God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 672 Removing the Minister's Order?

Chapter 672 Removing the Minister's Order?
When Li Chengqian arrived outside the Taiji Palace, Empress Changsun walked towards him.

"Meet the Queen Mother!"

Li Chengqian said so.

Empress Changsun said, "Gao Ming, you don't contradict His Majesty when you enter the palace, he seems unhappy!"

"Huh? Why?"

"I don't know how to drop it, and suddenly lost my temper."

It seemed that Empress Changsun didn't know what happened.

Then you will only know when you enter it.

"Yes! Queen Mother!"

"Why are you so wet!"

Li Chengqian was already soaked by the rain, and his clothes were sticking to his body, but he didn't realize it.

"Queen, it's okay, His Majesty's business is important!"

"Well, what if you get sick?"

Get ill?That's impossible, and it won't be his turn to get sick.

"It's too late, my son will go in first."

After finishing, Li Chengqian entered the Taiji Palace.

Empress Changsun also followed behind, in case something happened, she could also take care of it.At critical moments, Li Shimin only listened to her.

When Li Chengqian entered the palace, he saw Li Shimin sitting with unkind eyes.

On the other side were Liu Hongji and Yuwen Shiji. If this was the case, then Li Chengqian probably knew something.

These two must have said something bad to Li Shimin behind his back.Let him come to meet Li Shimin.

"My son sees His Majesty!"

Li Chengqian and Li Shimin saluted.

But he was blamed by Li Shimin.

"Gao Ming, you are guilty!"

Did Li Chengqian hear it wrong?
"What is the crime of my son?"

Liu Hongji said:
"His Royal Highness, you have abused your power and mobilized the six ministries without permission. You have ignored His Majesty's orders and transferred people without permission. These are serious crimes. Your Majesty is very angry now. You should plead guilty!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, in my opinion, the Minister's Order of His Highness the Crown Prince should be withdrawn to prevent this kind of thing from happening again!"

Yu Wenshi and Zhui Yan said.

It seems that these two things just don't make life easy for Li Chengqian.

It turned out to be like this, it seemed that everything I did was being watched.

But he didn't panic, but was very calm.

"Your Majesty, please listen to my son!"

How could Li Chengqian let them get their wish?
Whatever you say, explain a thing or two.

"Your Majesty, the matter is already like this. His Highness the Crown Prince committed the crime first and ignored His Majesty Longwei. For his crime, he should be removed from his official position! He should also be ordered to stay in the East Palace and not come out!"

Liu Hongji said again.

These two people talked to each other, and they didn't let Li Chengqian have anything to say.

But if they think that they can defeat Li Chengqian in this way, they are wrong.

Because there is still Empress Zhangsun, but no one can use her words more usefully.

She leaned closer to Li Shimin and said: "Your Majesty is a Mingjun, you should listen to both sides, you must not listen, and accidentally hurt a good person!"

Li Shimin was still angry, and when he heard what Empress Changsun said, he lowered his volume.

"Guanyin servant girl, you are right, but Gao Ming really disappointed me this time. There is no law at all, how can people from these six departments be transferred at will!"

For now, the flood has not completely erupted.

It is even more impossible for Li Shimin to know, he just blamed blindly, obviously blinded.

Therefore, in his opinion, what he says cannot be controlled by the people below.

Even if he gave Li Chengqian power, this power cannot be used indiscriminately.

"Your Majesty, this concubine thinks that the best choice is to listen to Gao Ming's ideas!"

"Your Majesty, the ministers think that His Highness the Crown Prince ignores the king's law, and he will be dismissed first!"

Liu Hongji became a little aggressive.

"His Majesty……"

Li Shimin was curious that Li Chengqian didn't say anything at this time.

"Gao Ming, what else do you have to say?"

So ask.

Generally speaking, people would definitely argue, but from Li Chengqian's point of view, there seemed to be no intention of arguing.

"Your Majesty, if you want to hear from my son, I will say, if your majesty is willing to listen to outsiders, then I have nothing to say!"

What Li Chengqian said made Empress Changsun feel soft.

"Your Majesty, he is your own flesh and blood. You don't listen to his words, but you have to listen to his people's words. It seems unfair to Gao Ming!"

Empress Changsun almost cried.

But Liu Hongji said: "Your Majesty, don't be soft-hearted at this time! The prince will be punished if he makes mistakes!"

Li Chengqian was still there, not afraid at all, and didn't explain anything.In the end, everything will naturally clear up.

"Enough! Stop talking, I want to hear what Gao Ming has to say!"

Li Shimin shouted, and Liu Hongji and Liu Hongji were speechless in fright.

The more Li Chengqian was like this, the more Li Shimin wanted to know why, because he would not do something for no reason, this time there must be a reason.

They originally wanted Li Shimin to remove Li Chengqian's position. In that case, the crown prince would not be able to participate in politics. In this case, there would be loyal ministers around Li Shimin, and there would be no Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian knew what they were thinking.

"Gao Ming, talk about it, if your words are not enough to convince me, then I may have to revoke your Ministerial Order!"

Judging from Li Shimin's tone, he was so angry this time.

No matter what you say, you have to teach Li Chengqian a lesson.

Li Chengqian said slowly: "Your Majesty, the water level in the lower reaches of the Zishui River has risen to more than one meter from the shore, and spread to the low-lying shore. Three hundred houses of the common people have collapsed. At this time, we are evacuating people. People cut their losses!"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words came out, Li Shimin was speechless.

He said with a sullen face: "Why didn't you tell me about this kind of thing? Instead, go and mobilize the six departments?"

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, Your Majesty once gave my ministers the power to kill first and then play. However, when things happened suddenly, I didn't have time to ask for instructions, because time is precious. If I didn't deal with it in time, the people might be in dire straits. ah!"

Li Chengqian's words hit Li Shimin's heart directly.

At the same time, Empress Changsun said: "Your Majesty, I think Gao Ming did the right thing. People will thank you in the end for what he has done!"

Li Shimin was dumbfounded.

At the same time, Liu Hongji, Yu Wenshi and the two had nothing to say.

Because if this is the case, then Li Shimin will not punish Li Chengqian.

On the contrary, Li Chengqian will be rewarded!
"Gao Ming, I blamed you!"

"Your Majesty is also in a hurry. My son here begs His Majesty to send more people there because there are not enough people!"

"Okay, Datang has you, and I have you, it is Datang's fortune!"

Li Shimin finally said.

"And you Hongji, Shiji, I really feel ashamed for you! In the future, this kind of thing must be investigated. I won't punish you this time. Think about it!"

Li Shimin's complexion was not good, and he was very ugly, so he called the two of them by name.

The heads of the two were very low, and they stopped talking.

But at this moment, Xiao Huangmen ran into the Taiji Palace.

Shouting frantically: "The big thing is bad, the big thing is bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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