Chapter 656
"If you want to commit a crime, you dare to come to our Datang Bank for a loan openly. It is simply incomprehensible that my Datang law is in your eyes. If you catch him in a clever way, then catch him and let him confess his guilt as a punishment!"

After listening to Li Shimin's words, Liu Hongji felt cold from his back to the soles of his feet.

If Ouyang Hao was caught, if he were to confess, then he would be in vain.

Frame the prince, but a felony.

That is a lesson learned.

I may even lose my official position.

He found all of this by himself. If he didn't do this, maybe he wouldn't be under the control of Li Chengqian.

"Your Majesty, I feel a little uncomfortable, I want to go back first, please agree with Your Majesty."

Liu Hongji just wanted to run away, he had to solve this trouble before Li Chengqian caught Ouyang Hao.

Otherwise, once Li Chengqian finds out, the consequences will be disastrous.

But how could Li Chengqian let him succeed, he said directly: "Duke Kui, what a coincidence, this king and Sun Zhenzhen have studied medicine, I can help you take a look."

"It's just a minor illness, don't bother the prince."

"Since it's a minor illness, then you should take a good look here and see how this king arrested Ouyang Hao!"

Li Chengqian's determination is very strong, it seems that he will not give up until Ouyang Hao is caught.

Liu Hongji on one side broke out in a cold sweat.

At this time, he was completely alone and helpless, and it was even more impossible for him to leave.

then what should we do?Since he didn't bring any followers, it was even more impossible for him to spread the news.

If Ouyang Hao really came to take the money, what should he do?
Looking at Li Chengqian's expression, Liu Hongji regretted it.

So people's hearts are unpredictable, what if Ouyang Hao comes to take money?
Then what should we do?
At this moment, Liu Hongji was dripping with sweat.

"Is Duke Kui very hot? Do you need cold water?"

"No, no, no need!"

"Your Majesty, please move to the back hall to rest, there are good tea preparations."

Li Chengqian didn't care about Liu Hongji, he just waited for Ouyang Hao to be fooled.

"It's okay, maybe I haven't had a good leisure time for a long time, I see that the environment here is good."

Li Chengqian's taste has always been good, so whether it's site selection or decoration, it is very cultivated.

And it cost very little.

"Please, Your Majesty!"

There is still some time until the afternoon.

Suddenly at this moment, someone knocked on the door.


"President Ma, a person who called himself Ouyang Hao came and said he wanted to take out a loan."

When the people outside the door said it, Liu Hongji was so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground.

"Unpopular and unpredictable, it's only noon, and he came to withdraw money, that's great! Xue Rengui, go and catch him!"

"His Royal Highness, can you give this to our four brothers?"

Cheng Chumo said.

His desire for performance is very strong, and he wants to make some credit in front of Li Shimin for whatever he says.

Just had the opportunity to perform, so he took the initiative to ask for it.

Unexpectedly, it made Li Shimin laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! You really have the courage to know the integrity, good good good! Very good, but you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, our four brothers have never missed a shot!"

Fang Yi patted himself on the chest and said.

After that, the group of four left the room.

But Li Chengqian said to Liu Hongji: "Duke Kui, there will be a good show in a while, how do you feel?"

"This...the bad guys will definitely be brought to justice! This is the Tang Dynasty, not a society of foreign barbarians!"

Liu Hongji was short of calling Li Shimin long live.

"That's right, if the bad guys have to be punished, and they have to be severely punished, I, Tang Dynasty, will not allow any criminal to go unpunished."

Li Shimin was at a loss after hearing this, what did Li Chengqian say these things for?
"Yes yes yes! His Royal Highness said yes."

Liu Hongji said insincerely, his heart is long gone when he is here.

He listened attentively to the movement outside.

After a while, the sound of beating and killing came from outside.

He was constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead, no one was more nervous than him.

As the saying goes, if you don't do anything, you won't die, and he has to blame himself for doing so.

Only ten breaths later, a strong man was carried in by Cheng Chumo and the others.

"Your Majesty!"

When the man saw Liu Hongji, his eyes dodged.

The shrewd Li Chengqian discovered the relationship a long time ago.

"You are Ouyang Hao?"

Li Chengqian asked like this.

"What did I do wrong, why did you catch me?"

"Someone reported that you defrauded me from Datang Bank. Why do you say you were arrested?"



Li Chengqian pointed to Liu Hongji.

"His Royal Highness, the minister did not report it!"

Liu Hongji tried to defend himself.

"Duke Kui, if you admit it, it's a great achievement!"

Li Chengqian's ability to sow discord has improved.

Li Shimin seemed to understand what was going on.

He didn't interrupt, but let Li Chengqian handle it.


Ouyang Hao seemed to believe Li Chengqian's words.

"Bold thief, you dare to take the idea of ​​Datang Bank!"

Liu Hongji ran away suddenly, he took a sharp sword from nowhere, and stabbed directly at Ouyang Hao's chest.

This is not a ghost, what is it?
Because the incident happened suddenly, everyone did not react, Liu Hongji had already stabbed the sword into Ouyang Hao's chest.


Ouyang Hao spit out a word, but Liu Hongji covered his mouth and killed him with a sword.


Seeing this, Li Chengqian shouted immediately.

Liu Hongji was so frightened that he fell to his knees and threw the sword aside.

Li Chengqian had seen Liu Hongji's resolute killing.

That's killing without blinking an eye.

"Your Majesty, this person dares to say 'keep' (Liu)'s life, how can such a person's life be kept!"

Liu Hongji shamelessly fiddled with Ouyang Hao's original name.

Really shameless.

But Li Shimin is not a fool, he has already discovered some clues, and it is basically impossible for Liu Hongji to be reused in the future.

This kind of person also needs special precautions to prevent himself from getting a sword later.

"Well, you Liu Hongji! Even if he is a criminal, he has the right to a fair trial, so you just killed him? Where do you put me?"

Li Shimin jumped like thunder.

This is a disregard for human life!
Deceit did not end in death, so he was killed by Liu Hongji with a sword.

"Your Majesty, I have always hated evil like a vengeful man, and in a moment of excitement, I killed him!"

"Your Majesty, Duke Kui's move is too dangerous, and I suggest you punish him!"

Dare to kill people in front of Li Shimin, that is simply a leopard's guts.

Li Shimin will not let him go.

"Liu Hongji, even though you have made great contributions, but this time the fault outweighs the merits, I am very disappointed! I will protect your title, but you will be demoted to the second rank! As a punishment!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Liu Hongji breathed a sigh of relief.

Demotion is always better than being killed.

"Hmph! Reflect on it! If you dare to do this again in the future, your Duke won't have to do it."

Li Shimin threatened.

Looking at Ouyang Hao's body, Li Shimin was in a bad mood.

"Come here, drag Ouyang Hao's body out!"

Li Chengqian ordered.


Afterwards, it took Li Shimin a while to calm down.

He said: "Gao Ming, I read your account book, there are hundreds of people applying for loans, these amounts are not a lot. What if Datang has no money in the future?"

"Your Majesty, please don't worry. Why? Because if there is not enough money, we will print as much as we need, and the loaned money has interest. The interest can support the bank's staff and will not burden Datang. And we have to look farther, why the economy is not good, because there is no vitality. What we have to do is revitalize it, which is the most important thing, so that the economy can be revived as if it has life.”

The economy is like a person, and money is blood.

How can the economy survive without blood flow?
"It seems that my worries are unnecessary!"

Li Chengqian suddenly asked again:

"Your Majesty thinks we will succeed this time?"

He asked this on purpose.

Liu Hongji on the other side didn't dare to say anything, he was afraid of the so-called too much talk.

"Successful, very good!"

"The minister there thought that the Chang'an family could be used as a model to spread all areas of Datang and open a hundred banks!"


"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Then it may only be a matter of time to reach one hundred banks.

Li Chengqian just needs to wait patiently, everything will be fine with Ma Zhou around.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Yuwen Shiji is sick and ill, so I let him return to Chang'an. You are familiar with Sun Zhenzhen, so I will leave his illness to you to deal with."

Yuwen Shiji is back?Now it's interesting.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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