Chapter 664
At this time, Li Chengqian wanted to swear foul words.

He was angry and hated, and really wanted to get rid of these two people.

At the same time, he also experienced the hard work of being hindered, which shows that it is not easy to be an emperor!Therefore, some emperors will devolve some disobedient ministers.

Although it is difficult, it is worthwhile to stand at the pinnacle of power no matter what the price is!

At this time, Li Tai, Li Ke and other five brothers came out of Lizheng Hall.

The five princes were very surprised by the current situation, why would their eldest brother be blocked by them and not let him in?
What time is this!

Li Ke first asked:

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Brothers, how is the queen mother now?"

Li Chengqian asked like this.

But Li Tai's expression was a little hurt, after all, he was also born to Empress Changsun.

He said: "It's not optimistic now, Your Majesty is still waiting for elder brother to invite Sun Zhenren!"

From the looks of it, Empress Changsun is already in critical condition.

It can be seen from the hurried maids coming and going in the palace.

But Li Chengqian said:
"My king is here, so Daoist Sun doesn't have to come here! However, these people are blocking me and not letting me in!"

But Liu Hongji said: "Your Highnesses, please persuade His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. For the safety of the Empress, you must persuade him. At this time, only Zhenren Sun can do it! It will be useless if the Crown Prince is here! Your Highnesses, veterans Please!"

Liu Hongji was about to burst into tears. This should be sincere, but this kind of sincerity was going to hurt Empress Changsun.

Li Chengqian could not allow this to happen.

Yuwen Shiji also said: "Yes, if Sun Zhenren doesn't come, then I'm afraid...the minister will stop talking!"

Only now did Cheng Yaojin understand what was going on.

"Huh? What did you say?"

At this time, Cheng Yaojin must not be allowed to stand on the same team as them, and the five younger brothers must not be allowed to face them.

Otherwise, Empress Changsun's life would be in danger.

So Li Chengqian shouted: "Do you believe in this king or them? This king once received advice from eminent monks to take magical medicine to cure his mother's illness, once led everyone to fight against smallpox, and also learned a lot of medical skills from Sun Zhenren. Do you believe in me, or in them? Huh!?"

Li Chengqian has said so many deeds, which is enough to be convincing!
His tone raised an octave, and the volume of his voice made everyone's eardrums ache.

"Brother, brothers believe in you!"

Li Yun said directly.This youngest brother is reassuring.

And Li Ke said the same way: "I also support all the decisions made by the elder brother."

Of course, the support of Li Tai and the other two is also indispensable.

"Brother, we support you too!"

The so-called brotherhood is one heart, and its strength can break gold. With their support, it is naturally the best.

Right now, Li Chengqian looked directly at Cheng Yaojin and the others, depending on their attitude.

"Uncle Cheng, what about you? Your Highness's life is now in your hands. Help me, or not?"

Cheng Yaojin was thinking, and after only a while, he said: "Old Cheng, I am naturally helping His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

For Li Chengqian, Cheng Yaojin can support him unconditionally.Not for anything else but because of seeing the right eye.And his own child was also helped by Li Chengqian. If he didn't help him even this time, when would he?

Li Chengqian also had no reason to kill Empress Changsun.

Fang Xuanling also said: "I also support it!"

Fang Xuanling provided more intellectual support.

In the future, more ministers will come, and they are also the place to express their support for Li Chengqian.

"Okay, Uncle Cheng, pull these two people away from me! They are blocking my way!"

"Simple! Someone, pull them away, dare to block the way of His Royal Highness!"

After it was over, some soldiers went and directly pulled Liu Hongji and Yuwen Shiji, how could they be the opponents of so many soldiers.

"Cheng Zhijie, do you know what you are doing!"

Liu Hongji shouted.

"Let us go! You can't do this!"

Yuwen Shiji also shouted.

Cheng Yaojin said directly: "We support His Royal Highness's arrangement!"

No matter how badly the two scolded them, Cheng Yaojin had no intention of dealing with them.

In Li Chengqian's heart, these two people are really foolish and loyal.

At this time, there was no obstacle in front of Li Chengqian.

Concubine Yang also came out in a hurry at this time.

"Your Highness, why did you come here?"

Concubine Yang asked.

And Liu Hongji, as if he had found a savior, shouted wildly: "Concubine Yang, please persuade His Royal Highness to invite Zhenren Sun!"

"What? Sun Zhenren didn't invite you?"

"Concubine Yang, it is enough for me to come alone. Now that the situation is urgent, I will not chat with you."

"Concubine Yang, hurry up and stop His Highness the Crown Prince, don't make a mistake, there is still time to invite Sun Zhenren!"

Yuwen Shiji also said at this time.

Li Chengqian annoyed these two guys the most, they were really annoying, and this was the happiest call. At this moment, he really wanted to knock them unconscious with a stick.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"I don't have time to explain to you, this king wants to go in."

Li Chengqian was extremely anxious, but these people seemed to want to stop him.

Concubine Yang hesitated.

Until Li Ke said:

"Mother, we trust His Highness the Crown Prince! My son is willing to guarantee it with his life!"

"That's right, Concubine Yang, our brothers also believe in Big Brother!"

The other princes said so.

Li Chengqian's eyes were full of gratitude, and it was also because he was not strong enough, otherwise he would have forced his way in.

"You are..."

"Concubine Yang, and we also support His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Of course, the support of Cheng Yaojin and others is also indispensable.

"Concubine Yang, I don't have time to talk to you, please let me go!"

But Liu Hongji shouted: "Concubine Yang, don't..."

"Liu Hongji, can you bear the consequences? Come and pull me down!"

In order to prevent these two goods from stopping again, Li Chengqian issued an order.

But the soldier didn't move, Cheng Yaojin yelled: "What are you still doing, pull out!"


No matter how the two shouted, they still couldn't resist the strength of the soldiers, and they were pulled out.Since then, the roots of the ears have been clean.

On the other hand, Li Chengqian bypassed Concubine Yang and directly entered Lizheng Hall.

Concubine Yang could only stand there and paused for a while.

"Brother, wait for us!"

The princes also followed.

As for Cheng Yaojin and others, they could only wait patiently outside.

Waiting for the final result.


After they all left, Concubine Yang regained her composure.

But at this time Li Chengqian had already entered inside.

"Queen, wait for Erchen, Erchen is here!"

Li Chengqian shouted wildly.

As a result, he could already hear the pained cries of Empress Changsun.

This is the greatness of women, no matter how painful or miserable, they still have to give birth to children.

Li Chengqian did not allow her to suffer any harm.

(End of this chapter)

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