Chapter 673 I have a way
"What's the matter, so flustered?"

Li Shimin's face was solemn and his tone was not kind.

Just now, he blamed Li Chengqian, which made him feel a little ashamed.

At the same time, I don't know why Li Chengqian could predict this.

But right now, he didn't have time to think too much, so he just asked.

"Your Majesty... the downstream of Zishui is blocked! The water level is skyrocketing!"


Li Shimin stood up suddenly, no one could understand what this meant better than him.

Empress Changsun said: "If the water level rises, it may affect the nearby farmland and even endanger the residents in the city. If the flood is bigger, then Datang will suffer huge losses! My Tang Dynasty has just passed the famine. If there is another flood, people will suffer a lot. I will be in dire straits again, and the changes made before may have to be repeated!"

She spoke eloquently and emotionally, and every sentence penetrated into the hearts of the people.

Li Shimin was a little confused by what she said, and no one knew better than him what this meant in the future.

At this time, people are nothing in front of natural disasters.

Empress Changsun preached for him:
"Call all the ministers to the court and come up with countermeasures! To deal with the scourge!"

"Yes, let all the ministers come here quickly! Quickly! Time is running out!"

Li Shimin also said.

Now, every second counts. Once the water level rises to a certain level, it will be too late to think of a solution. Why?

Because of the non-stop rain, the water has no way to drain, only to rise.

How did they know that the only one who could think of a way was probably Li Chengqian.

The entire palace began to riot.

All the ministers looked solemn and flustered.

They ran in the rain, and what they wanted to go to was the same place, which was the Tai Chi Palace.

At this time, the minister was very anxious, and it had been a long time since he was in such a hurry to call everyone as he was today.

And when Li Shimin went to summon the ministers, Li Chengqian also said to his subordinates: "Go, bring my king's sand table here! Wait, this king is together!"


Sand table?What it was, no one knew.

Everyone is also very curious.

After a while, Li Chengqian moved many things into the Taiji Palace, and no one knew what he was going to do.

And all the ministers were called back again.

They didn't know what happened, they just stood in the Tai Chi Palace, not knowing why.

But seeing Li Shimin's face, no one dared to ask.

I had no choice but to ask Li Chengqian

Du Ruhui first asked, "Your Highness, what's going on?"

"The downstream of Zishui is blocked, and now the water level of the entire Zishui is rising, which may threaten Chang'an City!"

Li Chengqian said so.

When everyone showed up, Li Shimin opened his mouth and said: "I think everyone knows what happened. There is one urgent matter right now. The purpose of asking everyone to come is to discuss what to do."

Then, Li Chengqian said: "Everyone, please look here!"

He pointed to the sand table and said.

People find it novel and look at the sand table.

Li Chengqian continued: "This is a scaled-down model of the vicinity of Chang'an City. This one is Zishui. The blocked location is here."

Li Shimin continued: "Yes, it is there. Now, please find a way to empty it to restore the water level of Zishui. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Then someone said: "Let's ask someone to dig through there, maybe it can be done!"

His method was immediately refuted by others.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to complete, and the river is fast. If there is a breach, as many people will die, and who else would dare to go? This method will not work!"

Another said: "What about changing the way?"

"Do you know how long it takes to change the route? By the time the change is completed, the Zishui has already flooded the city of Chang'an!"

Diversion is also not acceptable.

what to do?Everyone fell into thinking.

The ministers were also helpless.

what should I do?

So everyone looked at Li Chengqian unanimously, in their opinion, every time Li Chengqian always has a way.

If you have problems that you can't solve, you will always find him.

This was everyone's first reaction, and Li Chengqian was quite used to this kind of reaction.

But wait for everyone to say something.

Li Shimin was furious because no one thought of a way.

"What are you doing to eat? Can't you think of a way? You take the imperial salary every year, but you can't even think of a way!"

This kind of problem is very difficult, with today's level, it can't be solved at all.

If there is more time, it may be possible.

But now it is impossible to achieve.

But at this time, Liu Hongji actually said: "Your Majesty, I believe that His Royal Highness must have a solution!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone once again focused their attention on Li Chengqian.

The old god Li Chengqian is here, so he won't say anything for now.

Li Shimin was furious.

"Liu Hongji, it was because of you that the bad thing happened just now. If it wasn't there, I would have made preparations long ago! If Gao Ming hadn't taken precautions in advance, the casualties of the people at this time would probably be over a thousand! Even more! What are you doing? food!"

It's fine if Liu Hongji doesn't say anything, but when he speaks, Li Shimin immediately scolds him.

He was stunned and couldn't respond yet.

Just because of what he said, Li Shimin hesitated, did not listen to Li Chengqian, and ordered the evacuation of the people.

Now, he asked Li Chengqian to find a way.

This is very sad.

Li Shimin was not happy with what he said, so he said again:
"Waste, it's all waste! The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are not as brilliant as a man! What's the use of the salary given by the Tang Dynasty for a year?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone bowed their heads.

The harder Li Shimin scolded, the happier Li Chengqian was.

But don't blame them, time is limited, I can't remember, only evacuated.

"Your Majesty, scolding them now won't solve the problem. Why don't you think of a way!"

Empress Changsun persuaded.

At this time, Li Chengqian opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty calm down! My son has a solution!"

When his words came out, all the officials looked at Li Chengqian with grateful eyes, and they must be thinking in their hearts that the crown prince is finally going to make a move.

There must be nothing wrong with him taking the shot.

His Royal Highness has a solution!Great, the people were saved.

Li Shimin asked: "What method?"

Li Chengqian walked to the side of the sand table and said, "Let's start from here and make it smooth!"

The ministers were astonished, isn't this what everyone thought?

What kind of solution is this?
But even if everyone has doubts in their hearts, they dare not ask questions, why?Because whoever gets ahead will suffer.

Li Shimin asked: "This is the method of the ministers! Gao Ming seems to be the same."

"Your Majesty, the method I said is different from theirs, and I still need to use those things!"

Li Chengqian pointed to the bags of things beside the hall and said.

"what is that?"

All the ministers asked.

(End of this chapter)

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