Chapter 696

Li Chengqian quickly went to the Taiji Palace, at this time the palace was already full of civil and military officials.

When they saw Li Chengqian's appearance, they saluted together.

"Meet Your Royal Highness!"

Everyone said.

"Why are you still outside and not going in?"

Seeing that everyone didn't mean to go in, it made people very puzzled.

Fang Xuanling said: "Your Majesty has not come yet, just let us wait here first."

Li Chengqian asked: "Oh? Then let me come here this time, why?"

Li Chengqian was a little upset, because he was still on a date with Wu Zetian, so he was more or less upset to be called over like this.

Du Ruhui said: "I heard that the Turkic envoy has come, Your Majesty is not free to meet him yet."

Li Chengqian's first reaction was Tuli.

"Turks? But Turks sent people here?"

Fang Xuanling said, "No, it's Xieli!"

"He sent an envoy at this time, there must be nothing good! Let's see how the king responds later!"

Li Chengqian said so.

He is now the backbone of Datang, and his decisions are often the most important and correct.

He is also the only one who can make a decision besides Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty ordered all the ministers to come in for a meeting!"

At this time, a little yellow door ran out and yelled.

After everyone looked at each other, they entered the court hall.

When they entered, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun sat on the upper seat.

"Your Majesty and Your Majesty the Queen are welcome!"

All the ministers shouted.

"My son pays homage to His Majesty, His Royal Highness the Queen!"

Li Chengqian also salutes.

"Free gift!"

Li Shimin waved his hand.

"Today there is an envoy coming to my Tang Dynasty, and I will meet with all my lovers!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

And Li Shimin said afterwards: "Let the envoy come in!"

Xiao Huangmen shouted at the top of his voice, "Message Xuan Jieli is here!"

A moment later, a middle-aged man dressed strangely entered the court hall.

"Palken, the Turkic envoy, has seen His Majesty King Tang!"

The messenger's tone was flat, without enough sincerity.

For now, the Turks and the Tang Dynasty are enemies, and there is no need to show too much sincerity.

But because of this guy's performance, everyone was very unhappy with him.

"Why did Jieli find me in Tang Dynasty?"

Li Chengqian said directly.

Unexpectedly, Napalken ignored Li Chengqian's existence.

"Who are you? Paleken only talks to King Tang."

This guy obviously doesn't train the prince.

Li Chengqian didn't say anything, but Cheng Yaojin couldn't stand it anymore.

"Bold, you dare to be rude to me, Li Chengqian, the crown prince. Believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

When Paleken heard this, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and said:
"Prince? But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty who advocated the wool trade?"

This is awesome, Li Chengqian is really famous, Turkic people hundreds of kilometers away know his deeds.

This is not surprising, don't the Khitan people know the same?

But Li Chengqian thought in his heart, I really don't want to be famous!But in fact, he is famous.

"What? Does Datang have a second prince?"

Li Chengqian said angrily.


Paleken suddenly became respectful, which had never happened before.

You know, he has no respect for Li Shimin for Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian glanced at Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

I didn't see anything unusual. After all, his reputation outside may have surpassed Li Shimin's, but Li Shimin didn't seem to be unusual?

But Empress Changsun saw what was going on.

He said: "Gao Ming's reputation spreads far, the better his reputation, the greater His Majesty's Tianwei!"

With such an explanation, Li Shimin wanted to be angry, but he might not be able to.

After all, Li Chengqian is his own son, no matter how awesome he is, he is still his own son.

After Li Chengqian saw that Li Shimin didn't have any special reaction.

Then he said to Palek: "Palek, do you think this king has the right to listen to what Xieli wants to say?"

"Prince of the Tang Dynasty, please call Jieli Khan directly!"

"The title is not important, tell me, what does Xieli want to do?"

Li Chengqian doesn't care who is khan or not, everyone is an enemy, and he still needs to be called you?What a joke.

"I, Jieli Khan, learned that the Khitans surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, so I wanted to use Liang Shidu in exchange for all the surrendered Khitans and their territories."

As soon as Li Chengqian heard it, he knew exactly what was going on.

So he said coldly:

"Huh, you Khan really think, exchanging a useless person for Khitan? It's too whimsical."

"His Royal Highness, on this matter, Paleken wants to hear the meaning of King Tang, not your opinion."

Paleken also knew that Li Shimin was higher than Li Chengqian, so he said so.

Unexpectedly, Li Shimin said: "Gao Ming's meaning is my meaning! Everything is determined by Gao Ming's meaning, do you understand?"


Paleken was very puzzled, how could Datang be like this.

Why is there a prince who is more powerful than the emperor!

Instead, Li Jing explained directly: "This is the Tang Dynasty. His Royal Highness and His Majesty are of the same heart, and the Tang Dynasty can be so strong! Therefore, what the Prince means is what His Majesty means, understand?"

Now, everyone is constantly refreshing Paleken's cognition.

Rather than saying that Li Shimin let Li Chengqian behave, it is better to say that Li Shimin doesn't want to talk to Paleken, he just needs to be superior, and let Li Chengqian handle the rest.

No matter how awesome the messenger is, he is just a messenger.

"Paleken, what else do you have to say now?"

"His Royal Highness, please give me a reason for Khan!"

"Reason? It's a very simple reason. The Khitan people are different races from your Turks. Now they have surrendered to our Tang Dynasty. What reason do you have to ask for it back? Liang Shidu was originally a Han Chinese in the Central Plains. He invaded our land and oppressed our Tang Dynasty." Common people, the Turks accepted him and took him under his protection. The Tang Dynasty sent troops to crusade against the capital of Liang Shidu, and you always sent troops to rescue. The people are going to change him. Not to mention the land! Can this king make it clear? Do you understand?"

Li Chengqian's words attracted everyone's unanimous agreement.

It's true, Liang Shidu is also not successful, so why can he be a bargaining chip?
"Is there no room for negotiation?"

Paleken asked.

"There is room? Yes, there is? It just depends on whether you are willing to accept it or not? The so-called diplomacy is the same as buying and selling. The two sides are based on a basis of what you like and what I want. The room for this depends on our conditions. Can you agree? If you can , everything is easy to talk about!"

When Li Chengqian said that, Paleken was puzzled.

But the ministers could already foresee that Li Chengqian was going to dig a hole for the Turks to jump into again.

In Li Chengqian's view, Datang will never suffer.

Everyone also really wanted to know what Li Chengqian wanted to do, and why there was still room for maneuver.

(End of this chapter)

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