God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 669 Do You Know the Art of War?

Chapter 669 Do You Know the Art of War?
At this time Li Chengqian came out and said: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, Fengzhou has been recovered by Xue Rengui and Su Lie. As for General Qin and General Yuchi, they are guarding Liangzhou to warn Liang Shidu of counterattack."

Speaking of Liang Shidu, he can be regarded as a hero.

He established such a force between the Turks and the Tang Dynasty, and persisted for decades.It was not really eliminated until the reign of Taizong Li Shimin.

It is the Daliang regime established by Liang Shidu.

Liang Shidu, a native of Shuofang, Xiazhou, was born in a local wealthy family. During the Daye period of the Sui Dynasty, he was an official in Yingyangfu.Due to being dismissed by the court, Liang Shidu returned to his hometown full of dissatisfaction.Seeing that the world was about to be in chaos, he also gritted his teeth and gathered a crowd to rebel. He directly killed Tang Shizong, the prime minister of Shuofang County, and claimed to be the prime minister, and then started his own road of rebellion against the king.

And the regime he built was between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks.

In order to contain Datang, Jieli Khan actually secretly aided Liang Shidu, so this kind of scene was created.Liang Shidu's regime has never disappeared.

When it came to Liang Shidu, the ministers all showed embarrassment.After all, he is really difficult to deal with, and has not been effectively eliminated all these years.

Fang Xuanling said: "This person has not been eliminated since the Supreme Emperor, if he is allowed to exist, I am afraid it will be bad for my Tang Dynasty!"

"The minister and Master Liang have fought several battles. This man's military strength is not weak, and there are no weak soldiers under his command."

When Cheng Yaojin said this, he was saying that this thing is not easy to deal with.He can't handle it well, and I'm afraid there are not many in Datang who can handle it.

"Liang Shidu is located between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks. If I let it go, I'm afraid it will not be easy to get back the lost ground!"

Du Ruhui also said, since Master Liang was mentioned, everyone will naturally start talking.They are in an embarrassing position, and this time they are fighting Turks, they have to talk about it.

Liu Hongji, who was originally silent, couldn't help but speak at this time.

He suggested:

"Why don't you let His Highness the Crown Prince go? I believe that with His Highness the Crown Prince's ability, he will be able to take down the Kingdom of Liang!"

Yu Hua Shiji said: "I believe that His Highness the Crown Prince can do it! What His Highness the Crown Prince has done recently has opened our eyes. This expedition will surely take back the Kingdom of Liang!"

These two people are really depressing.

After Li Chengqian heard this, he smiled and said: "This kind of thing doesn't need me to go out, it's okay!"

Liu Hongji said: "His Royal Highness, will they fail if you don't go out?"

Li Chengqian ignored him, but said:

"This king has a plan. Within two months, Master Liang will definitely lose!"

two months?After so many years of fighting from Li Yuan to Li Shimin, Li Chengqian only took two months, and no one would believe that what he said was true.

But Li Shimin came alive.

After all, Li Chengqian is a miracle, everything he does can bring great changes.

"Oh? What's the plan?"

Li Shimin asked.

He can be regarded as someone who has dealt with Master Liang, and he also knows that this guy is difficult to deal with.

Now that Li Chengqian said he had a plan, of course he wanted to hear it.

If the thorn in Liang Shidu's side can be removed, then Datang will be able to sit back and relax.

Cheng Yaojin asked: "Does His Royal Highness really want to go?"

Li Chengqian glanced at Liu Hongji and the two, then smiled coldly.

"Leading troops to go is just a rudimentary appearance. What this king has to do is to defeat Liang Guo without spending a single soldier!"

"His Royal Highness, this war does not require troops, how can it be called a war?"

Questions about Yuwen Shiji.

Li Chengqian really wanted to slap him.

"Yuwen Shiji, are you too sick? Thanks to you, you are still a soldier. Do you know the art of war?"

"His Royal Highness, I don't understand the art of war? Do you understand?"

After Li Chengqian said this, no one would be calm.

After all, he had led soldiers and fought wars before, but Li Chengqian had no experience at all.

How could it be possible to be told by an inexperienced person?
"Since you understand, why do you still ask such a question? Knowing and understanding are the same, you must know how to use it! There is a saying in the art of war: so a hundred battles are victorious, and it is not good to be good; Good people are also good. As a general, if you don’t understand the meaning, Datang will give it to you, which makes me very worried!”

That's why winning a hundred battles is not goodness; defeating the enemy's soldiers without fighting is the goodness of goodness.It is said that in a war, the victorious general is not the best. If the enemy can be subdued without fighting, that is the best. Therefore, a high-level war is a contest of strategies, and the next level is a battle between the two countries. Contest, the last is to use force to compete.

When it comes to the art of war, Li Chengqian knows more than anyone else!

"Yuwen Shiji, is this king right?"


Yuwen Shiji was speechless.

But Li Chengqian's performance just now taught the ministers a lesson.

It turns out that the prince really knows the art of war.

If he was allowed to lead troops to fight, he would probably not be weak, and even have the heroic appearance of Li Shimin back then.

"I didn't expect Gao Ming to understand this paragraph. It's very good! I also often talk about it, so that the ministers can listen to it."

Li Shimin expressed his appreciation.

"My son happened to be studying the art of war during this time, and I have a little research on the art of war, so I can know a thing or two."

This is already very powerful, but after studying for a period of time, it is even more powerful than Yuwen Shiji.

With one sentence, Yuwen Shiji was speechless.

Yuwen Shiji's mistake made the people who wanted to say a few words die down.

They won't bring shame on themselves, because they can't say no to Li Chengqian!
"That's wise, tell me, what method are you going to use to defeat Liang Guo?"

The art of war is the art of war, and strategies are strategies, which must be implemented in specific situations.

The question Li Shimin asked is also what people want to know.

Li Chengqian said, "It's very simple."

These four words, like a needle, pierced people's hearts.

In people's eyes, it's hard, okay?
But in Li Chengqian's view, it was very simple.

Will it give people a way to live?

Liu Hongji asked:
"His Royal Highness, what is an easy way? Please tell me!"

"Listen well, this king will only say it once."

The lofty Empress Changsun smiled. "This kid is really getting more and more appetizing!"

The ministers were whetted by Li Chengqian, and their strong desire for knowledge made everyone impatient.

"Haha, that's up to you."

Li Shimin chuckled.

"It's just that you can still look like His Majesty."

The two praised each other, ignoring the ministers, and they all had a quarrel.

Li Shimin came back to his senses.

"Alright, everyone, be quiet and listen to what Gao Ming has to say."

All the ministers fell silent.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Li Chengqian cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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