Chapter 697

Paleken asked: "I don't know what the margin is? Can you tell me?"

"It's very simple. If you hand over Master Liang, I, Datang, can expand the wool trading business with you. In this way, you will not lose money!"

Now the Turks are already suffering from civil strife and lack of supplies.Li Chengqian seized this point to blackmail the Turks, and the success rate is very high.

"Paleken doesn't understand, why trade?"

The ministers didn't know what kind of medicine Li Chengqian was selling in the gourd.

Li Chengqian explained: "This king knows that the current Turks are very weak and need supplies especially, and my Tang Dynasty has plenty of all these supplies. You can go back and talk to your Khan, or you can settle it. It's also good." .”

After what he said, everything is reasonable.

But this time, the ministers were puzzled.

Yuwen Shiji came out first and said: "His Royal Highness, I, the Tang Dynasty, and the Turkic people are enemies. Is there such a way to help the enemy? What should we do if the enemy comes and bites us back?"

But Li Chengqian said: "You don't understand this. It is said that there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests!"

Interests are a series of material and spiritual products used by human beings to satisfy their own desires. To some extent, the pleasure brought by money, power, lust, emotion, honor, fame, national status, territory, sovereignty, etc. Things that can satisfy one's own desires can be called interests.

Existence in the world must also come because of interests, no matter which country it is.

"Your Majesty! Please stop His Highness the Crown Prince from making such a decision!"

Yu Wenshi and Jian Jian said, but Li Chengqian said so.

"Guanyin maidservant, what do you think?"

Every time Li Shimin couldn't make up his mind, he would ask Empress Changsun.

At this time, although he had a conclusion in his mind, he still wanted to know what Empress Changsun thought, and since it suited him so well, he naturally did so.

Empress Changsun said at this time: "Gao Ming must have his reasons for doing this. Why don't we listen to him later?"

Yuwen Shiji's reaction was a bit big. His leadership caused a chain reaction among the ministers, and everyone was mixed.

This kind of reaction caught Depalken's eyes.

He has a lot of thoughts, the more chaotic, the more useful.

So he shouted: "Okay! We agree to do this, but I need to go back and make a final confirmation with Khan. If Khan finally agrees, I will bring up Liang Shidu's head to see you! I hope His Royal Highness will keep his promise at that time." !"

Paleken was afraid that Li Chengqian would regret it, so he said so directly.

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengqian smiled knowingly.

This kind of laughter is always felt weird when everyone notices it.

But it can be seen that Paleken has fallen into Li Chengqian's trap.

"That's natural. This king's opinion represents His Majesty's opinion. My Tang Dynasty is for the king. It doesn't seem that some people will turn their faces and deny the covenant!"

Li Chengqian meant something, saying that Jieli had broken the Weishui alliance signed with Datang in the past few years.

Paleken just laughed dryly, how could he not know the stakes.

"That's it, His Majesty the King of Tang! Napalken will take his leave first."

After getting Li Shimin's permission, Paleken hurriedly left the present.

And when he left, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty broke out.

"Isn't Your Highness the Crown Prince doing this badly?"

"Yeah, now there is still a chance to bring Paleken back and renegotiate!"

"Your Majesty, this may have an impact on Datang!"

"Your Majesty, please issue an order to recall Paleken!"


Some voices of opposition continued to sound, but Li Chengqian did not intend to refute at all.

Until Li Shimin asked.

"Gao Ming, what do you want to do this time?"

He seemed to understand everything Li Chengqian wanted to do.

Li Chengqian smiled.

Said: "My son is doing business with two parties, to get the maximum benefit from Xieli and Tuli, this is killing four birds with one stone!"

The ministers were amazed that it was still possible to operate like this.So what exactly do you get?
Li Shimin was curious, and asked, "Oh? Which four wins?"

"First, the trade has enriched the finances of Datang, and the follow-up of wool can improve people's living standards.

The second thing is that our support has made the Turkic people more completely hurt. The more they are like this, they will not stop fighting for a few years.

The third is that the head of Liang Shidu can be presented without a single soldier.Although we made a plan, it will take time for Liang Shidu to be defeated. The longer the time, the slower it will be for us to recover the land.As fast as possible, it is naturally the best.

The fourth is to preserve the safety of the Khitan people and the land.When the Turks start fighting, Khitan will naturally be safe, and we can defend it with only a small amount of troops.This is four wins! "

When Li Chengqian said this, he was full of pretense.

The look of shock on people's faces was even more obvious.

It turned out that everything was under Li Chengqian's control.

They played in front of Li Chengqian, which was the difference between children and adults.

Many people who opposed it lowered their heads.

As a result, a large number of points rushed towards Li Chengqian like a tide.

This time, the harvested points are still fully loaded.

Nearly [-] points were recorded.

"Okay! The brilliant diplomatic skills are becoming more and more proficient!"

Li Shimin said so.

"In the future, it may be good to hand over diplomacy to Gao Ming."

Empress Changsun suggested.

"That's natural. In the future, when foreign envoys come, Gao Ming will take full power to deal with it."

Li Shimin was overjoyed and said so.

If you have full power to deal with it, you are a diplomat. No matter which dynasty, there is probably no such thing as Li Chengqian.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust!"

Li Chengqian said quickly.

At this time, Yu Wenhuaji asked intentionally: "Then what is the best way to deal with His Royal Highness the Turkic Crown Prince?"

"Notify Tuli to unite Xue Yantuo and Jieli to fight! It can further disintegrate Xieli's strength and facilitate the progress of this plan! And we just need to sit back and enjoy its achievements!"

Li Shimin laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, Xieli probably didn't expect that everything about him is under our control!"

"Your Majesty, the infiltration of Liang Shidu will still continue. After all, Jie Li is a bit perverted. He is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case he tears his face and reunites with Liang Shidu!"

"That's right, then this matter will be handled by you!"

Li Shimin suddenly remembered something again.

"By the way, what about the weapons created by the previous explosives?"

"Your Majesty, wait a few more days, and it will be completed. This thing can kill people at a hundred feet, and you only need to move your fingers. Everyone can take a look at that time!"

Li Chengqian's words were very cryptic, which made everyone look forward to it.

At the same time, there are still some people who do not want to believe it.

It's not important, when the time comes Li Chengqian will naturally perform it to let them know that there is such a thing in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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