God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 907 Death Sins Can Be Exempted, Living Sins Can Be Reduced!

Chapter 907 Death Sins Can Be Exempted, Living Sins Can Be Reduced!
The court's self-examination for several days made the officials in the entire court feel insecure.Especially corrupt officials.

Li Shimin passed on the order to the officials who did not arrive in time and were lucky enough to think that they could get away with it. What they got would be the crime of beheading.

Nothing is negotiable.

But on this day, Li Shimin came directly to the East Palace, and he brought Du Ruhui and others with him.

At this time in the hall of the East Palace.

Everyone stood below, while Li Shimin, Empress Changsun, and Li Chengqian sat on the main seat.

Generally speaking, the crown prince is not qualified to sit with Li Shimin, but today Li Shimin allowed him to sit next to him.

Li Shimin first asked, "Gao Ming, how is your darkroom doing these past few days?"

He was concerned about Li Chengqian's suggestion a few days ago.

I don't know how the specific situation is.

Li Chengqian did not disclose too much, after all, these things take time to operate.

Today, Li Shimin finally couldn't help asking.

Maybe it's been too long to know.

"Father, I don't know if this matter should be regarded as a good thing or a bad thing."

Li Chengqian said so.

When everyone hears it, what is this? Is it good or not?
"Oh? But it's okay!"

Li Shimin didn't understand why Li Chengqian said that.

"The property counting in the darkroom has to be done every hour. We have invested a lot of manpower to count the property. Just one day's property can account for one-tenth of Chang'an's annual tax! After five days of this, it has already It is one-half of Chang'an! If we go on, I am afraid it will exceed!"

"So your mood has become complicated?"

Li Shimin said so.

"That's right, it's certainly a good thing to let corrupt officials spit out their greedy money. But the more things there are, the more it proves that the official style of my Tang court is not correct. It makes people worry!"

It turned out to be like this, which is indeed a worrying thing.

Empress Changsun said: "Gao Ming, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. They can spit it out, which proves that our court has a deterrent effect. At the same time, the money can also be charged to the national treasury, which can boost the development effect!"

Empress Changsun was thinking of another matter.

It is not unreasonable to say so.

Li Chengqian understands better than anyone why this is the case today.

That's because Pang Xiangshou's resignation is a bit like killing chickens to scare monkeys.

"Yes, Gao Ming, what your mother said is not wrong, you don't have to worry too much. It's a good thing that they are willing to spit it out, and I can let the past go. I hope they can clean up their officials and contribute to the Great Tang!"

"Yes, father is right. In fact, I have been thinking recently, why are so corrupt officials so corrupt!? I have been thinking about this question."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"First of all, the imperial court cared too little for them, and secondly, the salary was not attractive enough."

Li Shimin came to the spirit.

There is still such a thing as caring, so he asked, "What should I do then?"

"My son has an immature idea."

In fact, Li Chengqian had a complete plan in mind long ago, but he said so on purpose.

"But it doesn't matter!"

Li Chengqian said directly:

"In terms of caring, we can call all officials of the fifth rank and above to visit Chang'an every six months, and instill some ideas in them. Those who are not greedy can have children and grandchildren, and the court will not treat them badly. And establish a review mechanism, order Some honest people go down to the grassroots to understand the situation. As for salaries, they can even be linked to the GDP and the level of development. The bigger the business, the more salaries they get. Of course, the level of development in each region is different, and the income coefficient is also different. It will be different. Small places are easier to become bigger and stronger. And they want more, there is only one way, which is to become bigger! In this way, my Tang Dynasty will definitely be stronger. Regarding these two points, it is only my son’s opinion. At the same time, the son-in-law has also written it in the book, if the emperor is free, you can read it."

Li Chengqian's writing speed is very fast, and he can write a [-]-word book in just one day, which is equivalent to a proposal.

Li Chengqian's words won the approval of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

"Well, Gao Ming, you are right, show me this document when the time comes."

Li Shimin was very curious.

"Yes! At that time, my son will be sent to His Majesty for trial."

Regarding governance, Li Chengqian had many new ideas, but he was afraid that Li Shimin would not implement them. If Li Shimin was willing to do so, then Datang would definitely be stronger.

"His Royal Highness is talented!"

At this time, several other people also said at the same time.

Because they were also shocked. Just the two points he mentioned, they didn't even dare to think about it, nor did they think about it.

But Li Chengqian really thought of it.

Li Shimin nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

Then he asked again:
"Li Jing! How about the review of Pang Xiangshou's related personnel?"

A few days ago, the matter of Chong Xiangshou's related personnel began to be interrogated.

This matter was directly handed over to Li Jing for trial.

Li Jing came out and said, "About a hundred of Pang Xiangshou's accomplices have been interrogated!"

This is undoubtedly a huge, shocking news.

Hundreds of people.

There are no more than 300 people in the entire Shang Dynasty.

This accounted for almost half of it, which made people feel a little scared after thinking about it.

Pang Xiangshou was able to covet so much, probably because of these people, right?
"Then Gao Ming thinks, what are these people going to do?"

"Most of these hundreds of people must not be officials in Chang'an. They think that they can do whatever they want if they stay away from Chang'an, and help Pang Xiangshou do some shameful things. This must be dealt with strictly! As for the officials in Chang'an, my minister I thought, to deal with these people in a softer way."

Li Jing once talked to Li Chengqian about this matter, because Li Chengqian knew the details of the matter very well.

"Well, I thought so too."

Li Shimin expressed the same idea as Li Chengqian.

Education and stability go best together.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Empress Changsun asked.

Li Shimin thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Let's do this! Give them time to surrender. Anyone who surrenders will have his punishment reduced by half. The death penalty can be exempted, and the living crime can be reduced! For the small amount, the penalty will be exempted directly, but it must be written down. In the blacklist, it is not an exception! If there is a next time, just cut it off!"

Li Shimin is more cruel than Li Chengqian. What he means is, I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it. If you make mistakes again, then I will let you die!
It is also possible for him to do this, as long as he gives them a chance, they can be stable.

In this way, Li Shimin and others stayed in Yidong Palace for a long time, and they didn't leave until the evening.

In the meantime, I also drank good wine from the East Palace.

Fortunately, Cheng Yaojin didn't come, otherwise the wine would have lost more than one tank.

Finally, Li Shimin and others left the East Palace. As soon as they left, someone came to look for them.

(End of this chapter)

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