Chapter 877
On this day, Li Chengqian went to the barracks to inspect the work.

There was constant gunfire in the barracks, and the sound of drills continued.

When he arrived, three people greeted him.

He saw that it was Xue Rengui, Wang Xuance and Su Lie.

He looked at Xue Rengui a little unhappy.

"Xue Rengui, didn't this king say that? You will be entrusted to Wang Xuance for the time being! You should take a good rest for a while, life is rarely so leisurely, you should enjoy the time with beauty. This king is going out again!"

Li Chengqian said some time ago that Xue Rengui's position should be handed over to Wang Xuance, and he would enjoy the good life with Princess Changle.

But when I came here today, I saw that he came here to train again, so I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

I'm also a little unhappy, why are you disobedient?
"His Royal Highness, Xue Rengui is reluctant to part with us brothers!"

Su Lie laughed loudly

"No, Xue Rengui also said that Her Royal Highness is not as beautiful as our brothers. That's why you're here, don't you think so? Xue Rengui!"

Wang Xuance also joked like this.

"You guys will laugh at me, and I'm worried about my brothers, so I came here."

But Xue Rengui said.

After all, these people are also brought by him, just like a person who is always busy, if you suddenly let him be idle, he will definitely not adapt.If there are elderly people who often work at home, it will be more obvious!If you don't do it, he will be anxious with you!
Regarding his behavior, Li Chengqian actually disagrees, you can take a good rest, why don't you rest?He still has to come here to train, and others thought the princess treated him badly.

"Is that medicine finished?"

Suddenly Li Chengqian asked.

"That... it's over, it'll be over in three days, Her Royal Highness said, this medicine is so effective, so take more, so it's gone within three days."

Li Chengqian broke into a cold sweat. This is not the way to take this kind of medicine. He didn't expect Li Lizhi to misunderstand it.

Fortunately, Xue Rengui is as strong as a bull, otherwise, it would have been too much for other people.

That kind of medicine is too powerful, you can tell by looking at Xue Rengui's face, it is full of vitality, very powerful!
"No wonder!"

Li Chengqian murmured.

"His Royal Highness, why is it?"

"No wonder you are so energetic! You still come here. Hahaha!"

Wang Xuance and Su Lie didn't understand what Li Chengqian was laughing at.

Wang Xuance asked: "What is His Royal Highness laughing at? Can you share with us?"

Xue Rengui said, "Nothing, nothing!"

Then he blushed, and this inexperienced man actually blushed.

Li Chengqian also saved him some face.

Didn't say it!
But Su Lie asked: "Could it be that Dihuang Wan?"

Li Chengqian wondered how this Su Lie knew, and paused for a while.

But it was understood by Su Lie.

"It should be replenished. Men, it should be long-lasting. It's like a war. If you knock down all the enemies, you are still full of energy and can fight again. This is our General Xue Rengui!"

"You all make fun of me!"

Xue Rengui was a little depressed.

But Li Chengqian said: "Okay, I can't joke anymore, I came here today to find out about the situation, how is it?"

After finishing, I began to ask: "How is the soldier training?"

Wang Xuance said:
"His Royal Highness, we follow your suggestion and let the 2000 people who set off to teach 5 people. They are divided into a large number of groups, with 2000 people serving as captains. In this way, the training process is very fast."

This matter was originally done by Xue Rengui, but Wang Xuance replaced him.

Su Lie also said: "I have also strengthened the training of their artillery skills. During this period of time, their ability to accept is very strong."

"Very good. If you can, I want you to select 5 of the 4 people. I want the top ones, not the top ones. As for the remaining [-] people, they will be dispatched in Chang'an!"

"Yes! Turn around, we will deal with it immediately."

Li Chengqian looked at the more than 5 people on the field. They are the newly recruited Tang cavalry. These people are all elites, equivalent to the modern Flying Tigers. Individual combat is strong, and everyone can fight alone , Teamwork is stronger, and when they gather together, they can deal with thousands of troops.

"Your Highness, do you have any other orders?"

Su Lie asked again.

"There's nothing else, it's Xue Rengui and you..."

"His Royal Highness, I want to be on the front line."

"Well, I don't care about you either. Don't wait until after marriage. Your status is inferior. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Li Chengqian knew Li Lizhi better than anyone else, he was not easy to provoke.

Xue Rengui didn't go to accompany her, that's like eating a leopard's guts.

After hearing this, Xue Rengui seemed a little moved, but how could he take back what he said.

No matter how hard it is in the future, the bitter water will be swallowed by itself.

So, he didn't say anything more.

"Report! Li Kai asks to see you."

At this time, Xiao Huangmen suddenly came to report.

It's been a long time since I talked with Li Kai about weapons. He didn't come to find Li Chengqian, but Li Chengqian wanted to find him.

"Let him come!"

Now, Li Kai trotted over from outside.

"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

"No need to be too polite! Why are you looking for this king now?"

Li Chengqian asked.

"About the musket."

Li Kai said so.


His words surprised everyone, what's the matter with this musket?

You must know that Li Kai is in charge of researching the existence of weapons. When he said about muskets, could it be that he has upgraded muskets?

I'm afraid this is the only explanation.

"Why, tell me!"

"It's like this. We have improved the musket. Now we need to fire five rounds in a row, and each round has the same power, and the range is farther than usual!"


Li Chengqian said directly.

Everyone is puzzled.

Su Lie asked, "What's the difference?"

How did he know what this meant.

But Li Chengqian said: "With these improvements, now one thousand is equal to 5000 before, which can resist an army of 5, and 25 is equal to [-], which can be equivalent to an army of one million!"

If you add cannons, it is really invincible.

Li Kai nodded and said: "His Royal Highness is right!"

As a result, everyone was very excited.

Because, in that case, the combat power will be greatly improved!
In the future, the Tang cavalry will only become stronger.

Thinking of this, everyone's face showed pride.

"Very good, my king wants you to produce [-] improved muskets within two months, do you understand? Can you finish it?"

"Yes! I will definitely finish it!"

"Okay, hard work!"

"It's not hard!"


Everyone was chatting, and suddenly someone came to report.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty welcomes you!"

"Got it, I'll go!"

After finishing, Li Chengqian went to Tai Chi Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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