Chapter 660 Fight!

"Your Majesty, there is a letter from Feige!"

Fang Xuanling said.

"Tell me, where did this Flying Pigeon Letter come from? What is written on it?"

Li Shimin asked like this.

Fang Xuanling should be, so he opened the paper to have a look.

Looking at Li Shimin, his face became more tense from solemn.

Everyone is also curious.

Curious what is written on this paper?
Li Chengqian wanted to know even more, so he asked:
"Xing Guogong, what is written on it? Who sent it?"

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, this letter is said to be sent by Tuli Khan."

Tuli Khan sent a letter at this time?
It must be something big and urgent, things like wool trade are not urgent, so people will send envoys.

"What? What's written on it?"

Li Shimin became nervous.

This is especially true for civil and military officials.

"Jieli Khan sent troops to attack Tuli Khan, and it became very urgent at this time. Tuli Khan sent pigeons to ask for help!"

"Why? Why did Xieli attack Tuli? We are obviously very careful!"

Tuli's whole heart is towards Datang, there must be a reason why Xieli suddenly attacked Tuli.

"It's written on it that Xieli attacked his tribe on the grounds of Tuli's private wool trade with us in Tang Dynasty."

Du Ruhui said bluntly: "As far as I know, the Turkic Tuli Khan built a tooth tent in the north of Youzhou and presided over the eastern affairs. Most of the dozens of tribes such as Xi and others rebelled against the Turks and surrendered to our Tang Dynasty. Jieli Khan blamed him for losing these. Tribe. I think, probably because he was also unhappy, and the wool incident made him attack Tuli!"

"What Lai Guogong said is true! In fact, long before Xue Yantuo and Huihe defeated Yugushe, Jieli sent Tuli to attack them. How could Tuli's army add troops to them? He retreated directly. Jieli was furious Probably because of this!"

When Li Chengqian said this, everyone was puzzled.

It turns out that His Royal Highness is also well aware of state affairs, even the surrounding situation is very clear.

Then everyone looked at Li Chengqian with almost admiring eyes, and they must be thinking in their hearts, what else does this guy not know, what does he not understand?
Li Shimin nodded and said: "In the past, the Turks were powerful, with millions of soldiers and horses, and invaded the Central Plains, but lost the support of the people because of their arrogance and indulgence. Now civil strife has begun! I am happy and worried when I hear this news. Why? Turks The border of the Tang Dynasty will be peaceful if it declines, so I am happy. However, if I make mistakes, I will be like the Turks in the future. Can I not worry about it? I hope you can speak out and help me make up for the shortcomings."

This kind of civil strife made Li Shimin very worried.

Li Jing said:

"Your Majesty is a generation of enlightened rulers, and he will certainly not look like that Turk. They are barbarians, how can they know Confucianism and Taoism?"

His response won Li Shimin's appreciation.

Li Shimin said again:
"I feel a little guilty about Tuli, because I hurt him because of the wool."

Li Chengqian persuaded:
"Wool is only the beginning, even if it is not wool, Ta Jieli will send troops in other forms!"

His words attracted everyone's approval.

Li Shimin said again:
"Having said that, what do you think we should do next?"

At this time, Yuwen Shiji, who was silent for a while, finally spoke.

"Your Majesty, there was a covenant with Xieli. At this time, Tuli is in trouble and we can't rush too far!"

His response was also very informative.But there are suspicions of dying.

But Du Ruhui shouted: "The Rong and Di tribes don't keep their promises, and they will definitely break their promises in the future. If they don't take advantage of the chaos to attack now, they will regret it later. Those who seek chaos and invade those who are about to perish, this has existed since ancient times. reason."

Liu Hongji came out and said: "It's a long way to go to Turkic. I think we will stand still and wait for work at leisure, so as to gain great benefits!"

Cheng Yaojin laughed and said: "Duke Kui, if you do this, I'm afraid people will laugh at you. If you shrink back and don't fight, how can it be my style in the Tang Dynasty? Now that the Turks are in chaos, it's time for us to counterattack!"

This guy advocates fighting, and of course it's good if he has a fight.

What's more, can the Turks be taken?Why not?

There are people who support whether to fight or not to fight, so Li Shimin can't make up his mind.Then asked:

"How does Gao Ming feel?"

At this time, he still wanted to ask Li Chengqian what he meant, after all, his performance during this period was completely beyond imagination.

It may be more informative to ask his opinion.

"My son thinks it's time to hit me!"

Li Chengqian's words aroused everyone's discussion.

After all, it will take a lot of mental energy to continue this fight.

A large amount of military, financial, food, etc. support is also required. A single battle may stagnate a country's economy.

"Has His Royal Highness ever fought a war? I have fought more than a hundred battles with Turkic people in Liangzhou. How can it be as simple as you said, should we fight? That is not easy!"

Yuwen Shiji said so.

From now on, Yuwen Shiji is Liu Hongji's most solid backing.

What he said was also very convincing.

In terms of aptitude, no one can match him.

Everyone looked at Li Chengqian, wondering how he would respond.

Li Chengqian glanced at Yuwen Shiji, and it seemed that Ziyu Wenshiji was really going against him.

What I said to him earlier was useless.

Therefore, he is no longer polite.

Those who oppose him will not end well.

"Yuwen Shiji! What are you talking about! I haven't finished my sentence yet! Just interrupt me like this, will you be able to convince others? Listen carefully!"

Li Chengqian would not be polite anymore, and directly called Yu Wenshiji by his name.


Yuwen Shiji also lost his temper.

He said angrily: "His Royal Highness, please speak!"

Li Chengqian ignored him.

Don't even look at him.

This kind of stuff is not worth his anger.

"It's time to fight! There are several reasons for this.

First, it is natural to take back the territory that the Turks occupied before, and beat back the Turks guarding the border!It is also at this time that the Turkic people are the weakest and this is our opportunity.

Second, we can also reduce the burden on Turks by fighting Turks. This is the plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao!Is not it good?Tell me, is this king right?

Thirdly, if our Tang army is strong and strong, we must be victorious in every battle! "


"It seems to be like this!"

"His Royal Highness is right!"

"Fight! Good! Just want to fight! Multiple actions at one stroke!"

"Great! Beat a Turk who doesn't know his ancestors!"


The eyes of civil and military officials became hot.

Because of Li Chengqian's words, they were deeply moved.

war!That was a performance of passion.But to benefit the surrounding area, expand the territory, and benefit from the victory, why not do it?
Only force can convince neighboring countries.

(End of this chapter)

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