God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 699 The More The Better

Chapter 699 The More The Better
In the Taiji Palace, Li Shimin was writing a memorial.

As for Li Chengqian's arrival, he was a little surprised.

"Gao Ming, why are you here?"

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

Li Chengqian signaled Li Kai to present the flintlock gun.

Li Kai did so, and when Li Shimin saw the strange shape of this spear, he thought it was a little strange.

"Gao Ming, what is this?"

"Your Majesty, this is a flintlock gun, an artifact that sweeps the world!"

What is a flintlock?How did Li Shimin know.

Suddenly he thought of what Li Chengqian said about the flintlock a few days ago, so he said:
"Oh? This is what you made these days? From my point of view, it seems to be plain, even shorter than a spear. Is it really useful?"

Li Chengqian explained:

"Your Majesty, this thing is full of lethality, just one can kill the enemy from hundreds of meters away!"

The emergence of the flintlock can push Datang into the era of hot weapons.

The opponent at this time is still at the time of shooting.

This kind of lead can reduce a large number of soldiers, and when facing a large number of enemies, it can still win a big victory.

"One hundred feet away? The strongest bow and arrow is only seventy feet! It's really so magical, let me see how it is used?"

Don't look at the thirty feet away, it's more than 100 meters.

Li Shimin showed enough interest.

But he still didn't believe it, it was because they hadn't seen the specific power of this gun.

So Li Chengqian said: "Yes! Your Majesty, please move outside and let my son demonstrate for you!"

Li Shimin was puzzled.

"Isn't it okay in here?"

What's going on here?The place is too small, if you are not careful, you will hurt people.

"This weapon is powerful. Once it hits a hard object, it will bounce back. I'm afraid that the stray bullet will hurt Your Majesty!"

"Is there so much more to pay attention to?"

In Li Shimin's opinion, how powerful is this gun?

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, what if you are really accidentally injured?

"Yes, for safety, let's go outside."

Li Chengqian made a gesture of please.

Li Shimin was unmoved.

Just when Li Chengqian wanted to ask what was going on, Li Shimin said:
"Wait, if I watch it alone, it won't be shocking enough! Come, the ministers in Chang'an come to Taiji Palace as quickly as possible!"

Everyone knows that Li Shimin loves to show off.

At this time, it was time to show off his muscles, how could he give up?

If it is really like what Li Chengqian said, killing people invisibly from a hundred feet away, it would be too terrifying.

Whatever you say, let everyone see it together.

Datang will be strong too!

Li Chengqian also wished that Li Shimin would call more people.

Give yourself a good performance, especially those who oppose you so much, let them all come.

He likes this kind of contrast, which allows him to earn a lot of points.

Sure enough, Li Shimin was not satisfied yet.

He said again: "Come here, let all the concubines, princes, and relatives of the emperor come here!"

so many people?So this time, if there are not thousands of people, I'm afraid it won't work out.

For this day, Li Shimin also waited for a long time, so he had to make it more grand.

Li Kai on the side was also frightened.

"His Royal Highness, I..."

"Don't worry, you check the gun carefully, don't misfire when the time comes, then it will be a joke."

"Yes, yes, yes! Your Highness, the villain understands!"

If there is a joke, then Li Kai may not be rewarded, and may even be offended, which is the crime of deceiving the emperor and will be beheaded.

So, he hurriedly checked the gun again, for fear that something might go wrong.

Half an hour later, the entire Taiji Palace was surrounded by people.

Civil and military officials, concubines, princes and princesses, and relatives of the emperor are all curious.

Why did Li Shimin let them come over.

Li Shimin hadn't come out yet.

Cheng Yaojin and others found Li Chengqian and asked.

"His Royal Highness, what is His Majesty doing to make such a sensation?"

Li Ke also said:

"Yes, big brother, we are still studying, and we heard His Majesty's order to let us come, why?"

There are also princesses like Li Lizhi, who feel even more strange.

But Li Chengqian pretended to be mysterious and said: "You will know after a while."

"Don't make it so mysterious every time."

Li Tai had sharp eyes, and he spotted the dummy a hundred feet away.

"Brother, is this time related to that dummy?"

This is what everyone can guess.

Li Chengqian still didn't want to talk about it.

"No, no, you will know in a while, and His Majesty will talk about it in a while."

Give Li Shimin this opportunity to perform, and let him introduce it.

Especially when introducing yourself, it is more convincing than what you say from your own mouth.

Since Li Chengqian has said so, it is difficult for everyone to say anything.

The ministers talked a lot, but they couldn't come up with a reason.

In addition to them, there are also the eldest grandson empress and the concubines, and they are also discussing in whispers.

"His Majesty is here!"

At this time, Li Shimin came out of the room.

All the ministers waited to salute.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Okay, let's all be free."

Li Shimin raised his hand.

Then someone asked: "I don't know why Your Majesty asked me to come here this time?"

The implication is that everyone is busy, and there are still many things to deal with, so why let them come over?
Li Shimin's face was ruddy, and he said: "I have brought everyone here this time because there is a very important event for everyone to witness. This matter is related to the future strength of Datang."

Having said this, everyone was even more at a loss, what else is related to the future of Datang.

Do you want everyone to witness together?
When people heard this, they all focused their attention on Li Chengqian.

Because apart from Li Chengqian, no one can do anything related to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

This time it must be related to Li Chengqian.

Therefore, everyone began to guess, and the whole place became very noisy.

"Okay, everyone, stop guessing, let's start now! Gao Ming, it's up to you!"

Seeing that everyone was starting to speculate, Li Shimin said so.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Li Chengqian walked out.

"Li Kai, get things ready!"

Li Kai took out the flintlock gun together with the others, and the people looked at the ten flintlock guns in a daze.

What is this thing?Only this long?
Why is it related to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty?

It doesn't seem like it exists.

Some people even began to sneer, saying that this is something for children, how can they bring it to play?Just relying on this thing, but also strong Tang?It's just an idiot's dream.

Li Chengqian didn't care about the performance of these people at all, let them talk.

It only takes a while for them to know how powerful it is.

(End of this chapter)

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