Chapter 662
Liu Hongji spoke hesitantly and paused for a long time, and he didn't say which two people went there.

Let Manchu civil and military people be in a hurry.

"You mean, why are you acting like a mother-in-law? Mother-in-law! Old Cheng looks down on her!"

Cheng Yaojin couldn't listen anymore, how long would Liu Hongji have to say this sentence, and he still pretended to be mysterious.

So I can't help but say a few more words.

"Liu Aiqing, who are you talking about?"

Li Shimin also asked curiously.

"Xue Rengui and Su Lie!"

When Liu Hongji's words came out, people suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the two of them.

And it was discussed in private.

The force of these two people is no worse than General Cheng.

The two are rising stars
The record is naturally not weak.


and so on.

They are also the two great generals under the prince's command.

Everyone seems to be aware of the meaning of Liu Hongji's move.

Transferring the two people and shorting Li Chengqian, this is what some people can think of.

Then Liu Hongji looked at Li Chengqian and smiled coldly.

In Li Chengqian's opinion: This idiot can still laugh.

why?Doesn't this clearly add merit to his people?
If the Turks are taken away, it will not only be a third-rank general when they come back, but also a second-rank general.It is even possible to be comparable to Cheng Yaojin.

Li Shimin asked: "Why these two people?"

"Your Majesty, these two are quite talented. If they are only in the East Palace, they will be overqualified. Why not let them fight? Contribute to the country?"

To put it bluntly, he just wanted to weaken Li Chengqian's strength, how could Li Chengqian not know?

He didn't stop Yu Liu Hongji either, but just watched his performance quietly.

Yuwen Shiji was even more puzzled, why did he help the prince?
It's not that he was meant to be isolated, why should he help his people to make meritorious deeds?
There were too many things he didn't understand, and he didn't know what Liu Hongji was thinking.

"Gao Ming, what do you think?"

Li Shimin suddenly asked Li Chengqian.

After all, these two people were still in the East Palace and were dispatched by Li Chengqian. Out of respect, Li Shimin still asked Li Chengqian.

"Your Majesty, if they can contribute to the country, they will definitely go to war!"

That is to say, Li Chengqian did not prevent this fact from happening.

Liu Hongji was still sneering, as if he had succeeded.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that now, if two people replace him and fight Yuwen Shiji, then they don't have to go out?It can also weaken the prince's power and remove his help.

The answer is this.

So, he was laughing.

"Since Gao Ming thinks it's okay, then this matter is settled, Jingde!"

Yuchi Jingde replied: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

"This time I will give you [-] soldiers and horses, and you will take Xue Rengui and Su Lie to the frontier to meet Qin Qiong and win the lost land in one fell swoop!"

"Yes! Your Majesty! I will not let you down!"

Yuchi Jingde said so.

"Okay, very good, step back."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

All the ministers left.

But Li Chengqian saw that as soon as he retreated from the court, Yuwen Shiji quickly caught up with Liu Hongji.

I sneered in my heart, and I will remind Yuwen Shiji in a while.

As soon as Yu Wenshi and he caught up with Liu Hongji, he said:
"Brother Liu, didn't you promise to weaken Li Chengqian? Why did you let his two men go to Liangzhou? What if they return after making contributions?"

"Yuwen Shiji, do you think this battle is so easy to fight? They want meritorious service, and they want to come back alive. Let them win the meritorious service. When they take down the Turks, will Li Chengqian have help during this time?"

"So it seems so."

Yuwen Shiji suddenly realized.

It turned out that Liu Hongji was thinking about this, and in fact, that was it.

"The purpose of my doing this is to isolate Li Chengqian, so that he will not be able to make a ship without a helping hand. Even if it is a ship, the size is too small, can it pose a threat?"

"It's really impossible, brother Liu is really talented!"

"Hahaha, these years, I have not been in vain, you just wait, the Turkic War will take at least a few years, and in a few years, the chances of Xue Rengui and Su Lie to meet Li Chengqian are simply rare It can be counted, there..."

"Hahaha, I understand, I understand!"

Yuwen Shiji looked like I knew him.

Then the two laughed.

"Yuwen Shiji, I have to leave beforehand, and come to my house for tea sometime later!"

"Brother Liu, don't worry, don't drive me out then!"

"Where is!"

After finishing, Liu Hongji left, leaving Yu Wenshiji thinking and sneering there.

Until a voice sounded.

"Yuwen Shiji, what are you doing, laughing like this!"

Yu Wenshi was so frightened that he looked up quickly.

"Yes... Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

That's right, it was Li Chengqian who came here at this time.

"What are you laughing at? Think of something happy, share it with me?"

"It's nothing, just small things."

But Yuwen Shiji said.

"Small things... Speaking of which, this king remembered something."

"His Royal Highness, please tell me."

"Actually, it's nothing, I just want to tell you that you must, pretending to be sick is a crime of deceiving the king."

"This...His Royal Highness, what are you talking about? How dare I pretend to be sick!"

Yu Wenshi and was frightened into a cold sweat.

But Li Chengqian said to him with a little deep meaning: "You can fool others, but you can't fool me. This king just came to remind you, don't get into this muddy water!"

Yu Wenshi and Ming Ming pretended to be very good, but they were still seen through unexpectedly.


"By the way, this king still has a piece of advice."


"You'd better stay away from Liu Hongji, that's good for you!"


Yuwen Shi was at a loss, what's going on, did the prince see through them?
What Li Chengqian said next made him even more puzzled.

"By the way, I would also like to thank you for doing good deeds, allowing Xue Rengui and Su Lie to make great achievements. In the future, their official positions may be much better than yours. Hahaha!"

"His Royal Highness, I don't understand."

Yuwenshi pretends to be stupid.

"I don't understand? You will understand in the future! This king can give you a chance, I hope you can stay away from Liu Hongji. The water in this court is very deep, don't let him lead you into the deep water area."

"His Royal Highness, I really don't know."

"This king knows that you understand. This king can only talk so far. In the future, don't blame this king for being cruel."

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, he walked away.

No intention of staying at all.

"What an interesting day! These two people are under my control. I wanted you to go to the front line, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to make contributions to my subordinates! That's right, this way, their strength It will go to a higher level. My right to speak will be more important."

Li Chengqian walked towards the East Palace with his hands behind his back.

There are only Yuwen scholars and doubts there.

(End of this chapter)

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