Chapter 666

Finally someone stood up.

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty the Queen will be fine."

Fang Xuanling spoke bluntly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, there must be nothing wrong with His Highness the Crown Prince."

Cheng Yaojin also persuaded him.

More than one person has persuaded Li Shimin.

But Li Shimin said: "It's been so long now, and there is still no movement inside. Is this okay or not?"

In fact, only a while later, this is the anxiety of being a father.

How could a child be born so fast in the ancients? Although the time passed not long, in Li Shimin's view, the days seemed like years.Everyone didn't know what to say.

"What the hell is going on... Come here!"

Li Shimin was still pacing, constantly urging.

What everyone didn't expect was that Liu Hongji, Yu Wenshi and the two were not there.

Logically, they would be here.

But it didn't, Cheng Yaojin just sent them out, they can come in anytime.

But now it doesn't appear.

"Your Majesty, the minister is here! The minister invites Sun Zhenren to come!"

At this time, Liu Hongji almost ran to Li Shimin.

And behind him was Sun Simiao himself.

"Oh? Sun Zhenren actually asked Duke Kui to invite him!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Does Duke Kui have a personal relationship with Sun Zhenren?"

Everyone is guessing why.

Until Sun Simiao said: "I have seen Your Majesty, but I don't know why His Royal Highness invited the old man here?"

As soon as his words came out, people realized that he didn't know anything.

Then there is a possibility that Liu Hongji tricked Sun Simiao here.It was still cheated in the name of Li Chengqian, this guy really can do anything.

But at this time, no one blamed him, after all, his intentions were good!

"Sun Zhenzhen, it is like this, His Majesty asked you to deliver the baby for His Highness the Queen!"

Yuwenshi said so.

This made Sun Simiao a little embarrassed and said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, this old man is not good at delivering babies."

What!The medicine king can't deliver the baby.

This seems to be normal. Sun Simiao is not a gynecologist, and all the midwives delivered the babies at that time, and ordinary men couldn't handle them.

Not only is it embarrassing to meet, but the woman's innocence is also not guaranteed in the future.

Then it's embarrassing, so if he comes, is it useless at all?

Does Empress Changsun really want to resign herself to fate?

People's hearts suddenly lifted.

Li Shimin's complexion is getting worse and worse.

At this time, everyone knew why Li Chengqian didn't let Sun Simiao come.

It turned out that everyone wrongly blamed Li Chengqian.

It's all right now, and Sun Zhenren was invited, but he can't deliver the baby.

Then all this can only be dealt with by Li Chengqian inside.

"This... Sun Zhenren will not..."

Liu Hongji blushed.

His head became so low that he no longer dared to look at Li Shimin.

Because Li Shimin's complexion was very bad.

"When did the old man lie to you? Where is His Royal Highness? Why did you let the old man come?"

he asked again.

"Sun Zhenzhen, I was wrong. I pretended that His Royal Highness asked you to come."

Liu Hongji said.

Sun Simiao paused for a while, with some displeasure on his face.

"His Royal Highness is inside at this time, saying that there is a way for the queen to order a natural delivery."

Du Ruhui said so.


Sun Simiao exclaimed, he didn't know that Li Chengqian had such a skill.

But thinking about it, it seemed reasonable. Sometimes, he would call Li Chengqian a teacher.

It's just that he can, so much, it's surprising.

"The old man believes that His Royal Highness must have a solution! Then we must ask for advice, what method is used!"

People were shocked, why did Sun Simiao believe that Li Chengqian could do it?
What kind of medicine did Li Chengqian give him?

They don't understand because it's a trust.

It is the trust between people, and Li Chengqian has never let them down.

And even Sun Simiao had to learn from Li Chengqian, that would be awesome.

"Based on Sun Zhenren's auspicious words, I believe that the mother and child will be fine!"

Li Shimin had no choice but to say so.

After all, Sun Simiao wouldn't do it, and he couldn't force it.

This is not someone else's specialty, and he was only tricked into coming here.

At the same time, he didn't blame Liu Hongji, because it was useless to blame.

"Your Majesty, everything will be fine. We also believe in His Royal Highness."

So did others

But there was a discordant voice.

First, Liu Hongji said:
"Sun Zhenren can't do it, so how can His Royal Highness?"

Then Yuwen Shiji said: "Yes, it is difficult to make people believe that His Highness the Crown Prince can deliver babies."

Someone else prayed silently: "I hope Her Royal Highness is okay."

Once something happens to Empress Changsun, it will be difficult for everyone.

Li Shimin will be even more sad, so everyone naturally doesn't want this to happen.

Just when people were questioning, there was a burst of crying babies from the palace.

This sound, like a stone falling into calm water, made everyone feel relieved.

At the same time, the expressions on everyone's faces became more relaxed.

"It's born! It's born! It's really born!"

Li Shimin shouted wildly.

It's like rushing into it.

Someone bluntly said:

"Is it the prince or the princess?"

"His Royal Highness can really do it!"

However, although the baby cried out, the adults didn't know what to do.

After rejoicing, people fell into thinking again.

Yes, I don't know what about adults?
"How is Your Highness the Queen? Are the mother and child safe?"

When Li Chengqian came out from inside, Li Shimin rushed over, took his hand and said, "Gao Ming, how is it? How is your mother? How is your child?"

Facing everyone's eager eyes, Li Chengqian felt their hot eyes for the first time.

People admired him, but they didn't expect him to be able to do it.

No wonder Sun Simiao believed in him so much.

Sun Simiao also asked: "His Royal Highness, how did you do it?"

Before Li Chengqian could speak, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained [-] points!"


A total of nearly [-] points were credited.

He lost his mind for a while, until Li Shimin asked again: "Gao Ming, how is it? How is your mother? How is your child?"

He just reacted.

"Your Majesty, the queen mother is just a little tired and fell asleep. Also, the queen mother gave birth to a younger brother!"

All the ministers said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have gained another prince!"

At the same time, his eyes turned on Li Chengqian, becoming even hotter.

"Your Highness, how did you do it?"

Seeing that Li Chengqian did not return, Sun Simiao asked again.

"Sun Zhenzhen's prescription is like this..."

Li Chengqian did not tell him about the pills, but gave Sun Simiao the birth-inducing soup from "Shengji Zonglu".

Sun Simiao kept sighing: What a recipe!good recipe!
(End of this chapter)

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