God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 661 Someone Is More Suitable

Chapter 661 Someone Is More Suitable

Li Shimin said directly: "This is very good! Just do what Gao Ming said!"

Li Chengqian was so anxious to make a decision, it was really Li Chengqian who moved him.

Otherwise, he would definitely ask the ministers for their opinions again, but now he can't count on everyone.

"In this way, how can we regain the lost land of the Tang Dynasty! The Turkic people will bow down to His Majesty!"

All the ministers shouted.

But Li Chengqian said: "Minister? No, no, no! The Turkic people will disappear from this world and become the people of the Tang Dynasty instead!"

Li Chengqian's words made it clear that as subjects, they might still have fiefdoms, and the Turks would still be Turks, but what if they were allowed to disappear?
The disappearance mentioned here is to neutralize them, let them be Sinicized, educate them, and believe that they are from the Tang Dynasty.

By then, will they still be electing a Khan?

No!That's impossible.It is even more impossible to turn back to Datang.

Everyone's eyes became more excited.

Not for anything else, just for Li Chengqian's words, it seems to have been realized.

At the same time, people's emotions were directly brought to the top.

So a lot of points are cashed out.

"Congratulations to the host, you got fifty points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got fifty points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got fifty points!"

Nearly 100 points were recorded in the account, and Li Chengqian didn't care if there were no more than [-] points at this time.Because he has won [-] million points, will he care about this [-] points?

So, just let it go, it is best if you can get it, if you can't, it's just like that.

But at this moment, a discordant voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, although the Turks are in civil strife, their combat power should not be underestimated! Their fighting style is not easy to win!"

Yuwen Shiji opened his mouth and said that he is the most qualified to talk about Turkic people here.

That's because during this period of time in Liangzhou, the Turkic people he encountered most were Turks.

It was also because of his relationship in Liangzhou that he fought countless times with the Turks.

His words, like a basin of cold water, poured into people's hearts.

People all focused their attention on Li Chengqian.

They even wanted to know how Li Chengqian would solve this matter next.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Cheng Yaojin stood up.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to go! Go and drive the Turks back to their lair! Then lead the army to break their defense step by step!"

I'm afraid no one can take the initiative like Cheng Yaojin.

Li Shimin frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

However, Li Chengqian said ahead of him: "General Cheng, you are still guarding Datang in this matter!"

"His Royal Highness, you also said last time that I was guarding Datang, and now it's like this again. Old Cheng, I'm panicked! There is no battle, and my hands are really itchy!"

"General Cheng, as the general of the town, you naturally have to focus on the overall situation. The entire army of the Tang Dynasty needs to be guarded by you. If you go to Turkic, who will take care of these troops? And maintaining stability is more tested than fighting. Man, I believe that you can do a good job in maintaining stability!"

Li Chengqian's words made Cheng Yaojin not know what to say.

According to him, it is natural that the overall situation is the most important thing.


"The minister is willing to go!"

At this time, Yuchi Jingde also took the initiative to speak out.

If he goes and cooperates with Qin Qiong, it will be like the world of left and right door gods.

That would be great.

"Your Majesty, I think you can let Duke Wu go! Cooperating with General Qin will surely achieve good results."

But Yuwen Shiji said: "The two generals have gone, but it is still not enough. Now that Qin Qiong has made great contributions in guarding, if he goes to war, it may still not be enough! I think this matter can be discussed in the long run!"

To put it bluntly, Yuwen Shiji wanted Li Shimin not to send troops there, and that would be the best.

Therefore, there is also this long-term plan.

"Yuwen Shiji, I feel that if you join, then this battle can be won!"

Li Chengqian followed the trend and said.

Yu Wenshi was so frightened that he coughed and said, "His Royal Highness, because I got sick in Liangzhou and received His Majesty's favor, I returned to Chang'an to assist Your Majesty. Why did you let me go?"

Yuwen Shiji said that he would never go to Liangzhou again, it was a pain for him.

I finally came back, how can I go again?
"But I think that no one in Liangzhou is more aware of the power and terrain than you. This matter is up to you. Then your majesty can rest easy!"

Li Chengqian's words made Yuwen Shiji break into a cold sweat, he quickly looked at Liu Hongji, but Li Chengqian sneered, this guy was asking Liu Hongji for help.

Then, let Liu Hongji go to Liangzhou together.

So he said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, I think that if Duke Kui can bring along Yuwen Shi and others, he will definitely be able to win the lost land!"

In this case, Li Chengqian simply let them see what despair is.

Sure enough, the eyes of the two people dodged. If Li Shimin told them to go, they would have to go.

But these two guys are still treacherous and cunning after all, how could they just stumble like this?
The ministers actually saw it, and the two didn't want to go.

They are not as active as Cheng Yaojin, they are more passive.

"Hongji, Shiji, what do you think?"

Li Shimin asked suddenly.

Originally, it was Li Shimin's intention to let Yuwen Shiji return, but if he is allowed to go again now, it would be tantamount to saying nothing and losing the face of the emperor. That's why the smart Li Shimin asked this question and let them decide for themselves.

At this moment, the two fell silent and paused for a long time.

"How about it! At least give me an accurate statement. Your Majesty's time is limited, and the situation in the Turkic region is even more serious! Apart from you, this king can't think of a third person who can go there!"

Li Chengqian urged directly.

Let the two fall into a predicament.

go?Possibly a near miss.

not going?Under Li Shimin's coercion, can they still struggle?

The two were extremely nervous.

But letting them go with such a small situation is tantamount to underestimating them.

Suddenly, Liu Hongji said bluntly: "Your Majesty, I think that there are two people who are more suitable to go! If they go, we will surely win this time!"

In this hall, there is no one more suitable than them!

Everyone was puzzled and wondered.

Who on earth is it?
Also look around at the same time.

Some people even thought it was Li Chengqian?
But thinking about it, it's impossible. If it was him, Li Shimin would have sent him a long time ago, and it would not be here now.

Li Shimin also wished that Li Chengqian would stay in Chang'an City and reform for him so as to strengthen the power of the Tang Dynasty.

In Li Chengqian's view, they must be saving themselves, pushing out two other people to replace them.

He also wanted to see who could replace them!
(End of this chapter)

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