God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 825 Makes You Fall Out of Favor

Chapter 825 Makes You Fall Out of Favor
After Qi Lishi left in a hurry, Li Chengqian ordered Yu Guan Lishi to make soap.Hurry up!Because this involves the implementation of his plan!

After finishing the work, he took the soap and left for Taiji Palace.

This time, Qi Lishi must be made to fall out of favor.

As for how to do it, he also knows it well.

He walked all the way, and exposed the soap outside, for fear that others would not know the same.It also attracted everyone's attention. After all, the soaps from the East Palace are all high-quality products, which are rare.Except for the concubines in the harem and Li Chengqian's women, no one else can get it.

In this way, all the way to the outside of the Tai Chi Palace.

When Xiao Huangmen saw him coming, he saluted.

"See Your Royal Highness!"

"Is Her Majesty the Queen here?"

As soon as he came, he asked.

Xiao Huangmen should say: "His Royal Highness is in the bedroom."

"Who are you with?"

"Your Majesty and Qi Lishi are both here!"

"Oh? If they are all there, then it will be interesting."

He thought to himself that it could be implemented more quickly.Right now is an excellent opportunity.

"Guan Lishi, let's go!"

So, he went to the bedroom.

When he arrived at the bedroom, laughter came from inside.

Needless to say, it must be the voices of Li Shimin and Qi Lishi.Empress Changsun made very few voices.Without even sending it out, she's just a little transparent.

He didn't think too much, but walked directly inside.

As soon as he got there, Li Shimin discovered his existence.There was a trace of doubt in the eyes, but then disappeared.

"My son pays homage to His Majesty! Queen Mother!"

When Qi Li saw Li Chengqian, his mind was also lost. The scene just now was still in front of his eyes, but then he recovered.

Just now, she experienced a lot of fear and some strange feelings that other men didn't feel.

She quickly returned to Taiji Palace and changed into clean clothes, Li Shimin came with Empress Changsun!
"Gao Ming, you are here! Come, come, sit down."

Li Shimin was very interested.

And Li Chengqian did not sit down, but looked at Empress Changsun, who was not happy at this time.

"Qilishi is really funny, and the jokes he tells are very interesting. Come on! Gao Ming, sit down and let Qilishi tell it again!"

"Your Majesty, I didn't come here today to listen to a joke, but I have something to do, and I have to deal with state affairs in a while!"

Li Chengqian said this, on the one hand, he wanted to remind Li Shimin.

Unexpectedly, Li Shimin is stubborn.

During this period of time, he rarely went to court.

"Is that so? Well, then you may not have ear blessings."

Empress Changsun asked, "Gao Ming, what are you doing here?"

"Mother, Erchen has recently made some new-scented soaps, thinking that you will run out of them, so I bring them to you."

Empress Changsun was still very happy, she said: "Let the servants bring this kind of thing, but you still want to bring it yourself?"

"Because this item is very important, I am afraid that there will be trouble, so I brought it myself."

Li Chengqian said.

These words made Li Shimin's eyes almost drop.

Qi Li felt that it was very miraculous, why?
Because she had used Li Chengqian's soap before, it was very good.

Now there is a new soap, and I am a little tempted to say anything.

As everyone knows, their temptation may directly harm Qi Lishi herself.Li Chengqian's strategy has already begun to be implemented, just waiting for them to fall into the trap.

"Gao Ming, do you only have one piece of soap?"

Li Shimin asked suddenly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, because the raw materials are too precious and the beauty effect is very obvious, so there is only one copy. This is to honor the queen mother."

Li Chengqian emphasized his statement again.

Having said that, Li Shimin was not happy.

"How about this, leave this soap to Qi Lishi first, and as for your mother's, you can make another copy!"

Li Shimin said very shamelessly.

Since Qi Lishi arrived in Chang'an, his whole person has changed, and he has become unrecognizable.

When Empress Changsun heard it, she didn't say anything, but her heart was already full of galloping horses.

Why did you give it to Qi Lishi?

Why is she?
Why give it to her?

Waiting for a series of questions to come out made her very upset.

Now she is very aggrieved, how could this happen!
But Li Chengqian pretended to be very embarrassed: "But this soap will take half a month to make!"

The more this is the case, the more precious it becomes.

Empress Changsun felt even worse.Shouldn't such a precious thing be given to yourself?How to give it to an outsider?Still a foreigner!The relationship between myself and Li Shimin for many years is not as good as that of a woman for a few days?
At the same time, the happier Li Shimin was, the more Qilishi wanted it.

In this way, everyone will fall into his trap one by one.

The main one is the woman Qilishi.

"Is it okay for me to take it with you?"

When Li Shimin said this, his expression became very bad.

Qilishi was very happy, as long as she could get something from Li Chengqian, she would feel joy inexplicably.

"This...Your Majesty, I'm afraid..."

Li Chengqian once again pretended to be very embarrassed.

The more like it is, the easier it will be for them to fit.

"Okay, let's do it! Guan Lishi, leave the things behind!"

Li Shimin finally used his power to keep things.

Guan Lishi didn't dare to disobey and put the things down directly.

Li Chengqian pretended not to understand.

When he saw Empress Changsun's expression, he felt a little heartache, but the pain was only temporary, because, soon, that woman was about to fall out of favor.She will be happy!
Until then, everything will be back to normal.

And Tubo will become the second target of Li Chengqian's conquest, what the hell, he dares to calculate himself like this!I really don't want to live anymore.

"Come here, Qili, come here and take this thing!"

Li Shimin recruited Qi Lishi

Qi Lishi pretended to be difficult.

"But, this is what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to give to his mother, the little girl can't take it!"

"Look, this is a good character! You know how to be humble, you should learn from Qi Lishi!"

Li Shimin was afraid that he had lost his temper, and he called such an obvious pretense that he was old-fashioned. Li Chengqian felt like vomiting when he heard it.

Empress Changsun was even more depressed.

Then, he said again: "Don't pay attention to them, come, come, have a look!"

The corners of Qi Lishi's mouth were raised, as if in a demonstration.

It seems that this woman is really going to make the whole Tang Dynasty mess up.

Li Chengqian was sneering in his heart, because, soon, she would know the tragedy.

"Huh? Why is it blue?"

Suddenly, Qi Lishi opened the box and asked.

Li Shimin took a closer look and asked, "Gao Ming, why is this thing different? Why is it blue?"

Now that it was asked, then he had to make it up, it was good to lie to them, and then...

(End of this chapter)

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