Chapter 902 Judgment
"Wang Fanzhi!"

"The grass people are here!"

"The king wants you to be the deputy minister of the Ministry of Education of Datang, would you like it?"

Li Chengqian's words made Wang Fanzhi panic, which was something he hadn't expected at all.

That means that I want to be promoted to a noble, rich and prosperous.

Not only that, but the most important thing is to be appreciated by His Royal Highness, the most respected prince today.

Sometimes people are like this, they really want to be recognized, especially the recognition of people with status, and that is the driving force that drives them forward.

Everyone in the sky prison was shocked, and they all envied Wang Fanzhi very much.

Why didn't I have the same luck as him.

In fact, it's not that they didn't have luck, it's that they didn't grasp it. When Li Chengqian was imprisoned, if they stepped forward and said a few words, even if they were concerned, they might still be able to get a job, because Everyone is numb, unlike Wang Fanzhi who cares about others.

Now, what he gets, what people give up.

So, it's only fair.

Of course, even if they came forward to care, at most they would give them something small, because they are not historical celebrities and cannot be reused.

It is enough to have one Wang Fanzhi.

Li Chengqian also did not expect that he would recruit this person.

Now Wang Fanzhi fell into deep thought.

Everyone felt anxious for him, he hesitated and remained silent.

"Wang Fanzhi! Are you willing or not? In a word, don't make His Royal Highness wait too long!"

Wang Xuance said so.

Only then did Wang Fanzhi come out and said: "Yes! Your Highness the Crown Prince! If the grassroots are willing, the villain will definitely go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!"

To be a vice minister of education, where do you need to jump through hoops?

It was because he thought too much, but everyone said so, and he followed the trend.

Such a good thing can't be found even with a lantern, how can it be possible to give up?
"Okay, okay, my Tang Dynasty has another expert to help!"

When Li Chengqian said this, he seemed very interested.

This made Wang Fanzhi feel a little embarrassed.

"His Royal Highness is absurd, Caomin is just a literati."

"Hahaha, don't be polite, this king is very accurate!"

As a result, Wang Fanzhi didn't say anything more.

At this time, Pang Xiangshou and Yang Junshi didn't know what they were thinking.

Suddenly, Pang Xiangshou said: "His Royal Highness, this person is guilty, which is unreasonable!"

"Who is this king?"

"His Royal Highness!"

"This king is still Shang Shuling! His crimes, this king will naturally have a conclusion! This king announces that Wang Fanzhi is now pardoned! He is not guilty and released! Anyone who refuses to accept can come out!"

As soon as his words came out, everyone else's eyes widened, especially the other prisoners. Next, it might be them.

Li Chengqian's domineering has a long history.

Pang Xiangshou had no choice but to stop talking there, his face was red, he didn't know why.

Dare to confront Li Chengqian hard, that would be courting death.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Wang Fanzhi made another big gift, that is to say, he can get out of this prison from now on.Got freedom, and Li Chengqian also fulfilled his promise.

At the same time, he said: "His Royal Highness, what about those people who are with the grass people?"

Regarding these people, Li Chengqian has his own ideas.

"Let the magistrate come here!"


Then someone went to invite the county magistrate.

After just a short while, a man in his fifties appeared here.

He saluted Li Chengqian directly.

"Are you the magistrate here?"

"The next official is!"

"That's good, I'll give you an errand!"


"Retry all the prisoners here. If there are wrongdoers, they will be released on the spot, and each person will be compensated [-] yuan for each year of imprisonment! The money is obtained from Pang Xiangshou. I will give you a day. Can you do it? "

"Subordinate to obey!"

"Okay, let's start now."

The county magistrate directly interrogated the criminals on the spot. Li Chengqian's purpose in doing this was not to let any bad guy go, and not to catch a good guy by mistake. The good guy would naturally have to be compensated.

As for Wang Fanzhi's compensation, he was reused, and there was also a pill of magic medicine. Looking at him now, he is getting younger and younger.

Regarding Li Chengqian's fairness and justice, everyone knelt down and saluted him.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

It seems that most of the people were wronged. If this is the case, then Li Chengqian will add another crime against Pang Xiangshou, which is abuse of power.

"Okay, let's go out!"

Here, it was too dirty and messy, and Li Chengqian didn't want to stay any longer.

But Wang Xuance asked: "Then what about these two people?"

"Shut up here and wait for trial!"


After finishing, Li Chengqian said again: "Start them for a few days first! Let them also taste the taste of starvation!"

Wang Xuance understood.


"Wang Fanzhi, come out with me."

After that, Li Chengqian came out of the prison.

Heading towards the Pang Mansion, people at this time did not know Li Chengqian's true identity, so they did not attract much attention.

When he arrived at Pang's mansion, he bumped into Cheng Yaojin.

"His Royal Highness! Why are you here?"

"My king, come over and see how the specific situation is!"

"Not optimistic!"

Cheng Yaojin sighed.

"How to say?"

"The number is too large, and the manpower is not enough to calculate!"

"Oh? There's still something like this?"

"Yes, I didn't expect this guy to be greedy for so many things. In the early years, I knew him like this."

Back then, Pang Xiangshou and Cheng Yaojin were old acquaintances, they both worked under Li Shimin's account, and they lived in peace with each other.

It's just that Cheng Yaojin made more contributions later, and was finally able to become an official in Chang'an, while Pang Xiangshou was outside.

"Is that so?"

Li Chengqian thought for a while, and then said: "Well, let's send an invitation in the name of this king, and ask the righteous men to count together, and finally summarize. And this series of counting must be carried out in front of the people. At that time, Pang Xiangshou will also be present, and he can also get up. To the role of educating the people, let the people educate the next generation well, corrupt officials will not end well!"

"So, that's great! I'll let them do it now."

Cheng Yaojin said happily.

Nearly tens of billions of wealth, at the speed of Cheng Yaojin and the accountants, it would be quite difficult to finish the liquidation. If there were more people, it would be different.

Li Chengqian's idea is to show off in front of people and accumulate some points for emergencies!

"His Royal Highness, this move is really high!"

At this time, Wang Fanzhi took the initiative to speak.


It made Li Chengqian laugh out loud.

"By the way, bring Pang Xiangshou here, this king will face the trial in front of the people!"


(End of this chapter)

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