Chapter 905 No Shame
"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness is here!"

There was a small yellow door yelling, so Li Shimin and Empress Changsun came by car.Their arrival proved the importance of Li Chengqian, and ordinary people did not receive such treatment.

And the whole group bowed to the two of them.

"See Your Majesty, Your Highness the Queen!"

Li Shimin waved his hand, motioning for everyone to excuse himself.

Then he walked directly to Li Chengqian's side.

grab his hand.

"Gao Ming, it's hard work to go here."

"Unfortunately, if Pang Xiangshou can be captured and brought back, my son will not disgrace the holy order!"

That being said, that person was really guilty, otherwise he wouldn't have been arrested. Li Chengqian wouldn't have arrested people indiscriminately.

Li Shimin's complexion then changed, becoming more and more ugly.

"Gao Ming, let me see how you are doing."

Empress Changsun walked over with concern, looked at it for a while, and was sure that nothing was wrong, her eyes were full of kindness.

It's only been a few days since they left, and they miss her, which shows that Li Chengqian holds a very high position in her heart.

When Li Shimin heard of Li Chengqian's return just now, he was about to come out to greet him, and the Empress Changsun also asked to be with him.

Li Shimin couldn't say no to her, so he had to let her come out together.

Not only them, but also civil and military officials, also slowly followed up at the end.

They are like generals welcoming their return from victory. In fact, some of them want to see the result.

And Li Chengqian has reason to believe that Pang Xiangshou must have something to rely on for daring to be greedy, otherwise how could it be possible?

The imperial court repeatedly asked the middle-level to set a good example, but he failed to do so, and deceived the superior and the inferior.

Very courageous!
Li Shimin then asked again:
"Where is Pang Xiangshou and what's the situation?"

Li Shimin was more concerned about Pang Xiangshou.

That's why I asked.

Naturally, Li Chengqian would not hide anything.

said directly:

"My son has found out that Pang Xiangshou has embezzled a total of [-] million yuan and countless items. The embezzled money alone can cover Chang'an's tax revenue for a year!"

Just the amount of money in front, it is difficult to give people a definite impression.The concept of people is not clear.

If it is the income from taxation for one year, it is different.

That's the tax americium on the income of a whole city.Not a little.

That's all for one person, if there are a few more, it won't work

Lao Tzu is rushing forward, but you are trying to tear down the stage. Li Shimin's mood is extremely complicated!
"That's right, the minister counted the money! It was exact! And it was carefully counted in front of Wanmin, people can testify!"

Cheng Yaojin said at this time.

When he said this, he couldn't help it.

His words are more believable.

It has been explained that what Li Chengqian said is empty talk without evidence, so that Pang Xiangshou may not be able to say anything.

Empress Changsun said: "I didn't expect Pang Xiangshou to dare to do this. He is ashamed of His Majesty's kindness! He should be severely punished for enriching himself so much!"

Then Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling and other ministers also followed.

They looked at Li Chengqian dumbfounded, and Du Ruhui asked, "Is there any evidence?"

Now that we have witnesses, what about physical evidence?Together with witnesses and physical evidence, there is evidence!So that people will not be wronged!

Li Chengqian pointed to the brigade at the back and said: "The back is full of money. The king used a lot of carriages to transport it to Chang'an. It could have arrived in the morning, but it was a waste of a day. As for some fixed property, it is still being processed." In the middle, it will be shipped back when it is converted into money!"

At this time, the ministers looked forward, and they didn't know if they didn't look at it. They were shocked when they saw a lot of money in front of them.

At this time someone said: "This is already the best evidence. A governor only makes a lot of money a year. Even if he is given 100 years of hard work, he can't have the money of this car, and it's not limited to one car. It's really a crime. Why would a loyal minister do this?"

His words attracted the approval of everyone, but people's hearts are still too greedy.

There is no limit to human desires. Pang Xiangshou is greedy today, and there may be someone who will be greedy one day. As long as he is not discovered, he will continue to be greedy.

Li Shimin's complexion became very bad, and he asked sullenly:

"Where is Pang Xiangshou?"

Li Chengqian understood and ordered directly.

"Come on, pull Pang Xiangshou up!"

Then someone pulled out Pang Xiangshou from behind. At this time, Pang Xiangshou was in the prison car, listless.

When he saw Li Shimin, he suddenly regained his spirits.

"Your Majesty, save me!"

Li Shimin turned around and looked at Pang Xiangshou, feeling very angry.

This thing turned out to be corrupt.

There is still money for me to save him, Datang's economy is for this kind of people to lose.

Also save him?
"Pang Xiangshou! You really let me down!"

This is Li Shimin's first sentence.

But Pang Xiangshou said: "Your Majesty, I have prepared some pearls and some good things to dedicate to Your Majesty and His Highness the Empress. Please forgive me."

After all this, he still didn't forget to bribe Li Shimin.

Apparently it's not the first time he's done this.

Li Chengqian directly seized this opportunity and said: "Your Majesty, this Pang Xiangshou must have some connections in the court. When Uncle Cheng went, they knew about Uncle Cheng's itinerary in advance!"

"What! There is such a thing!"

"Your Majesty, I don't think this person has any repentance. At this time, he dared to bribe us. It can be known that if he has an accomplice, he must have been bribed by him. If this is the case, the court may There is chaos!"

"The maidservant Guanyin is right! Come!"


"Your Majesty, Rong Chen say a few words!"

Pang Xiangshou said so suddenly.

After thinking for a while, Li Shimin said: "Okay, I want to see what you want to say!"

"Your Majesty, I think it's because the salary is too low, and I'm only keeping the money temporarily, not taking it for myself."

How big a face does it take to say such a thing, his words shocked everyone, and there is such an existence?
Li Shimin was also mad at him to death.

"Bold Pang Xiangshou, not only did you fail to recognize your mistake, but you also put forward such fallacies, which really disappointed me."

Not only Li Shimin, everyone was very angry.

This Pang Xiangshou is probably over.

"Your Majesty, my son thinks that Pang Xiangshou can be paraded through the streets for three days to make him realize his shame, and retrial later! It will definitely achieve miraculous results!"

Li Chengqian said at this time.

"Okay! Everything is as Gao Ming intended."

Li Shimin was so angry that everything should be done according to Li Chengqian's order.

As for the aftermath, let's talk about it.

"By the way, we must find out the results of the trial. Let me see who else is as corrupt as Pang Xiangshou in the entire Chang'an city!"

This time, the officials in Chang'an City will be severely cracked down.

This is Li Shimin's determination.

Li Chengqian is naturally willing, and it is also the best result.

(End of this chapter)

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