God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 667 Rule of the World

Chapter 667 Rule of the World
Li Shimin was very interested, because Empress Changsun gave birth to another son for him.With so many harems, he still likes the eldest grandson queen more.

"I have another prince! Hahaha!"

At the same time, the expressions of two people became very wrong.

Just now, they almost killed Empress Changsun.

Because of their obstruction, Li Chengqian almost failed to enter it.

Fortunately, Li Chengqian broke in forcefully, and fortunately Li Chengqian had so many supporters, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

They were also shocked, why did Li Chengqian know so much, and even Sun Zhenren, whom they called, respected him very much.

What kind of existence is Li Chengqian?
Terrible, really terrible.

"Okay, okay! Don't be nervous! It's good that people are fine!"

Everyone's starting point is good, Li Shimin is well versed in the world and knows how to win people's hearts, and this is a happy event, so he doesn't want to get too angry.

At this time, Concubine Yang carried the child out and said straightly: "Your Majesty, this child's brows and lines are full of heroic spirit just like His Majesty's!"

"Let me see!"

Li Shimin leaned over to take a look, and laughed.

"Sure enough, it's similar to me, hahaha!"

His spirits are very high today.

Today he has another son, and the mother and child are safe.All of this is because of the existence of Li Chengqian, which is hard to imagine. If there is no existence of Li Chengqian, Rucha doesn't know what the situation will be like.

someone asked.

"How did His Royal Highness do it?"

Li Chengqian knew a long time ago that someone would definitely ask such a question.

So he said:

"Is this important? The important thing is the mother, An Ran!"

As for the prescription given to Sun Simiao just now, he didn't want to talk about it either.

Sun Simiao also had no plans to speak out, so he told them, do they understand?

Li Shimin wanted to say a few words, but Li Chengqian said so, so he didn't say anything else.

Anyway, you can ask other concubines when the time comes.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengqian didn't say anything, but the other concubines said in a hurry: "His Royal Highness has introduced many things that we have never seen before..."

They described it excitedly, which made people feel confused.

Li Chengqian just smiled and didn't speak.


After a while, they stopped.

At this time, Li Shimin said:

"It's getting late, you've been waiting for so long, so go back."

People looked around, it was already dark at this time, everyone looked around, the stars and the moon in the sky were very moving.

But Yuwen Shiji said: "Your Majesty, why don't you give this prince a name? It's not too late for us to go back!"

His proposal was agreed by everyone.

People say:

"The ministers are all here today, so I have a witness!"

"Yes! Today is a special day!"

"The birth of the prince just witnessed the development of Datang!"

"Today is a special day! Pick a name!"

It was agreed that this should be named.

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Alright, I decided on the name today."

The crowd fell silent.

Someone suggested: "Your Majesty, why don't you come and get one?"

Li Shimin thought for a while and said: "I was very happy just now, but now I have no idea!"

It is necessary to choose a name for the time being, and it is false to say that it is not difficult.Can think of less.

Liu Hongji didn't think there was too much to do.

He said: "The talent of His Royal Highness is shocking, why not let His Royal Highness come down to take this name? What do you think?"

He did it on purpose, if he didn't get it well, he might make Li Shimin blame him.

Choosing words is not a trivial matter, if one is not careful, one may make a mistake.Especially some pits can't fall, otherwise it will be hard to anger Li Shimin!

That's what Liu Hongji planned.Let Li Chengqian be scolded, unable to lift his head!
Yuwen Shiji also joined in and said: "I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince fought a battle a year ago, and the Confucians were speechless. Today, I also want to see it. How is Your Highness the Crown Prince's literary talent?"

These people really don't mind too much.

However, Li Chengqian had already dealt with it.

Because this child has to be called Li Zhi, this is history and cannot be changed.All it takes is some reasonable explanation.

So, he scoured the pile of explanations in his head until he found one, and it was perfect

"I think Gao Ming can give it a try. If you can name a good one, your brother will think it's named!"

When Li Shimin was happy, he said so.

Let the ministers continue to cheer.

"Okay, okay! If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince takes action, he will surely have a good name."

If it were someone else, the pressure would have been great, but for Li Chengqian, what kind of difficulty is this?Is it good for entry level?so easy.

"Yes, Your Majesty, let the minister come and choose a name for my younger brother. If there is any mistake, please correct me."

Li Chengqian tried his best to show modesty, but he had to put on a full set of pretense.

"Okay, you start!"

Li Chengqian pretended to think for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty, I will use Zhizi as my younger brother's name!"

"Li Zhi? Oh? Why?"

Li Shimin was puzzled.

How did it involve Zhizi?

"Your Majesty, listen to my son's explanation, and you will know the good and the bad."

Then, Li Chengqian said: "The so-called stars are bright and moist, and the world will be ruled! Take it as rule, and it will be the world's rule! Great rule means the stability of the country's political situation. The birth of my younger brother just confirms this point. At the same time It also shows that Datang is Li Zhi, and it will remain unchanged for ten thousand years!"

The ministers were speechless, because the acquisition was so good.

Yuwen Shiji clapped his hands involuntarily.

It's almost done.

"What a great order in the world! Gao Ming, Gao Ming, I will look up to you more and more! From now on, he will be called Li Zhi!"

Li Shimin obviously loves this name very much.

The name of Li Zhi means the great rule of the world under the Li family, and Li Tang also became more and more powerful because of Li Zhi.

What Li Chengqian wants to say is that he is just following the times, not going against the current.

At this time, a pleasant female voice came, it turned out to be Li Lizhi, she shouted: "The name that the elder brother gave to the younger brother is good!"

A few other princes also said: "Brother is so amazing..."

Concubine Yang also said: "His Royal Highness must like this name very much!"

"As expected of my son! Very good! This name is really good, and you will be the name of the prince who is born in the future!"

Li Shimin's interest is getting higher and higher.

In the future, Li Shimin's sons will be named by Li Chengqian.

Li Shimin is relaxed, he really knows how to think!

Li Chengqian didn't refuse, because it was a trivial matter!

The name he chose absolutely satisfied Li Shimin, and made Manchao Wenwu nod.

"Your Majesty, the child has just passed away not long ago, so don't stay outside for too long, let the concubine bring it into her room."

"it is good!"

After finishing, Concubine Yang took the child into the room.

The group of people waited for this to disperse at Li Shimin's request.

Li Zhi was born today, and his birth is just a stepping stone for Li Chengqian.

In the end, he had to assist Li Chengqian to rule the world.

There's nothing wrong with that.

(End of this chapter)

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