God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 824 Stay away from my sister

Chapter 824 Stay away from my sister
On this day, Wang Xuance came to the East Palace with some information to report.

Li Chengqian heard it.

"Is this true?"


"Hmph, this woman is really trying to sow discord between His Majesty, this king and the queen mother, as the king said."

"Then, Your Highness, what shall we do?"

"Hmph? What should I do? Naturally, she has to be cured, just let the emperor lose interest in her."

"What should I do?"

"No, no, this matter can be handled by this king!"


At this time, a plan had already entered Li Chengqian's mind, and then he took out a small bottle and said:

"Guan Lishi, mix this into the new soap, remember, don't touch it with your hands."

Guan Lishi nodded in agreement, so he took the small bottle and went out to the soap workshop.

Suddenly, there were laughing and laughing voices from outside the door.

"What's going on? Who's making noise outside?"

Li Chengqian was a little displeased.

"It's Her Royal Highness who is outside!"

At this time Wu Zetian came out from inside and said.

Along with it is Zheng Liwan.

"Huh? Is she alone?"

"I was alone outside just now, maybe it's because I'm playful and have fun outside."

Wu Zetian said again.Having so much fun alone?This girl can really play!
"My lord, go and have a look!"

So Li Chengqian went out and headed for the backyard.

When he arrived, he saw a person he didn't really want to see.

"Qili Shi, why are you here?"

Li Chengqian's voice became deep.There was some anger in his tone.

At this time, Qi Lishi was having a good time with Li Lizhi.

"Brother, come and play too, Qi Lishi is very good at making jokes, very funny!"

Li Lizhi is very playful, but also has no scheming at all.The kind of people who have been cheated and don't know it.

She didn't know that the woman in front of her was very likely to give her to Songtsan Gampo.Then he will spend the rest of his life in Tibet.

If he knew, he probably wouldn't play with her anymore.

Li Chengqian said with a sullen face: "Go inside to find the princess! Let her teach you how to learn! Don't just know how to play every day!"

Li Lizhi was dumbfounded, her elder brother was not like this before.Why are you so fierce today?


"Don't be so, don't be sold by then, you don't know yet!"

He deliberately said this, leaving Qi Lishi a little dumbfounded.

Li Lizhi shook her hands in anger: "Brother is bullying, I will definitely tell the queen mother!"

The same is true for telling the eldest grandson queen, you play with others, and don't get too close to this woman.

After finishing, Li Lizhi entered the room angrily.

Li Chengqian looked at Qi Lishi and said, "From now on, stay away from my sister! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

There was no room for negotiation between his words.

"What did His Highness the Crown Prince say? In the future, Tang and Tubo will be one family, and the little girl just got to know Her Highness the Princess in advance. Will there be someone to talk to when I go to Tubo?"

"Has the king agreed? Everything, the king has not agreed, you don't want to get my sister out of the way."

Qi Lishi laughed.

"This is the meaning of His Majesty the King of Tang. Even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince may not be able to influence you. Don't you think so?"

I thought it would be safer for Li Lizhi to come to the East Palace, but I didn't expect this beloved woman to come to her door on her own initiative.It made Li Chengqian very angry!
"Really? Then we can try. This is Datang, not you Tubo!"

"This was promised by His Majesty the King of Tang. You can't go back on your word, right?"

"As long as the imperial decree is not issued, everything is inconclusive. Even if you are His Majesty's bedside person, you still follow the rules."

This woman is afraid of losing her body.

After all, during this period of time, she often stayed out of the Taiji Palace for a long time.

And Li Shimin has been very active recently, and even sent people to look for Sun Simiao to ask for some medicine, and his intention was very obvious.

But this is only Li Chengqian's guess.

"Anyway, it will be sooner or later."

While talking, the Qili family got closer to Li Chengqian's existence.

With light steps, she walked straight to Li Chengqian.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengqian didn't even hide, and stood directly in front of Qilishi.

At this time, he couldn't lose his momentum. At the same time, Li Chengqian was still exhaling a lot of heat.

A powerful vitality erupted instantly.

Let Qi Lishi a little confused.This man is very tempting!
"Aren't you afraid of me? Are you not afraid that I will tell His Majesty King Tang?"

Suddenly, Qi Li said so.

After all, the two are so close, if Li Shimin finds out again, they will suffer disaster.

But Li Chengqian is the old god, and he is not afraid at all.

He doesn't retreat, or even moves forward on purpose.

He sniffed hard, and there was a charming smell on this woman.

A smell different from your own perfume.

No wonder Li Shimin likes it so much.

Why did he dare to do this?
Because he goes back in time sometimes, he doesn't have to be afraid at all.As long as she dares to do something that is not good for him, he can go back to the past and correct it directly!Even if he does her right now, so what?
At the same time, at this time, the East Palace was Li Chengqian's home field.

Even if Li Shimin wanted to come in, Xiao Huangmen would quickly report, who would find out what he did?

If it doesn't work, he can go back in time directly, it's really nothing.

At this time, Li Chengqian suddenly leaned close to Qili's ear.

He said softly: "This king gave you a chance. If you persist in your obsession, then you will fall out of favor! Believe it or not, this king has now picked up a knife and scratched a mark on your face. See if His Majesty still likes you." ?"

His threat worked, and Kirishi himself backed away.

But Li Chengqian bullied himself forward, and the Qili family kept retreating, and finally fell directly to the ground.

Although it was a fall, this posture looked more like someone who had learned martial arts.

It shows that this woman has two talents.


Li Chengqian smiled crazily, which made Qili's heart startled.

"You dare not! Because His Majesty the King of Tang is here!"

"You can try it! This is the end of the king's words, you should think about it carefully."


"What are you, if you don't leave now, this king will not be polite!"

Li Chengqian then rolled up his sleeves with a fierce expression.There was really an extra knife in his hand.

Maybe, he would really use a knife to shave off Qi Lishi's face.

Qi Lishi didn't know what to do, so he got up in a hurry.

The white clothes were all black and gray at this moment, looking very embarrassed.

She didn't care about Paida, and was about to leave the East Palace.

"Also! Let me tell you one more thing!"

Qi Lishi turned around.

"Stay away from my sister!"

Qi Lishi turned her head and left directly.

Want to deal with Li Chengqian?no way!
(End of this chapter)

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