God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 663 Please Invite Real Sun

Chapter 663 Please Invite Real Sun

In the second half of July, the weather was extremely hot, and the ice room business promised last year, this year's business is still good.

At the same time, there was an unlimited supply of ice cubes, so Li Chengqian lived very comfortably in the East Palace.

What's even more satisfying is that hundreds of banks continue to report good news.

He just needs to wait for the final completion, then he can sit and complete the task.

At the same time, Datang's economic development became faster and faster, and its national strength became stronger and stronger.

There are more and more places on the Turkic border that have been recovered.

The entire imperial court felt relieved.

Except for two people, they were a bit worried about Xue Rengui and Su Lie's expedition.

Because Xue Rengui and Su Lie matched the left and right door gods, they won many battles.A lot of meritorious service has been established, and when they return one day, it will be the day when they will be promoted.

However, this was also caused by Liu Hongji himself, so there is no one to blame.

Li Chengqian put his hands behind his back in the East Palace, enjoying a bit of coolness, but there is nothing more pleasant than being here.

Until someone broke into the East Palace, walking in a hurry.

Li Chengqian looked at it calmly, and it turned out to be the small yellow gate in the Tai Chi Palace.

"What's wrong? So panicked?"

Li Chengqian asked like this.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is having a difficult delivery! Your Majesty, please let Zhenren Sun go to the Lizheng Hall!"

When Li Chengqian heard it, this month should be the time when Li Zhi was born.

He knew it too, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

So he said: "Come here, get ready, the king is going to Lizheng Hall!"

Xiao Huangmen was puzzled.

"His Royal Highness, but His Majesty told the younger one to let Zhenren Sun go!"

"Although Sun Zhenren has great medical skills, but men and women are not close, how dare he treat the mother's illness!?"

Li Chengqian asked back.

Xiao Huangmen was silent.


But Li Chengqian waved his hand on the table, and the lump of tea directly turned into pills.

At this time, he didn't care so much, and directly used skills to become medicine.Make sure the mother and child are safe!
After finishing, he headed towards the Lizheng Hall.

He went all the way, and outside the entire hall were civil and military officials, and their expressions were all anxious.

After all, Empress Changsun is Li Shimin's favorite person. They are anxious, but the empress seems to be a little difficult to give birth.

This is not a good thing for everyone.

Until someone shouted: "It's His Royal Highness, he's here!"

"His Royal Highness is here, and His Royal Highness can give birth safely!"

Everyone seemed to see a savior.

But someone said: "Why don't you see Master Sun?"

"That's right, didn't your majesty ask the crown prince to come down to invite Sun Zhenren?"

Everyone wondered why Li Chengqian came by himself.

Li Chengqian ignored them.

Until Liu Hongji came out and blocked his way.

"His Royal Highness, where is Sun Zhenren?"

he asked directly.

"This king can come! What do you want Sun Zhenren?"

"However, Sun Zhenzhen's medical skills are even better!"

Yuwen Shiji also said: "Yes, His Royal Highness, it is better to let Sun Zhenren come!"

He had never seen how powerful Li Chengqian was. Based on his personal feeling, they felt that Li Chengqian was not good enough.

"Huh? Don't stop it, or you will take care of it if something goes wrong?"

Li Chengqian was displeased, how did these pedantic people block him?
But Yuwen Shiji said: "Don't let Sun Zhenren come, His Royal Highness, what should we do if something goes wrong?"

"Get out of the way! Didn't you hear?"

Li Chengqian was very angry, when is this, and he still doesn't believe in himself?
"The ministers are also very anxious about the situation of Her Majesty the Queen."

I'm afraid Sun Simiao can only be invited by Li Chengqian, and no one else can invite him.

Even if Li Shimin wanted to invite him, it would probably take some time, but Li Chengqian would be there whenever he was invited.That's the difference!

"Go away! Get out of my way!"

Li Chengqian shouted.

Liu Hongji also joined them.

"His Royal Highness! Please think again! Hurry up and find Sun Zhenren!"

It seemed that the two of them were not going to let Li Chengqian pass by.

"Come here, drag these two people out to this king!"

In the end, Li Chengqian had no choice but to shout.

Unexpectedly, more people fell to their knees.

"His Royal Highness, at this time, Sun Zhenren should come here, not you to enter it. If you go in, it will not help!"

Some people even said so.

Li Chengqian was almost pissed off by them. He was holding a few small pills in his hand. Just needing these few pills would surely allow Empress Changsun to give birth smoothly.But these people ignored him and didn't understand him.

"Come on! Give them all to the king! Dare to stop the king from hitting fifty!!"

In the end, Li Chengqian had no choice but to say so.

These people are really stupid and loyal, making Li Chengqian very helpless. If Li Chengqian leaves at this time, there may be no way for Empress Changsun to give birth smoothly.

"His Royal Highness, it's still too late!"

Li Chengqian was so angry that he was dying. It turned out that in addition to poor medical skills in the previous palace, there were some self-righteous people who stopped him. No wonder some people missed the opportunity for treatment!
"Come here, take Liu Hongji, Yuwen Shiji and this king out to play fifty big boards!"

"His Royal Highness, you can't treat us like this! We are not wrong!"

But Yuwen Shiji said.

"Stupid, can you afford it for a while? Let me get out of the way!"

What Li Chengqian didn't expect was that Liu Hongji held onto his feet tightly and wouldn't let him leave.

At this time, he wished that Xue Rengui's force could blow them all away at once.

"Come on! Are you all deaf?"

Right now, no one is willing to help Li Chengqian.

Until someone rushed in from outside.

"Anyone who dares to stand in the way of His Highness the Crown Prince will feel sorry for my old Cheng! Let me get out of the way!"

Cheng Yaojin ran in from the outside at this time, bringing some soldiers with him.

They rushed over quickly.

Followed by Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others.

First, Fang Xuanling said:
"What are you doing? How decent!"

Then Du Ruhui said: "What are you doing! What are you kneeling people doing?"

Li Jing also came and asked, "Your Highness, what's going on?"

Liu Hongji said with a mournful face: "Your Majesty asked His Highness the Crown Prince to go to invite Sun Zhenren, but His Highness the Crown Prince did not do that. We are begging him to go before it is too late!"

It has to be said that Liu Hongji still has some conscience.

Not for anything else, just because he is Li Shimin's confidant.

But Li Chengqian is not for his mother?

"You... You know, this king is more worried about the safety of His Royal Highness than you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was quiet.

Empress Changsun helped herself, so how could he harm her?These people just don't understand, of course it's also because they don't believe in Li Chengqian's ability.

(End of this chapter)

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