God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 878: Alone 1 No 2

Chapter 878 Unique
Li Chengqian left the barracks and headed for the Tai Chi Palace. Wherever he went, he met people. People respected him very much. This kind of respect came from the heart. No matter who it was, they regarded him as the Great Tang Dynasty. hero.

He also responded one by one. At this time, he has no airs and is very close to the people.

Soon, he arrived at the Taiji Palace. At this time, only Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were in the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saluted the two of them.

"Gao Ming, what have you prepared for your sister?"

Li Shimin asked as soon as he came.

"Your Majesty, I have prepared 100 yuan of soap for Lizhi, [-] yuan of lipstick, [-] yuan of facial mask, and [-] bottles of perfume!"

As soon as he spoke, the two couples were dumbfounded.

Because they know what these things mean.

These things are not easy to buy in the Tang Dynasty. It can be said that it is hard to find, especially perfume. If you don't have thousands of dollars, you may not be able to get a bottle.

Li Chengqian is so generous, giving his sister so many things.

That's really giving Li Li face.

How did they know that these things were nothing to him. In his era, these things were very common, but in ancient times, these things were invaluable, because they couldn't be bought with money.

Empress Changsun said: "Gao Ming gave so many things, His Majesty and Queen Mother don't know what to give."

It turned out that the two couples came here for this matter, just to get his words out.

After seeing that the things he gave were all unique, they showed embarrassment.They must not be too bad, in addition to rewards such as gold, silver, treasures and titles, they must also give more valuable things. After all, marriage is a major event in life, and it must not be sloppy. She is still the first princess of the Tang Dynasty, so she should pay more attention to it.

But all of this has nothing to do with themselves, they should think about it as parents.

"The so-called elder brother is the father. The clever way is equivalent to my idea."

The shameless Li Shimin spoke like this, Li Chengqian really wanted to give him a blank look.Shameless, very shameless.

But in the end, he still didn't do it, otherwise he would definitely be scolded by him, he wouldn't just eat and have nothing to do.

"Your Majesty and I have prepared some things, but these things are too common. We have searched for a long time, but we can't find anything suitable for her. Gao Ming, do you have some strange things in your place? You can give them to us. Let us hand it over to Lizhi."

Empress Changsun said so.

This can be regarded as a complete revelation of their purpose. As emperors and empresses, what they produce should not be too bad.For Li Lizhi's marriage, they were very worried. They prepared many kinds of things, but they were not satisfied. After all, the things they took out from their hands, apart from being valuable, had better be unique, no matter what They are also one of the best existences in the entire Tang Dynasty.

This matter was not under Li Chengqian's control, and Li Chengqian wouldn't worry about it too much, anyway, his gift was already prepared.

But he didn't expect to ask Li Chengqian directly.

He didn't want to take care of it at first, but when Queen Changsun opened her mouth, he would take care of it.

Because this woman is his mother.Protect him everywhere, he has to help.

So I thought about it and saw what else was in my palace.

What is more unique?
It seems that all the good things have been given to Li Lizhi. Women’s things are nothing more than those few things, of course there are also clothes. A woman’s wardrobe will always lack a piece of clothing, but in the current Tang Dynasty, you can’t wear clothes indiscriminately, otherwise he would still want to wear them. Send a wedding dress.

Maybe you can start from other aspects.

Got it!

"My son has something, maybe Lizhi will like it!"

Li Chengqian suddenly remembered something.

Now Empress Changsun regained her spirits.

"What is it?"

"a pair of shoes!"

"What's so good about shoes, there are so many in Tang Dynasty! Could it be crystal shoes? Or gold shoes? Or what kind of shoes?"

Li Shimin didn't care.Guess straight away.

He felt that Li Lizhi must not like this thing, because it was too ordinary.

Li Chengqian just smiled without saying a word.

According to what Li Shimin said, it would be too vulgar. How could he give such a vulgar thing?

To give is also to give something that is not available in this world, so that you can stand out from the crowd.

His shoes are definitely the most unique existence, and they can also enhance the existence of temperament and appearance!

Empress Changsun asked directly: "What kind of shoes are they? Let your mother try them first."

Empress Changsun has reason to believe that the things that come out of the East Palace will definitely not be bad.

That's why she asked, she wanted to see her in advance.

Li Chengqian took it out, of course he has to try it.

Li Chengqian suddenly asked seriously.

"But the queen mother has to agree to a request from the son."

"Just say it."

"If the empress also likes these shoes, I hope you can wait for Lizhi to wear them after her wedding. Otherwise, it will be meaningless!"

This made Empress Changsun a little puzzled, why did she do this?
What kind of shoes, but also to do so.

Is it because he is afraid that Empress Changsun will steal Li Lizhi's limelight?Or what?
"Oh? Why is that?"

Empress Changsun was very puzzled, so she asked.

"Because it's unique! Let Lizhi feel the love of His Majesty and the Queen Mother! And the things given to her are unique, allowing him to enjoy the attention of thousands of people. On that day, she is the most beautiful existence. Others are just foils! "

Li Chengqian said it like this, and it seems to be very easy to understand.

"Well! That's natural, the queen mother promises you."

Li Shimin was on the sidelines.

"What kind of shoes do you need? Gao Ming, don't lie to me and your mother."

How could a pair of shoes look like what Li Chengqian said, he must be joking, it doesn't look like it.

"Your Majesty, how dare my son, you will know after a while."

The two were speechless, Li Shimin could only say: "Okay, I will watch."

"Please allow me to go to the East Palace to get the shoes."


Li Chengqian withdrew, this time, what he wanted to prepare would definitely shock the two couples, and at the same time slap them in the face.

Of course, his things will detonate another fashion.Maybe Datang will become popular directly, after all, who can make shoes! ?

"Guanyin maidservant, what kind of shoes do you think Gao Ming will prepare? Why do you say that?"

Empress Changsun said.

"Your Majesty, the concubine doesn't even know what's going on in his mind, most people don't know."

Because she can't figure it out either.

"It seems that we have to wait for him to come back and take a look."

Li Shimin said that he didn't believe it, but in fact, he still wanted to know what Li Chengqian brought out later.

After a while, Li Chengqian returned to Tai Chi Palace, holding a red paper box in his hand.

It directly attracted the eyes of the couple.

(End of this chapter)

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