Chapter 668 GDP Growth
The birth of Li Zhi made Li Shimin more energetic.

Coupled with the assistance of Empress Changsun and Li Chengqian, the entire Tang Dynasty can be described as thriving.

For Li Chengqian, time is like the snap of fingers.He hadn't forgotten what his tasks were, they just needed time.

This morning.

All the ministers were filled with expressions of joy.

A minister said happily: "Your Majesty, the crops within [-] miles of Chang'an City have had a bumper harvest this year. For example, some corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. have ushered in a bumper harvest. At this time, the farmers are praising His Majesty's merits. There are rumors that To win this Mingjun, the Tang Dynasty will last forever!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, and some people even wrote poems with your Majesty's merits, and the Tao can last forever!"

"People's sense of happiness is unprecedented, and that's all thanks to His Majesty!"

Everyone has made good achievements, and Li Shimin also sings praises.

He didn't mention Li Chengqian's efforts at all.

When Li Shimin heard it, his face was always full of joy.

To be an emperor to do this, I am afraid that in history, there are few like him.

How could he be unhappy?

While Li Chengqian was on the side, the old god was there, and it seemed that all of this was predictable.

Looking at Li Shimin again, in fact, Li Shimin understands better than anyone else that all this is the result of Li Chengqian.

But he, who cares about face, always hangs a word.

Gao Ming is worthy of being my son!Same as when I was young.What he did well was due to my good teaching!
Apart from this sentence, he couldn't come up with a second explanation.

Li Chengqian couldn't bear to interrupt the beauty for him.

But this time, Li Shimin actually said:
"It is my wish that the peasants have enough to eat. Naturally, these things are also inseparable from the help of the prince. Half of my achievements belong to the prince! In the future, you must assist the prince more and build our Great Tang together! "

Even if Li Shimin has a conscience, he also knows how to spread the credit.

It seemed that he was praising Li Chengqian, but in fact, Li Chengqian could guess what this guy was thinking.

Therefore, he has his countermeasures.

"Your Majesty, it is only under your wise leadership that I can make some achievements. If Datang didn't have you, it wouldn't be called Datang. You are the cornerstone of Datang! If it wasn't for Your Majesty's concern for all people, then I'm afraid I don't have today's results!"

Empress Changsun also laughed and said: "Gao Ming is right. Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, and his heart is for the hearts of the people. If things go on like this, the Tang Dynasty will stand forever in the world, as dazzling as the sun, and never fall!"

The fact that the sun never sets has two meanings. One is that it is like the sun in the sky, and there is no possibility of getting old.

The second is that Datang has a vast territory, and the sun can be seen everywhere, and there is no possibility of the sun going down in Datang.

But Empress Changsun means the first level.

As for the second level, because people still stop at the understanding of the round sky and the earth, they don't know that the earth is round.

So this meaning, probably only Li Chengqian understands.This is where his hope lies.

"The queen mother is absolutely right! Your majesty's merits are beyond heaven!"

Li Chengqian said again.

Regarding this gratifying achievement, the civil and military expressions of the Manchu Dynasty were all unified.

"In the future, there will be no famine in the Tang Dynasty, and people will live and work in peace and contentment!"

Li Shimin is full of pride.

All the ministers said in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"


The cases raised by the next few ministers were all the same.

Even if some people made some mistakes, they were all let go today.

It can be described as a harmonious scene.

That was Li Shimin's psychological decision.

The few people who acted as demons on weekdays were surprisingly quiet today.

Especially Liu Hongji and Yu Wenshi and the two, they chose to just watch without saying a word.

This made Li Chengqian a little uncomfortable.

But he knew that those people had already scolded him a hundred times in their hearts.

Finally, Sun Qian, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, came out.

He said bluntly: "Your Majesty, in the past year, Datang's economic development has been unprecedented. Because of the implementation of monetary policy, Datang's tax revenue has increased. The increase in tax revenue shows a problem, that is, investment has increased and the economy has become stronger. This year's economic output is nearly twenty times that of last year!"

Sun Qian's words are undoubtedly a booster.

Although everyone knew that Datang had developed, they did not expect that it would increase at ten times the speed.What kind of concept is that? In the past, the annual income was ten yuan, but now it can reach one hundred yuan. This kind of speed makes people dumbfounded.

At the same time, there was a reminder in Li Chengqian's mind.

"Congratulations, Datang's GDP has increased by 20 times, and the host rewards an additional [-] points (non-deductible!)"

That's the benefit of a money economy, right?

Twenty times is 20, so how many times will it be the next time it grows?Is that how many tens of thousands of points?
But Li Chengqian knows very well that everything has a bonus period, that is, it will grow at a high speed in the early stage, and it will slow down in the later stage, and may even regress.

But he has reason to believe that the participation of banks will make the economy more dynamic.

"Nearly twenty times?! A monetary policy can actually increase twenty times!"

Li Shimin muttered.

That was something he didn't even dare to think about before. This kind of economic aggregate is really too scary.

"Yes, Your Majesty, all of this has not counted the trade with Tubo and the Turks. If it is counted, it may be multiplied!"

Sun Qian said so.

This is too scary, not only for Li Shimin, but also for civil and military officials.

"I heard that currency has great benefits, but I didn't expect that the benefits are so obvious. It's only been a few months? There is such a huge increase, such a result is really gratifying!"

Empress Changsun continued Li Shimin's words.

"That's right, Your Majesty and Queen Mother, the growth of Datang will be even greater in the future. The total amount in the future will be uncountable!"

Ten times in one year, a hundred times in two years, or even more.

Of course, it is also because Datang's economy is relatively weak, and it is normal that there will be a big growth after a little change.

That is a very terrifying existence.

Li Chengqian understood better than anyone that this kind of economic growth would bring a lot of convenience to his subsequent tasks.

As long as this task is completed, he will open the military option, and that is the world he wants to fight.

Military is the cornerstone of a strong Tang!The only way out for the Tang Dynasty is to conquer the world with Wu Zhen. Otherwise, if you develop well, you will become someone else's big fat. If you are not strong, you may even become someone else's dinner.

The ministers and others discussed everything in a hurry, as if they were reforming themselves.

At this time, Li Shimin suddenly asked: "Is there any news from the Turks?"

After a long time, Turkic civil strife is still there, but it is not known to what extent.

Although news came back recently, it was not painful.

It happened that Li Chengqian got some news, so he was going to tell it.

(End of this chapter)

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