God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 695 The end of the world

Chapter 695 The end of the world

All this is seen by everyone.

Suddenly, Empress Changsun spoke.


"My son is here!"

"My sisters and I still have something to say, you and Wu Jue go outside for a walk and communicate with each other."

Empress Changsun said so.

It was obvious that she wanted to give the two of them a chance to be alone. In the past few days, she had taken up a lot of Wu Zetian's time. Wu Zetian was going to be the princess. How could this relationship with Li Chengqian not be cultivated?
Li Chengqian didn't feel anything, but Wu Zetian said with some embarrassment:
"Your Highness, this..."

"Wu Jue, are you afraid that this king will kill you if he eats you?"

Li Chengqian asked jokingly.

Wu Zetian was a little flustered.

"No, no, Wu Jue didn't mean that. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's nothing."

"Then let's go!"

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"

After Wu Jue saluted with Empress Changsun and others, he followed Li Chengqian and left the present.

The five Empress Changsun looked at each other and smiled.

With the appearance of someone who has come here, who hasn't been young?

The only difference is that the two of them are still underage, if they are adults, maybe they can...


The two left the Lizheng Hall, speechless all the way.

It was Li Chengqian who first asked, "Wu Jue, what do you think we need to reform in the Tang Dynasty?"

He asked this on purpose, not because he couldn't cure it.

As a generation of female emperor, Wu Zetian must have tricky ideas. Perhaps she can refer to some of her ideas and combine with some of her own experiences to transform Datang in a more appropriate way, which may achieve better results. .

Wu Zetian's face was originally red, but when he heard Li Chengqian's question, it turned back to normal.

She said: "First, crack down on the elites, support the common people, and develop the imperial examinations.
The Guanlong Group is still too powerful. Although His Royal Highness has imposed some restrictions on them, it is still not enough. My daughter thinks that it is necessary to support the bureaucrats of the common landlords in various ways, recruit more talents from the common landlords, and expand their rule. Base.

The imperial court had to collect talents from all over the Tang Dynasty and send them to the capital for a unified examination.Officials and common people are allowed to recommend themselves to avoid omissions in the recommendation.In terms of imperial examinations, what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has done is very admirable, but there are still some deficiencies in combating and supporting.

The second is to rectify the administration of officials, severely punish corrupt officials, and promote talents
Although there is little corruption in His Majesty's rule, it is not without it.

Therefore, the little girl believes that officials who are corrupt and bend the law will be severely punished regardless of their official position.On the contrary, for talented people, special promotion will be given.

[-]. Open up the way of speaking and pay attention to accepting advice
Encourage the officials to write letters and say things, and they should be patient. Although they are very loving, they are not hidden.However, subjects who are outspoken and dare to speak out must be respected very much, which has played a great role in reforming bad governance and promoting political clarity.

[-]. Pay attention to the development of agriculture, lighten the corvee and pay less, and rest with the people

Persuade farmers and mulberry, thin taxes and labor. Those who "open up fields and have surplus food at home" will be rewarded;

We also need to carry out some reforms on culture, military affairs, etc., but the little girl has little knowledge of these two aspects, so I dare not speak nonsense!This is just my daughter's views on various aspects of state governance, which must be somewhat biased, and I hope His Highness the Crown Prince can criticize one or two. "

Wu Zetian couldn't stop once she said it, but there are seven or eight out of ten of these words that can be used.

Her views on political affairs are not much different from Li Chengqian's, and are even beneficial to his reforms.

If she is allowed to be the crown princess, maybe she can be used as a good helper to cooperate with me in doing some big things.

In this way, Li Chengqian was overjoyed that this woman would definitely be taken down, no matter what the price was.

"Okay, okay! Wu Jue, your opinion is really unique, and it coincides with this king!"

Who would have known that the two of them did not come out to talk about love, on the contrary, they were here to talk about important affairs of the country.

If the Empress Changsun and the others found out, they would definitely be surprised.

When Wu Zetian heard what Li Chengqian said, he said with some embarrassment: "Wu Jue has little talent and learning, and he made a fool of himself in front of His Highness the Crown Prince."

"How could it be? If this king needs your help, then the Tang Dynasty will not prosper? Heaven will not allow it!"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Chengqian, a little lost.

This is probably the first time she has been praised so much, and she still exists like a god, the prince, so she can't help but feel a little panicked.

At the same time, his face was also red, which was very beautiful.

Because, soon she will become Li Chengqian's woman.

To become the princess of the Tang Dynasty is second only to the existence under the three of them.

"Thanks to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for not disliking him, Wu Sui is flattered."

"Why does this king despise you?"

"What does His Highness the Crown Prince think, what kind of existence will the Tang Dynasty be in the end?"

"The territory of the Great Tang will spread all over the world, and the sun will never set in the Great Tang."

"What is the world?"

Speaking of which, although the people of Tang Dynasty have maps, they still don't have a clear understanding of the world. It's time for them to know what kind of existence there is in this world.

Maybe you can buy a map, pretend to be aggressive by the way, and earn points, that's also possible.

"His Royal Highness, can you tell Wu Jue what that world is?"

Seeing that Li Chengqian didn't respond, Wu Zetian asked again.

"The world is the sum of all the land and oceans that the eyes can see! The whole world is not limited to Tubo, Turkic, Goguryeo..."

Li Chengqian had no choice but to explain it this way.

Wu Zetian seemed to understand but half understood.

"What is the end of the world...?"

Wu Zetian's thinking is very divergent, and his ability to accept is also very strong.

The earth is round, and the end of the world is behind you, but Li Chengqian won't say that, he wants to talk about something profound.

"It's happiness, it's people living and working in peace and contentment!"

When Li Chengqian said this, Wu Zetian was overjoyed.

"His Royal Highness is wise!"

The two chatted for a while again, this time they didn't talk about state affairs, but chatted about some daily life, so they got to know each other better.

Until the end, their date was interrupted.

A small yellow door suddenly visited.

He saluted and said: "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty welcomes you!"

At this time, Li Shimin must have nothing good to find himself.

A good date, but let him mess up again, whatever, let's see what's going on.

So he said:

"Wu Jue, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You go to find your mother and queen!"

"His Royal Highness, you are busy first!"

Wu Zetian said.

After Li Chengqian nodded, he left without looking back.

Wu Zetian was left there meditating, Li Chengqian gave her too much shock today, no matter from which point of view, Li Chengqian is more like a wise man with profound knowledge, which made her suddenly enlightened.

At the same time, he thought that he would spend the rest of his life with the prince, so he couldn't help but feel very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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