Chapter 658 Hundreds of Banks
For Li Chengqian, conspiracy and conspiracy are just a process, and he has a way to stop it in advance!

And now he has more important things to do.

It is not an easy task to build a hundred banks.

This has to be considered in the long term.

On this day, Li Chengqian asked all the staff from the six departments to be present, plus Ma Zhou, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others were also on the scene.

He said: "Ma Zhou, do the states and counties of the Tang Dynasty have any statistics on demand?"

"His Royal Highness, according to my statistics, there are more than [-] regions in need of banks, and I will determine which one is most needed."

More than 200 regions, there must be more than 200 locations, if you want to remember the location of each one, how difficult it will be.

These places are all literal place names, and no one can make a conclusion about the space.

"Really? Come, someone, pull out the sand table for me!"

Sand table?

It is a model made of sand, military flags and other materials based on topographic maps, aerial photos or on-the-spot terrain in a certain proportion.

In military-themed movies and TV works, we often see commanders standing in front of a terrain model to study combat plans.According to topographic maps, aerial photos or on-site terrain, according to a certain proportion, the model made of sand, soldier flags and other materials is a sand table.

The sand table has the characteristics of strong three-dimensional sense, intuitive image, simple production, economical and practical.

This kind of thing is a novelty in front of the ancients.

Gao Shilian asked: "His Royal Highness..."

"Just look at it and you'll know!"

After a while, a sand table of nearly ten square meters was pushed out.

It marks the names of large and small states and counties in the Tang Dynasty.

When this sand table appeared, everyone was amazed.

Someone also said.

This is simply a living map!

No, all the mountains, rivers, residential areas, and topographical maps above have been outlined one by one.

Du Ruhui asked:
"His Royal Highness, is this the territory of the Tang Dynasty?"

"That's right, this is a big sand table that the king asked people to create. We use this sand table to determine the location of the bank, and we will be able to achieve a balance as much as possible, and we will not favor one over the other."

Li Chengqian would not tell them that he got this map from a book, and it was all based on his memory.

In his mind, all knowledge is memorized, and all maps are also in his mind.

"That's really amazing!"

Everyone has already looked around the sand table several times.

This thing is as fun as a toy for adults.

"Ma Zhou, put those two hundred or so names on the yellow flag, and we will redefine the location of the bank based on the location on it."

The location of the bank is very important. If it is not opened well, it will lose its meaning.Li Chengqian would not do such a thing that would outweigh the gain if he could not make money.

Ma Zhouying followed Li Chengqian's wishes and inserted the yellow flag. After a while, a sand table filled with yellow flags appeared in front of everyone.

Sun Qian said: "In this way, it is really clear at a glance!"

"That position is really much better."

Next, Li Chengqian held up the red flag and said.

"Here are a hundred small red flags. This king will replace the yellow flags from, and here..."

Li Chengqian began to replace the yellow flags on it with red flags one after another. After a while, what appeared on the entire sand table was the topographic map of the bank's location.

"Ma Zhou, write down these points, there are a hundred bank positions!"

"Okay, okay, it really is a good thing!"

Ma Zhou praised and said.

There may not be a better method than Li Chengqian's.

"Yes, this method can save a lot of time, manpower and material resources."

Duan Lun also said.

And Li Jing asked, "I just don't know if the sand table is accurate?"

Li Chengqian laughed.

"Accurate, absolutely accurate! This sand table can not only be used as a layout, but can even be used as a battle command. You can also wait and see the great rivers and mountains of my Great Tang!"

Is there anything more intuitive than watching a sand table?

As soon as Li Chengqian's words fell, someone outside laughed.

"What is it that can see the great rivers and mountains of my Tang Dynasty?"

Listen to this voice, it is Li Shimin.

Why is he here?

Probably because the palace is boring again. During this period of time, Li Shimin has been running around all over the place, or because there is no one who can talk to him because of the absence of a grandson queen.

Everyone waited and saluted.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Forget it! When I was outside, I heard what you were talking about, what a great river and mountain?"

It turned out that Li Shimin came in after hearing this sentence.

Du Ruhui said before Li Chengqian: "It was His Royal Highness who created this sand table."

"Oh? Sand table?"

Li Shimin stepped forward to take a look, and paused for a while.

He was also stunned by what he saw.

"Is this Chang'an? This is the east of Guanzhong? This is Bing and Fen, which I have recovered!"

He seemed to be remembering the past.

On this sand table less than ten square meters, Li Shimin paused for a long time.

Then he said: "The terrain is so vivid. Gao Ming, how did you think of it?"

"Your Majesty, my son also accidentally discovered that if the map is topographical, the best effect can be obtained, and this kind of topographical map has inherent advantages for fighting. We can adapt to the situation and make full use of the terrain. Go to war."

"Good, good, good! If you put this sand table into combat, you will definitely be able to achieve better combat results!"

No one understood better than Li Shimin the significance of this method of combat.

When Li Shimin was not the emperor, he fought in the south and north, and he defeated most of the Tang Dynasty.

His combat experience is also unprecedentedly rich.

His views are not wrong. Of course, this is not only applicable to ancient times, but also plays a very important role in modern times.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

How could Li Chengqian not know everything Li Shimin said?
But still he is wise.

"Gao Ming, you are really helpful. This must be implemented properly."

"Yes! Your Majesty, my son also did it unintentionally."

Li Chengqian pretended to be coercive once, which caused everyone's emotions to change greatly.

At the same time, he also gained a thousand points.

"Gao Ming, have these hundreds of banks ever decided on their positions?"

Li Shimin asked again.

"It's decided, let's decide based on the position of the sand table. Your Majesty, please take a look."

After looking at it for a while, Li Shimin said: "The distance between the positions is very reasonable. It seems that the hundred banks will be of great use this time!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is also the result of the cooperation between my son and the ministers."

Although Li Chengqian did all of these things, he did not do it alone, and because there was no need for it, he simply said that everyone had a share.

Let everyone be grateful.

"Thanks to you."

Li Shimin nodded.

Suddenly, a discordant voice came.

"Report!...I have something important to report."

(End of this chapter)

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