu Hongji said:
"Your Majesty, I heard that the loans in the Datang Bank are very loose, and anyone can get a loan. If this is true, then it is simply squandering the money!"

He dared to say this, there must be his meaning.

"Oh? Where did Duke Kui hear this? Is there evidence?"

Li Chengqian asked directly.

"As far as I know, there is a person named Ouyang Hao who came here to take out a loan. I heard that he just left in the morning and will come to take out the loan in the afternoon. Does His Royal Highness have anything to do with this?"

"So what? There are a lot of people coming and going, isn't it normal for a person named Ouyang Hao to come to borrow money?"

Li Chengqian was puzzled why Liu Hongji would name this guy.

At the same time, he was certain in his heart, could it be that he sent this guy?
"It's not very good, but this person is an important criminal of the imperial court. His crimes are extremely heinous. He commits crimes everywhere and defrauds businessmen of their property. If this kind of person is allowed to get a loan, how lenient is Datang Bank? Wake up? My Datang treasury must be empty!"

Ouyang Hao turned out to be the criminal, so Ma Zhou gasped.

Just now he has just reviewed his information and is about to make a payment.

Fortunately, Li Chengqian found out in time and removed the name of this guy.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to kill Li Chengqian.

How did he know that all of this was actually done by Liu Hongji.

"Duke Kui seems to know a lot. This Ouyang Hao did come here for a loan."

Li Chengqian said so.

Nothing is hidden.

Liu Hongji sneered and said:

"Your Majesty, is what I said right? I said that this bank is not feasible. Even a prisoner can get a loan, who else can't? I'm afraid Datang's money is not enough to squander."

That's right, it's meant to be sabotage.

"Duke Kui, where do you get your confidence? You just think that Ouyang Hao was paid? He told you, right?"

"You don't need to worry about it, His Royal Highness, you just need to say if you have paid?"

Li Chengqian ignored Liu Hongji, but turned to Li Shimin, so Li Shimin's expression was very ugly. If he didn't explain, he might explode.

He only heard him say: "Your Majesty, I don't know the relationship between Duke Kui and this Ouyang Hao, so I questioned my son as soon as I came, which is very disappointing. But one thing I can be sure of is that this Ouyang Hao No loan has been received, this is the account book that we have reviewed, please look over it, Your Majesty!"

After finishing, Li Chengqian presented the ledger.

Li Shimin opened it and saw that the first one was Ouyang Hao, who was on top of the first one eliminated.

"Huh? Exactly. The man didn't get a loan."

Li Shimin muttered.

But his complexion was still bad, this time it was for Liu Hongji himself.

Liu Hongji was dumbfounded, how could this happen?It was completely out of his grasp.

Then Li Chengqian is welcome
"Your Majesty, I don't know why Duke Kui always likes to fight against my son. This makes people very suspicious of his bad intentions. My son has prepared a series of audit methods before the bank opened. Those who apply for a loan will be carefully reviewed, and they will also go through an interview, a written test, and a survey of relatives and neighbors, and finally determine their repayment ability and make the optimal loan amount.

My son doesn't understand why, after we have done so many things, we have become so unbearable to Duke Kui!Please Your Majesty be aware! "

Li Chengqian's tone was very sad, and Li Shimin was a little moved after hearing it.

Unavoidably, his face turned dark.

"Liu Hongji sees what you have done! You are afraid that you will be punished for the crime of slandering the crown prince! I will punish you with half a year's salary! As a punishment! If there is a next time, it will not be so simple!"

Liu Hongji didn't know that he was going to succeed, but because of Li Chengqian's counterattack, he became very embarrassed.

This is not what he wants.

At the same time, he had a high opinion of Li Chengqian.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know I'm wrong. It's my fault that I lost my thinking when doing things!"

This is called stealing a chicken without losing half a handful of rice.

Liu Hongji confessed.

But it's not over yet.

Li Chengqian continued: "Your Majesty is wise, since that Ouyang Hao is a criminal, I think that he should be arrested. He will come again in the afternoon. At that time, I will definitely bring him to justice."

Next, we can interrogate, maybe we can find something.

"His Royal Highness, just leave this matter to the relevant departments. You are a busy person, so I won't bother you."

Liu Hongji tried to prevent Li Chengqian from doing this.

The more he was like this, the more Li Chengqian wanted to catch that guy.

If we go deeper, then Liu Hongji may not be as simple as having his salary deducted for half a year.Maybe even the officer will be dropped.

"Duke Kui thinks this king doesn't have this power?"

Li Chengqian's face darkened, and then he said.

"No, no, no! That's not what I mean. Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Liu Hongji said in fright.

Quickly kicked the ball away and let Li Shimin respond.

(End of this chapter)

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