God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 908 Three people came to find

Chapter 908
Li Shimin's departure gave Li Chengqian a chance to breathe.Finally left!
But Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan came out of the room.

They cared about Li Chengqian.

"His Royal Highness has been drinking for too long, you should rest earlier."

Drink too much?no no no!Li Chengqian can drink a lot, no matter how much he drinks, he won't get drunk.

"Hahaha, just drank a few pots of wine? It's all right, I'm fine. My concubine, I haven't gone out with you for a long time, and the moon is about to rise, so let's go for a walk in the back garden?"

His thinking is also very clear.

Wu Zetian naturally agreed, "That's good."

"I have no opinion either!"

Although the two women had fetuses in their wombs, but with Li Chengqian's magical medicine, no matter how much they moved, they would not lose their fetal gas.And the fetus grows very fast.

In front of others, it's just a little bit of a big belly, and the rest is not uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's go!"

The two women followed Li Chengqian's left and right. What surprised them was that Li Chengqian didn't smell of alcohol.

No wonder he said it was fine, in their hearts, Li Chengqian was also a very drinkable existence.

When the three of them went outside the door with great interest.

There is a small yellow gate, but it is to report.

"Report! Concubine Yang, Concubine Yin, and Concubine De are asking to see you."

Li Chengqian was certain that these concubines hadn't come to the East Palace to look for him for a long time.

Usually, if they want soap, perfume, etc., they can just ask Guan Lishi to deliver it, but today they came here on their own initiative.

And it came at night.

At this time, there must be something big.

That must be to meet them.

Wu Zetian said.

"These three concubines are coming here at this time, they must have something urgent to ask. Is His Royal Highness seeing you or not?"

"See! Why don't you see me? The two of you go to the bedroom first and stay there, and wait for the king to see what they are going to do."

Regarding these concubines, Li Chengqian still has a good impression of them, and he is also very popular among these people!

The two women said in unison, and then they went to the bedroom.

Since Li Chengqian has something to do with them, it's not good for them to stay here.

"Let them in!"


After a while, the voices of three people came from outside the door.

"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

"The three noble concubines don't need to be too polite!"

Li Chengqian said straight.

The three of you look at me and I look at yours, and they seem to have something to say.

It's not like them!You must know that apart from Concubine Yang, the other two of them talk cutely, so there must be something unspeakable!

"Three noble concubines, you have something to do, just say it, we are so familiar, don't be rigid! This is not like you!"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words came out, the three of them hesitated for a while.

"Let Concubine Yang talk about this, she is eloquent!"

Concubine Yin said suddenly.

Directly pushed Concubine Yang out.

This woman is really smart.

Li Chengqian turned to look at Concubine Yang.

Concubine Yang then said: "It's like this. Our sisters have also heard about the court's severe punishment of corrupt officials recently, and we also agree with His Highness the Crown Prince's approach."

"Concubine Yang, you don't have to beat around the bush with this king. If you have something to say, just say it. I don't want to guess about Li Chengqian."

Li Chengqian said so directly.

Then Concubine Yang said: "Because the wind direction of the court may involve several of our sisters, so I came to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to solve it."

"Oh? How to get involved? Tell me in detail!"

Li Chengqian was puzzled, they didn't participate in political affairs, how could they be affected?It doesn't make sense!

"The relatives of our sisters are mostly officials in the imperial court, but this time some of them lost their official positions, and some of them swayed the judgment of local officials because of our high status. This time it has affected us."

This is involuntary!They naturally don't want such a thing to happen, but it happened, what can they do?Some things are beyond their control!
Concubine De also said: "Yes, we don't know some relatives, but they confessed to us. This makes us very embarrassed!"

That's wrong, why didn't you think of them when you got rich?Only pull them into the water when they are in trouble!Unreasonable!

Concubine Yin also said: "Yes, not only us, but other concubines also have this kind of problem, so let's come here and ask His Royal Highness, can you give us a clear way."

It seems that the purge this time has a very large impact.

These three probably came here because Li Shimin had just left.

They didn't dare to talk to Li Shimin about this kind of thing, so they came to talk to Li Chengqian directly.

Because Li Chengqian still had room to speak, if he approached Li Shimin, if he got angry and punished everyone, that would be bad.

Another point is that Li Shimin listens to Li Chengqian's words, which is very important.

Li Chengqian smiled.

The three women were puzzled why he laughed.

"Your Highness, don't do this, it makes us very worried."

Concubine Yang said with some fear.

"You think too much. Although the scope of this purge is very large, you can rest assured that it will not affect you, but this king wants to tell you here that you must take care of your relatives and don't let them pretend to be powerful. Take advantage of your power to do some shady things!"

The so-called one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven, sometimes it is not what you say you can’t do, and people’s hearts are unpredictable.

Those people lack restraint, plus other people's admiration for those who can be imperial concubines.Misunderstandings such as thinking that a noble concubine has power and can do whatever she wants, have caused some people to think that the world is big and the world is big, and I am the only one.

It will cause the fear of a few women today.

Even if they are very careful, they are hard to guard against, but they cannot guard against their own family members.

"So, really?"

Li Chengqian laughed again.

"Don't worry, as long as you do what I want, everything will be fine, and I told you that all lists must come to me first, and if I say it's okay, then it's okay, you guys Take it easy though!"

This is true, Li Chengqian will not harm them in the future, and there is no need for it!
Li Chengqian's last sentence was the main thing, he was in charge of this matter, he said it was fine, so naturally it was fine.

"So, thank you, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Thank you? We are all family."

For these noble concubines, Li Chengqian was still grateful, because they helped him, and of course, he also gave them something.

In this way, the four of them enjoyed themselves happily, and the last three left.

Only then did Li Chengqian breathe a sigh of relief, the so-called great power comes with great responsibility.

"Let's go, two concubines, let's go for a walk!"

After meeting the three of them, Li Chengqian said that from now on, I will not see anyone!I just want to be with my wife!

(End of this chapter)

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