Chapter 659
Li Shimin's expression darkened.

"What's the matter?"

"Report to Your Majesty, there is news of Changsun Wuji!"

Xiao Huangmen said so.

Upon hearing this, Li Shimin's face changed again, becoming extremely ugly.

It's been a long time. It's been a long time.

Changsun Wuji has news.

"What happened to Changsun Wuji? Where is he?"

Xiao Huangmen hurriedly said:
"Changsun Wuji was found dead in Tuyuhun, and his body was brought to Chang'an City by the Khan of Tuyuhun."

This news is undoubtedly a shocking news, Changsun Wuji died unexpectedly.

As for the cause of death, no one cared so much about it. Li Shimin wanted to know whether it was Changsun Wuji who died?
"What? Where is it? Take me to see it!"

"It's outside the south gate at this time."

"Follow me to see!"

Li Shimin was a little anxious.

"Your Majesty, why don't we send his body here, and we don't have to work hard for it."

Li Chengqian reminded.

It is obviously inappropriate to work hard for the eldest grandson Wuji, he is not worthy.

"Alright, someone, bring the body of Changsun Wuji! I want to make sure."


The little yellow gate left the East Palace.

And Li Shimin just took everyone to the Tai Chi Palace.

After only a while, someone came to the Tai Chi Palace with a corpse.

These people are dressed like some Gentiles.

Needless to say, it must be someone from Tuyuhun.

They put the body on the ground and went forward to salute Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty the King of Tang, I Fuyun Khan got the body of Changsun Wuji and asked us to send it to Chang'an. Please take a look at it from His Majesty the King of Tang."

"Come here, check to see if it's Changsun Wuji!"

Li Shimin ordered.

At this time, all civil and military officials had fully arrived.

Na Cheng Yaojin was bold, and went directly to lift off the cloth covering the corpse.

There was a stench coming from here.

Make him cover his nose.

Although it has become stinky, his face is still recognizable.

After a while, he said: "Your Majesty, this person is Changsun Wuji!"

After confirming that it was correct, everyone had complicated expressions.

Li Chengqian was also there.

He couldn't help shaking his head.

It's really self-inflicted.

At this time, Empress Changsun also came.

I don't know where she got the news from.

She walked hurriedly and had a big belly.

"I have seen Her Majesty the Queen!"

All the ministers saluted.

Empress Changsun ignored everyone, but shifted her gaze to the above.

Seeing her eldest grandson Wuji lying on the ground, she couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

What's more, he is also her elder brother, the family affection that dissolves in water, even if the death is caused by the eldest grandson Wuji himself, he will always be sad.

He murmured in his mouth:

Empress Changsun was about to step forward, but was stopped by Li Chengqian.

"Don't get close to the queen mother, you are pregnant, don't move your fetus!"

Logically speaking, Empress Changsun cannot come out, but because this may be the last time she sees Changsun Wuji.

So, regardless of the fact that I was about to give birth, I came out to see him for the last time.

"Gao Ming... woo woo..."

Empress Changsun's cry made people feel sympathetic.

Her crying made Li Shimin dumbfounded.

This is also human nature.

Li Chengqian said:
"Changsun Wuji did it himself, but even though he died as a traitor to the country, I feel that it is better to bury him."

No matter how deadly Changsun Wuji is, no matter how much hatred he has with Li Chengqian.

But now that he is dead, there is no need to worry too much about a dead man.

"Your Majesty, I request to be buried with my father!"

Li Shimin said: "Wuji also went astray. Since he is dead, I will not hold him accountable anymore."

He and Changsun Wuji are also friends, and this ending is probably the best ending.

Because, he didn't have to take action to kill this former brother. If that was the case, it would be very difficult to do so.

"Your Majesty has a benevolent heart and should be admired by all people."

No matter what, everyone still supported Li Shimin, and there was no need for them to fight against a dead man, and it was the initiative of Empress Changsun and Li Chengqian, so they dared not act recklessly.

Especially Empress Changsun, in case, when she gets angry, something goes wrong, and there is really something wrong with the fetus in the womb, who can afford it?

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"However, Wuji should be buried lightly and should not be publicized."

Li Shimin said so.

Obviously, he doesn't deserve to have the qualifications for a lavish burial, and if he really did that, he would be cast aside.

That is to say, it’s a formality, so forget it.

"Your Majesty, my concubine only asks for a place of peace of mind after his death, nothing else."

"Okay, maidservant Guanyin, rest well, I'm here, I will handle it properly."

Li Shimin said so.

"That's right, Queen Mother, there are still sons and ministers here, so you should go back and rest, don't move the tire gas and hurt the baby in the womb, that's not good."

"Okay...then I'll go first..."

Only then did Empress Changsun leave the court.

"Come here, send out Changsun Wuji's body and bury it near Changsun Sheng!"

It is said that it is a joint burial, but the distance is actually closer. Such a person may not even have a tombstone.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Then someone pulled Changsun Wuji out.

But here, Li Chengqian stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, this time the envoy may be carrying the kindness of Fu Yun Khan, so you can't let it down!"

Only then did Li Shimin think of the envoy sent by Fu Yun.

So he said: "You envoys are lucky."

Several people saluted and said: "The purpose of Fuyun Khan's doing this is to seek the good of the two countries, so that they can share prosperity!"

"Oh? Fu Yun's kindness, I have received it, come and reward the envoy with a hundred pieces of cloth."

Several people were overjoyed.

Thanks again and again.

"Thank you His Majesty Tang Wang, I will definitely sing the praises of His Majesty Tang Wang's merits and Fu Yun Khan when I go back."

"Hahaha, good good! By the way, I will tell you Khan, and I will say thank you, three thousand porcelains, one thousand catties of tea! One thousand pieces of silk!"

These things are the special products of the Tang Dynasty, and they are also what the nearby small countries need.

Li Shimin made so many shots, it can be seen that he is very generous.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!"

"Okay, you all go down! If you need anything, you can directly mention it to Gao Ming!"

"Enough is enough! Your Majesty is so kind! How dare we ask for more?"

Several people responded.

"So, Your Majesty, let's leave first."

Afterwards, they left the Tai Chi Palace.

When Changsun Wuji died, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, some developments did not go in the right direction.

For example, the Turkic people at this time still have not been able to settle down, and they still pose a threat to the frontier.

At this time Fang Xuanling came out with a note.

Apparently, for those who didn't exist just now, this note should have just arrived.

Looking at his serious face, he knew it was not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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