God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 698 Firearms Research Institute

Chapter 698 Firearms Research Institute
Everything is going on as usual, the input that should be invested, and the production is engaged in production.

Until this day, Xiao Huangmen came to report.

"His Royal Highness, new news from the Firearms and Weapons Research Institute!"

Just a while ago, when the flintlock research reached a certain level, Li Chengqian began to separate the core personnel and classify them into the Firearms and Weapons Research Institute, leaving only some core personnel to study guns.

The purpose is to avoid some unnecessary troubles, so that some confidential things will not be known to outsiders.

"The king knows."

After finishing, Li Chengqian went to the gun shop alone.

Now is the critical time, if it can really be produced, Datang will be even stronger in the future.

When he arrived, someone greeted him.

"Li Kai, what happened to the gun?"

Li Kai is a rare smart person in the Li family, and was recruited here by Li Chengqian as the general manager.He never let Li Chengqian down.

Li Kaidao: "His Royal Highness, the first batch has been made, about ten flintlock guns! Here are gunpowder and lead bullets!"

The flintlock is the definition given by Li Chengqian. The flintlock he uses is a Mini rifle, and the bullets are lead bullets.

Why buckshot?Instead of iron bullets and copper bullets?

That's because the metal lead is too dense, so it's not suitable for making melee weapons, and the mining and utilization of lead ore is not as simple and practical as iron and copper, so the ammunition for making long-range offensive weapons is most suitable.

Because its use value in other aspects is not great, and its extremely high density can make it more convenient and quick to load ammunition.

And if you want to use some metals that were developed in large quantities at that time, such as iron and copper, it will not only reduce their application in other fields.Moreover, as bullets that have been shot out and are not recyclable, the use of copper and iron will also become a huge burden on the economy at this time.

These are all for a reason, not for nothing.

Li Kai took out a flintlock gun, and it can be seen that this gun has begun to take shape of a modern rifle.

He got a little excited.

"How far does this rifle shoot?"

"It is calculated to be around one hundred feet!"

Li Kai replied.

One foot is more than three meters, and one hundred feet is about 300 meters. At that time, the range of bows and arrows was only 200 meters, which was already insane, and the weight of bows and arrows was much higher than that of lead bullets, and the volume was much higher. It It is more affected by the environment, and the aiming head cannot be compared with bullets at all.

Li Chengqian thought to himself, if there are enough flintlock guns, then he can be domineering in this era.

Treat all kinds of dissatisfaction!
"Come on, try its power. Let me see how powerful it is?"

Although the flintlock has been built, it is still necessary to test its power. This is not a promise.

"Yes! Your Highness, please move!"

Li Kai then took ten flintlock guns to a place not far away, this is the testing ground for testing weapons.

A wooden dummy was placed 300 meters in front of him.

The people around were all cleared away, while Li Chengqian watched from a little behind.

But Li Kai ordered everyone to pull the trigger.


Li Kaidao: "Next!"

Another was handed over, because the flintlock wasn't loaded like a modern pistol, and it took time to load.

So Li Kai is going to use ten guns to test its power.

bang bang bang
Every gun has no misfires.

Finished with ten shots.

Then someone went to check the specific situation of the dummy.

"Report! Five out of ten shots!"

said the man.


Li Chengqian went to check the dummy and found several holes in the armor on his body.

Each hole has been hit very hard.

These bullets can penetrate thick armor at such a long distance, and they are quite powerful.

The hit rate was a bit low, only [-] out of [-]. Maybe Li Kai's marksmanship was not good, or maybe the gun still needed to be adjusted and improved, but it didn't matter.

The important thing is that the flintlock gun has been successfully developed!Simply wonderful.

In this way, his task can be regarded as completed.

Sure enough, the system came to prompt:
"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of inventing guns! Reward [-] points.

Start task 20: Build [-] guns within one month!Award [-] points.When the time is up, those who have not completed the task will reset the calculation!After clearing, the reward for the second mission is reduced to one tenth, and the mission begins. "

With a swipe, his points increased by another [-] points.

The system does not give him any room for negotiation.

This is really interesting, if you can't make [-] guns in a month, then you have to start another cycle and make another [-] guns in a month.This kind of difficulty is not without.

For the sake of points, whatever you say has to be created.

"Li Kai, with the current production capacity, how many guns can be produced in a day?"

Li Chengqian had no choice but to ask.

"Back to His Royal Highness, judging from the resources we can obtain, there are at most one hundred sticks a day!"

One hundred a day, only three thousand a month, far from ten thousand.

"How about faster?"

"It can't be faster. First, people's proficiency is limited. Second, our minerals are not enough to complete too much. I'm afraid it's His Majesty's will!"

Li Kai said.

Because guns need some special metals.

"If it is His Majesty's will, then I will solve it. If everything is resolved, can you produce [-] guns in one month?"

Li Kai couldn't guarantee it, so he could only say: "This... try my best!"

Li Chengqian doesn't allow such words as much as possible, if you can do it, you can do it if you can't.

"I don't want to try, I want to ask, can I? A definite answer!"

Li Kai said again:

"We can expand production and let more people join the production. If some metals can be solved, they can be produced!"

Then, I have to go to Li Shimin to have a good chat, and pretend to be aggressive by the way.

"Li Kai, take your gun and go to the Taiji Palace with me to meet His Majesty! This time you have made a great contribution, and you will be rewarded! This king will reward you with a thousand guan, and everyone else will have a hundred guan!"

This is what Li Chengqian rewarded, as for Li Shimin, there may be more rewards.

Li Kai was overjoyed, and nodded frantically in agreement.

Others were even more excited.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

"This is what you deserve! Follow me in the future, and the benefits will naturally be indispensable to you!"

Li Chengqian will not be stingy with these people.

What you deserve is no less than others.

"Okay, let's go now, while His Majesty has just finished his morning court and has time!"

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"

"Come on, prepare gunpowder and bullets!"

After that, the group went to Tai Chi Palace.

PS.There has been an outbreak of pneumonia virus recently, everyone try not to go out!
(End of this chapter)

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