God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 906 Li Shimin's Determination

Chapter 906 Li Shimin's Determination
Next, Pang Xiangshou was paraded through the streets, and he was cast aside by thousands of people.When people heard that this guy embezzled a huge amount of Datang's money, every bloody person would come out to curse and spit.

After that, Li Chengqian led the people from Zongzheng Temple to interrogate, and Li Jing presided over the interrogation. During this period, Li Shimin sometimes sat in on the sidelines. After three days of continuous trial.

Finally, after the fourth day, Pang Xiangshou pleaded guilty.

At the same time, it also provided a network of relationships with many people.

Li Shimin was very angry about this.

Ordered to block Pang Xiangshou's confession.Can't let him flow out, people don't understand.

Li Chengqian explained that Li Shimin wanted to catch big fish, so he did what he did.Only then did everyone understand what was going on.

After that, Li Shimin was not idle!

Li Chengqian, Du Ruhui, Li Jing, and Fang Xuanling were called together to discuss the next move.Regarding the handling of officials related to corruption.

In the Taiji Palace, Li Shimin sat on the dragon chair with a solemn expression.Obviously, this incident made him very depressed.After all, under his own governance, such a big event happened, and the more terrifying thing was not discovered. If it wasn't for that letter and Li Chengqian's appearance, he would still be kept in the dark.

"The case of Pang Xiangshou exposed the shortcomings of my Tang Dynasty. I was really negligent in the management of the ministers. Regarding the person Pang Xiangshou made a confession to, how do you think we should be punished? Also, regarding Pang Xiangshou, When should it be punished like this?"

Li Shimin also has a heart of compassion for the high officials who are loyal to him. When he asks this question, he really wants to let Pang Xiangshou live.But I felt something was wrong, so I asked everyone.I want to hear everyone's opinions, especially what Li Chengqian means.

Then he said: "Let's discuss these two issues separately, please share your views. First, let's talk about how Pang Xiangshou will be punished!"

Li Shimin looked at the four of them.

Li Jing saluted and said: "Your Majesty, I think that Pang Xiangshou can be beheaded to show the public's anger!"

What he meant was to kill him directly, which is almost the same anyway!
Du Ruhui said: "Concerning corrupt officials, the monarchs of all dynasties have different views. I think that I can let him live! But he has to be reformed to make his life worse than death, and he has to show it to the people."

But Fang Xuanling said: "I agree with Li Jing."

Li Shimin already had the answer in his heart, but he just wanted to hear everyone's opinions.

"Gao Ming, what do you mean?"

Li Shimin especially wanted to hear Li Chengqian's opinion, only his opinion was the most important.

Li Chengqian actually didn't have any special views on the Pang Xiangshou case.

He was like a stab in the throat regarding the corruption of the Great Tang Minister.

"This, I agree with Li Jing's point of view, this person must be killed before the people can be outraged."

In this way, Pang Xiangshou must die.

"Very well, pass on my order, and at noon tomorrow, pull Pang Xiangshou out of the Meridian Gate and ask to be executed!"

Li Shimin still listened to Li Chengqian's words, cut it off as soon as he said, there was no room for negotiation, if Li Chengqian said no, he would not kill him [-]%.This is the trust in Li Chengqian.

If there is a small yellow door, go down to pass the order.


Li Shimin went on to say: "About Pang Xiangshou, let's stop here, and how to deal with the people who helped him, do you have any ideas?" Next came this matter, and he couldn't make up his mind either.Take it out and discuss it directly.

Li Jing said: "Your Majesty thinks that these people should be executed just like Pang Xiangshou!"

He advocated killing them, there is nothing more hating than killing them!And Li Chengqian agreed to use this method just now.

But Du Ruhui said: "No, it involves too many people, killing them all will be a big shock to the imperial court. I think we can demote them all from one to three ranks, and fine them all the money they have embezzled!"

Fang Xuanling said: "These people who are greedy are all sent to prison as a punishment!"

It was Li Chengqian's turn again, Li Shimin didn't ask, but he said: "Your Majesty, these people are moths, but I feel that giving them a chance to admit their mistakes on their own initiative will give them an educational opportunity. Now they are probably also panicked and scared to death. This time, it must be unforgettable!"

He advocated letting these people go.do not kill!Li Jing was a little curious, but didn't say anything.

Give them a chance to admit their mistakes.

Li Shimin was a little puzzled, why the punishment method was different from Pang Xiangshou?

So he asked: "Gao Ming, why?"

"Your Majesty, next, I feel that there is a need for an education on corrupt personnel, and I think that there are more than 100 corrupt personnel, and many officials have more or less problems. If they are too tough, the court will also It will be a big shock. Now that Datang is taking off, manpower is needed, and it would be the best if they can take the initiative to explain. It can also provide a reference for latecomers."

"Well, I understand what Gao Ming means, so what exactly should I do?"

"My son has an idea for your majesty's reference."

Then Li Chengqian began to say: "A special darkroom is set up on the side of the East Palace. Your Majesty can order everyone to check themselves first. If there is any embezzler, all the embezzled money will be handed over to the darkroom. After being counted by a special person, put a A piece of paper, and take a piece of paper by yourself, with a unique number written on it, if it is found out next time, this paper can be used as a life-saving tool. No one will be present during this process, and it will be done anonymously.”

Li Chengqian paused, which made Li Shimin feel novel, because this has never happened before, and no one has done it before.

Then Li Chengqian said: "Of course, these are voluntary, and the court will also conduct a review at the same time. Once corrupt officials are found, there are two possibilities. All beheaded, no matter how much or how little the money is! Second, those who have less than twice the amount of contribution will be fined for one year, and all the greed will be put into the national treasury. As for those who spit it all out, they can be rewarded One year, to show determination. In this way, no one will dare to be greedy anymore, because there is only one opportunity, and only one string of mathematics!"

Li Chengqian said it very clearly, and Li Shimin and the ministers could understand it.

"Then I want to see what it will be like!"

Li Shimin said so.

"Then please implement it now, Your Majesty!"

"Okay! Pass on my order and implement it according to Gao Ming's intentions. This time, the corrupt officials of the Tang Dynasty must be eliminated!"

It can be seen that Li Shimin's determination is very great, and he is afraid that he has no determination. If this continues, everything will wait for the final result.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Then someone went down to make arrangements, and I believe that the result would be known within a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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