God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 700 The minister has objections

Chapter 700 The minister has objections
Li Chengqian walked in front of everyone and said, "Look, everyone, the one in my king's hand is a flintlock gun, an existence that can sweep the world!"

At this time, the Yuwen scholar asked: "I don't think there is anything magical about it. It doesn't have a sharp point to kill the enemy. How can it become an existence that sweeps the world?"

With his beginning, some people said: "No, is this thing really as miraculous as His Royal Highness said?"

"I don't think so. This thing is not much longer than our broadsword. The blade of the broadsword can kill the enemy. What can it do? It can be made into a shoulder pole. I think it is too short."

"This is what children play with! His Royal Highness is still too young!"

The words of these people directly caused everyone to laugh, but they did not dare to laugh too loudly.

After all, what was in front of them was the current crown prince, and Li Shimin was also present, so no one dared to be too obvious.

But the expression on his face was disdainful.

Li Chengqian sneered at these performances, and will let them know what the real killer is.

After a while, let them know how embarrassing it is to be slapped in the face.

Regarding Li Chengqian's calmness, many people who turned to him were not calm.

Especially Li Lizhi, she cared very much for this brother.

Of course, Wu Zetian is also indispensable. This unmarried daughter-in-law has been deeply impressed by Li Chengqian's talent.

In the whole world, there are only two men who are talented and powerful.

One is Li Shimin, and the other is her fiancé, the current Crown Prince.

Wu Zetian couldn't hold it back, and said directly: "Enough is enough, before you see the facts, are you so sure that His Royal Highness's flintlock gun is not good? Keeping a line in everything is to save face for yourself. Don't come At that time, he slapped himself in the face."

Her appearance surprised Empress Changsun and made Li Chengqian even more miraculous. This girl has a big temper, I like it.

All the ministers showed disdainful expressions when they saw Wu Zetian.

Everyone must be thinking.

Where is the girl, why is she so rude.Why do you say that about them?

But having said that, seeing her standing beside Empress Changsun, one knew that this person's rank must be not bad.And at such a young age, their first reaction was that Wu Zetian must be a relative of the emperor, but everyone has never seen any relative of the emperor with such a big daughter.

The samurai Xun was not present today, otherwise he would definitely stand up for his daughter, and no matter what he said, people would not be able to make people question Wu Zetian.

Someone couldn't help asking.

"Who are you, this girl?"

"This is Wu Jue, the future princess! What's the matter with you? Why do you people say that guns are not good?"

Li Lizhi couldn't stand it anymore, so she said.

She was influenced by Wu Zetian, and directly confronted all the ministers.

Now all the ministers are a little afraid, after all, she is a crown princess at such a young age, and she seems to have a temper, so if you deal with her in the future, you may have to be careful.

And the princess is not happy with them anymore.

"Okay, let's get here first! Everyone, please don't say a few words!"

Li Chengqian still stood up, and if he continued, it would be endless.

After all, this time is his performance time, people questioned and questioned, and the contrast was also achieved.

So he's going to continue acting.

"I know that you must have a lot of questions. Some people want to see my jokes, but I can tell you very responsibly that you have no chance.

Look at the flintlock gun in my hand, this thing is very lethal, just one can kill the enemy from hundreds of feet away! "

Li Chengqian reiterated again, flintlock!
Everyone was in an uproar, but everyone had never heard of a flintlock gun. What kind of thing was that?
It doesn't look like a long gun either!

Li Shimin hasn't said a word since just now, and he is also watching Li Chengqian's performance.

"Okay, calm down! This king knows, you must not believe it, so watch it."

Li Chengqian said so.

"Li Kai, are you ready?"

"His Royal Highness, all ten guns are ready!"

"Okay, give me one branch!"

Everyone was wondering what Li Chengqian was going to do.

Until after a loud bang.

It was only then that people discovered that the flintlock gun that Li Chengqian had mentioned was smoking.

Looking at the place in the distance, the little man was shaking after the gunshot.

Immediately afterwards, Li Chengqian fired nine more shots in sequence.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Every shot is a little shocking.

"Let's see how the result is? Come and bring the dummy to me!"

When the guards moved the dummy, everyone was shocked. From a distance of a hundred feet away, they hit the dummy with a flintlock gun and smashed the dummy to pieces.If these guns were shot at him, he probably wouldn't be able to survive.

Li Chengqian also hit all ten shots, this is of course his skill showing his prestige.

Li Shimin paused for a while, and then excitedly shouted: "It's really a magic weapon. Did you see it?"

Everyone was speechless. At first, the explosives made by Li Chengqian were used to blow up boulders. At that time, it was raining heavily. Some people didn’t understand. Now it’s just a small flintlock gun, but it’s so powerful, it’s unavoidable to make people shudder. ah.

People's shock also reached its peak.

At the same time, some people's faces were severely beaten, and some people were laughing at the ineffectiveness of flintlock guns just now. Now it seems that they are the ones who are ignorant.

It was just in response to Wu Zetian's words that he didn't know the pain until he was slapped in the face for a while.

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"


Once again, he got full marks, and the system did not disappoint Li Chengqian.

This time, it directly brought 30 points.

Taking advantage of Li Shimin's high interest, Li Chengqian naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and then complete the next task.

"My minister requests His Majesty to manufacture a large number of flintlock guns. To strengthen the military strength of our Great Tang!"

It seems that Li Chengqian is not wrong to say this. With such a powerful weapon, why not mass-produce it?
Some people's eyes began to become hot. Good things can bring good results, but if they are not used properly, they can also bring disasters.

"Your Majesty! I have objections!"

But at this time, someone shouted.

The crowd fell silent, because the sudden opposition made Li Chengqian a little upset, who was the one who didn't open his eyes and spoke.

So he looked around, and it turned out that Yuwen Shiji objected.

This guy is really annoying.

ps. Vientiane is updated with happiness, happiness is full of happiness, peace is joyful, happiness is coming, fortune, longevity, wealth and prosperity are coming!Lao Fen wishes you a New Year!I wish readers and friends a happy new year, successful studies and smooth work.

(End of this chapter)

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