God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 901 Have You Played Enough?

Chapter 901 Have You Played Enough?

It was Cheng Yaojin who was walking in front, and when Li Chengqian saw him coming, he knew that Pang Xiangshou was going to die.

Someone in the sky prison recognized Cheng Yaojin.

Then someone shouted frantically: "Duke Lu, we were wronged!"

"It's General Cheng. He came to save us. We were wronged. Please be the master for us."

This directly called him wronged, but Cheng Yaojin didn't look at that person directly, but he kept looking around. Li Chengqian knew that he was looking for himself.

Pang Xiangshou said with some embarrassment: "General Cheng, these are troublemakers. They have been imprisoned for a long time, and their minds are a little unclear. Don't take it to heart!"

Seeing that Cheng Yaojin didn't care about everyone, these people were disappointed like a discouraged ball.

And Pang Xiangshou seemed relieved, but luckily Cheng Yaojin didn't particularly care.

Otherwise, if he is taken care of by him, I'm afraid I will have a hard time.

However, he wondered, who is he looking for?

Until Cheng Yaojin stopped in front of a cell.

At this time Li Chengqian was closing his eyes and recuperating.

Cheng Yaojin directly saluted.

"Sir, pay homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

As soon as these words came out, the Tang cavalry saluted.

"The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Everyone was in an uproar, and the people in the entire sky prison broke out immediately.

What!His Royal Highness! ?
What a noble existence that is, the young man in front of him is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!
Although people don't believe it, Cheng Yaojin can't lie. He is a Duke, so he can't salute someone he doesn't know.

At the same time, Wang Fanzhi seemed to understand something, that Wang Xuance is the fierce general next to the prince.

He patted himself on the head, why didn't he recognize it earlier, and he said something to the prince that he shouldn't have said.

His reaction was overshadowed by others.

Some people said: I just think he is extraordinary, and it is true.

It turns out that he is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, now we are saved.

It's true what he said, we're going to be set free.

That Wang Fanzhi was about to get rich, and even drank and ate meat with His Highness the Crown Prince, and said so much, he would definitely be valued by His Highness the Crown Prince.

Wang Fanzhi was immediately stunned.

Because the person in front of him turned out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

He hastily saluted.

At this time, I can't be rude, otherwise I will be blamed, and I am afraid that I will be ruined.

"Cao Min pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Together with him, as well as the prisoners in the entire prison, saluted neatly.

At this time, the most embarrassing ones were Pang Xiangshou and Yang Junshi.

They actually put the prince in the dungeon, he is the prince, the emperor will be him when he comes down, the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Both of them wanted to die.

They should never be sent to the sky prison. Now that it's over, what should we do?
And something more serious is yet to come.

Junshi Yang said with ashes on his face, "His Royal Highness knows how much your family property is!"

Pang Xiangshou was about to faint. Li Chengqian knew how much property he had, so he couldn't tell how much he had now.

"Pang Xiangshou, you are so courageous!"

Cheng Yaojin shouted suddenly, and the two of them jumped up in fright.

What happened to them?
"General Cheng..."

"You don't even salute when you see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! You are contemptuous of the imperial power!"

As soon as these words came out, the two fell to their knees with a plop.

"I pay my respects to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

At the same time, they had an idea in their minds, this is a bureau, first Li Chengqian came out, then let them enter, and then Cheng Yaojin came to harvest.

But even though they knew it was a game, what could they do?

Li Chengqian didn't say anything.

It made Pang Xiangshou a little surprised, what should we do?
"His Royal Highness, are you alright?"

Master Yang said tentatively.

Li Chengqian raised his head suddenly.

The murderous intent is prominent in the eyes.

"Give them to the king!"

At this time, the Tang cavalry immediately understood and arrested Pang Xiangshou and the two of them.

The two shouted for help.

"His Royal Highness, what crime did I commit, why did I arrest him!?"

"What crime was committed? Don't you know very well?"

"I don't understand! I don't understand."

Pang Xiangshou was still playing dumb.

"First, be rude to this king. This king did not make a mistake, but you put this king in the sky prison. What is your intention?"

"This... I don't know."

"Second, you have been corrupt first, and you have at least [-] million yuan in family property! Anything here can punish you!"

"Nothing, nothing!"

"General Cheng!"


"Confiscated his home and counted the amount of embezzlement!"


Cheng Yaojin is very happy to do this.

And Cheng Yaojin went out to count.

Pang Xiangshou's face was like wax paper, he didn't know why, he thought he could get through it safely, but he didn't expect that it was not what he imagined.

"No! You can't do that!"

"Come on, detain him!"

Then several Tang cavalry detained him.

Then, Li Chengqian said to Wang Fanzhi: "You can do whatever you want, and see how you deal with him!"

Wang Fanzhi was overjoyed that it was Pang Xiangshou who sent him to the prison.

He hated Pang Xiangshou to the bone.

This time he had the chance, and he went straight forward.

Raise your hand.

Pang Xiangshou was so frightened that he dodged, but this time he missed.

"Boldly making trouble for the people! How dare you hit the imperial court official!"

Pang Xiangshou shouted.

Wang Fanzhi hesitated.

"Try to fight as much as you can!"

Only then did Wang Fanzhi strike again, and this time, he raised his palm and landed directly on the ground.

That Pang Xiangshou was slapped several times, and his whole face turned red.

Li Chengqian said that he wanted to give Wang Fanzhi the chance to beat Pang Xiangshou, and today it finally came true.

Wang Fanzhi then slapped Pang Xiangshou a few more times, and every time he slapped Pang Xiangshou, his expression became happier. This harmful guy had tortured him so much that he had been imprisoned for two years.

His wife and children were separated, and he was 30 years old. How could such a scumbag keep his hand.

"Good! Well played!"

At the same time, the surrounding prisoners also began to respond.

They also wished they could rush up too.

But Li Chengqian didn't promise them anything, so he didn't let them come out to fight.

Wang Fanzhi slapped Pang Xiangshou dozens more times.

In the end, Pang Xiangshou was so dizzy.

As a result, Wang Fanzhi fainted to the ground.

He was too excited to cause the current situation.

At the same time, his complexion was not good, because the excitement made him lose his strength.

Perennial malnutrition made him weaker than ordinary normal people.

Li Chengqian took a step forward and took out a pill from his arms.

Straight into his mouth.

In just a moment, Wang Fanzhi woke up.

"This is His Royal Highness?"

He could feel his vitality strengthening.

"A pill that can cure your illness."

Li Chengqian explained it this way.

Wang Fanzhi nodded.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

"Have you fought enough?"


"it is good!"

Li Chengqian stood up, ready to announce another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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