God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 657 1 Do everything according to the trend

Chapter 657
Speaking of Yuwen Shi and this person can be regarded as a loyal minister under Li Shimin, he is good at wit.

According to historical records, one day Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty was watching in the palace, pointing to a tree and saying: "This is a beautiful tree!"

Yuwen Shiji praised him greatly and said all the flattering words.

Unexpectedly, Li Shimin said seriously:

"Wei Zheng often advised me to stay away from sycophants. I never knew who he was referring to, but now I know."

Yuwen Shiji was taken aback, and apologized: "The prime minister often remonstrates directly, which makes His Majesty at a loss. I am fortunate to be by your side, and I will not make it up. Although you are the emperor, what fun is there?"

Afterwards, although Li Shimin valued him, he didn't like to see some things.

This person lived a luxurious life, and he returned from illness this time, which may have something to do with Liu Hongji.

He didn't expect that Li Shimin asked him to go to Sun Simiao to see a doctor for him.

Before looking for Sun Simiao, he had to take the initiative to go and have a look.

So after waiting for Li Shimin to leave Datang Bank, he took Xue Rengui and Su Lie to Yuwen Shiji's residence.

Outside Yuwen Mansion, the appearance of Li Chengqian made everyone in the mansion panic.

There was a small yellow door shouting: "Mother...His Royal Highness is here!"

Someone shouted.

He was stopped by Li Chengqian.

"Hush, don't make any noise! ​​Where is the Yuwen scholar?"

"The governor of Yuwen is currently resting in the room..."

Xiao Huangmen said hesitantly.

"Okay, take me to have a look!"

"Yes Yes……"

So Xiao Huangmen took Li Chengqian to the mansion.

Wherever Li Chengqian went, he received a lot of attention.

From the very beginning, he was a compelling presence.

It's the same no matter where he is.

"Don't say anything!"

Li Chengqian waved his hand, signaling to the people wherever he went to keep quiet.

Xiao Huangmen quickly brought Li Chengqian to the door of a room, and he asked: "The villain went in and announced, and said that His Royal Highness the Prince came to the door."

"No, you go down!"

Li Chengqian made a look.

Xue Rengui pushed open the door of the room.

There were only two men in the room.

One of them was Liu Hongji.

This guy is really haunted.

He is everywhere.

The other person is a handsome middle-aged man.

Its appearance is no worse than the modern Xiaoxianrou.

It's no wonder that being able to marry a princess from the previous dynasty, it seems to be good-looking, is still good.

"Liu Hongji, I didn't expect you to be here!"

Li Chengqian said this as soon as he got started, without any respect for him.

In front of Li Shimin, he would still call him Duke Kui, but in private, who is he?Just call him by name.

"I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

No matter how Li Chengqian treats Liu Hongji, in front of his identity, Liu Hongji still has to salute Li Chengqian.

"Free gift!"

Li Chengqian said bluntly.

Then he said to Yuwen Shiji: "Commander Yuwen, I learned from His Majesty that you are ill, so I came here to see what's wrong."

When Yuwen Shiji heard this, he was a little flattered.

"So, thank you, His Royal Highness, for thinking about it."

Yuwen scholars are cautious by nature, and they are very careful about everything.

"Come, come, let me see, what's wrong with you?"

"His Royal Highness knows how to see a doctor?"

"To be honest, I have learned some medical skills from Sun Zhenren. As long as it is not a special disease, I can see seven or eight out of ten."

"His Royal Highness, the minister is not seriously ill, so please worry about it."

"How can this be done? My king's people are here, why don't you let me see?"

Li Chengqian expressed his displeasure.

Yuwen Shiji glanced at Liu Hongji.

Seems to be waiting for his opinion.

"His Royal Highness, it's better to wait for Sun Zhenren to see this disease."

"Liu Hongji, don't you believe that the king can see a doctor? The king was optimistic about the smallpox epidemic at that time."

At that time, Li Chengqian was a sensation throughout the Tang Dynasty and made people praise him in his heart.

"I don't mean that."

Liu Hongji said quickly.

"Come on, come on, Commander Yuwen, sit down!"

Li Chengqian looked serious.

Let these two feel a little depressed.

Li Chengqian ignored what the two were discussing.

He came here just to talk about it.

I didn't expect Liu Hongji to be here.

Yuwen Shi had no solution, so he could only sit down.

When he sat down, Li Chengqian quickly felt his pulse.

It can be seen that Yuwen Shiji's pulse condition is very stable, and he doesn't feel sick at all.

Seeing Yuwen Shiji's gaze was very dodgy, from now on Li Chengqian knew that this guy was pretending to be sick.

And if Liu Hongji is also here, it proves that the two must have colluded.

So he said: "Commander Yuwen, your illness is probably a heart disease. If you reverse your efforts, everything should be done according to the trend, and it is irreversible! Otherwise, it will be difficult for the gods to save you!"

Don't see through it, but give him a chance, after all, this guy is also working hard for Datang.

His condition was clearly explained by Li Chengqian.

And intentionally knocked around.

Everything should be done according to the trend, not reversed, what I said was to let him do well, don't disobey Li Chengqian, because if you get it like that, it may make your illness worse, which is not good for you.Even the gods couldn't save him.

Such an obvious statement made Yuwen Shiji's ears turn red.

In his opinion, the prince in front of him is not simple.

No wonder Liu Hongji couldn't deal with the prince.

"Thank you for your kind words, His Royal Highness! I understand!"

Yuwen Shiji also knew why Li Chengqian didn't explain clearly.

It's also because I want to save some face for him.

"Okay, I know that Governor Yuwen's condition is not serious, so I can explain it to His Majesty. Let's leave now!"


After finishing, Li Chengqian left without any pause.

It really comes and goes in a hurry.

Only two people are left there, you look at me, and I look at you.

After a while, Liu Hongji said bluntly: "This prince is really arrogant, you must not listen to his words. If you listen to his words, you will be framed by him, and many people in the court will be plotted by him!"

Yu Wenshi asked, "What's your opinion, Brother Liu?"

"Now, several of the veterans around His Majesty have been cleaned up by him, and he has also arranged for his personnel to enter the court. I am afraid that if this continues, the court will change, so I asked you to come back pretending to be sick. I will fight side by side, and we must not let the prince's family dominate!"

"Brother Liu, is this serious?"

"Don't dare to have half a sentence!"

"If that's the case, isn't Your Majesty dangerous?"

"Not yet. After all, he is weak. We want to kill him when he is weak!"

Liu Hongji said viciously.

"If that's the case...then listen to Duke Kui!"

"Okay! With your words, I'm relieved!"

"I have prepared a special wine, shall we have two glasses?"

"it is good……"

(End of this chapter)

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