God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 909 Cultural Center

Chapter 909 Cultural Center
Time flies very fast, and it is the end of the year again in a blink of an eye, and the weather is turning cold at this time.

And the wedding day of Xue Rengui and Princess Changle is coming soon.

The entire city of Chang'an was filled with joy.

A large number of foreigners poured into Chang'an City.

Chang'an City became a cultural gathering place.

But this time Chang'an was already prepared.No longer be affected by too many foreign populations.

The law and order is very good now.

No foreigner dares to cause trouble.

Wu Zetian's belly is also gradually getting bigger, and Zheng Liwan will give birth in three months.

I'm afraid Li Chengqian will go to Tibet when she is born.

For the happiness of his family and the strength of Datang, this is what he should do.

Today, in the Taiji Palace.

Li Shimin listened to Li Chengqian's report.

The color of joy on his face became more intense.

"Is what you said true?"

"Father, all this is absolutely true!"

"In this case, I, Tang Chang'an, will lead the trend of the whole world!"

At this time, the cultural atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty was very strong.

Like commercial culture, Chang'an City not only has unprecedented development in urban planning and construction, but also has rapid economic development, and its commercial culture is becoming more and more mature.In the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City set up two markets in the east and west in the south of the imperial city, and the business and trade in the city revolved around the two cities.Compared with the two cities, the scale of the West Market is larger, the goods are more abundant, and the business scope is wider.At the same time, West Market has gathered many foreign businessmen and is the most famous foreign trade market.Basically all foreign transactions will be completed in Chang'an City.

And the second is religious culture

Chang'an as a religious center.Due to the country's close foreign exchanges, many religions were introduced to Chang'an from the west, and the rulers of the Tang Dynasty were inclusive of foreign cultures. Therefore, there were many religions in the Tang Dynasty at the same time, and religious activities flourished, such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Manichaeism.Among them, Buddhist culture is one of the important factors influencing the planning and design of Tang Chang'an City.Xuanzang's previous missions were also influenced by religious studies.

The last one is Hajj culture.

This is something Li Shimin is proud of.

In the surrounding areas, because they admired the highly developed economic civilization of the Tang Dynasty, countless areas came to Chang'an for pilgrimage, study abroad, academic exchanges and economic trade.

Coupled with the princess's wedding, this relationship is even closer.

The two father and son laughed heartily.

And Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian, the more he looked at it, the happier he was.

After all, it was Li Chengqian who brought the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty forward by more than a hundred years.

It was beyond his expectation that Datang became so powerful.

There are legends about him circulating among the people.

It is said that he is a Mingjun, leading the people to a better future.

He is really comfortable being the emperor.

It only took Li Chengqian three years to raise Datang's strength to the number one position in the world.It would take Li Shimin decades, or even longer, to get started, and he would have to rely on his son to help him achieve this. He, Li Chengqian, actually helped him achieve it all at once.

Not only these, but also the military strength, hundreds of years, even a thousand years in advance, all these things, but Li Shimin dare not even think about it.

"Gao Ming, Gao Ming, with your help, my Tang Dynasty will be even stronger!"

"All this is because of the good start of the father! And your continuous support, otherwise it would not be possible."

But Li Chengqian said.

Without a good emperor, Li Chengqian could not get support.

How is it possible to do well?
This reform is not wishful thinking.

Empress Changsun on one side said angrily: "You two, father and son, stop complimenting each other. This Tang Dynasty can't do without you!"

Empress Changsun figured it out and said a fair word.


It made Li Shimin laugh out loud.

"Then, it is indispensable."

"By the way, Father! Does the matter of Li Zhi's big wedding require my son to do anything?"

Li Chengqian asked so.

"Well, after thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing to do. Your mother and I have dealt with all of this."

Li Shimin said so.

Empress Changsun didn't care.

"Your Majesty, I don't think so!"

"Oh? Not necessarily? What else is there to finish?"

Li Shimin asked puzzled.

"Isn't there still an arrangement for foreign envoys?"

Empress Changsun said so.

Li Shimin patted his thigh and said: "Yes, yes, if you don't tell me, I'll forget it too! Regarding the issue of how to deal with the envoys who came to me in Tang Dynasty recently, it's better to let Gao Ming handle it, because I don't know, Who should treat each other with courtesy, and where should be casual."

Regarding the matter of foreign envoys, Li Shimin really couldn't see clearly.

Some people, Li Chengqian knows very well whether they are helpful to the future of Datang, while some people are just white-eyed wolves, and Li Shimin can't tell the difference at all.

Li Chengqian classified and dealt with them based on everything he knew, and let him solve them.

Therefore, it is best to let Li Chengqian handle all of this.

"My son is obliged to!"

But Li Chengqian said.

He also likes to do this kind of thing.

Because he is very good at it.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came to report.

"Report to Your Majesty, there is an envoy outside the door asking to see you!"

Li Shimin was startled, and this came as soon as he said it.

And just now it was said that Li Chengqian would handle it.

So he turned to Li Chengqian.

"The envoy of the neighboring country, this is the first one to come to court, how should we deal with it?"

"The theory is that His Majesty can't see you, and the officials below can come."

Li Shimin didn't just meet him whenever he wanted.

That's why Empress Changsun said so.

"Then I will think about who to come."

"Let the son handle it!"

Li Chengqian understood and said so.

"Your mother and I will wait behind!"

This is wrong for Li Shimin, a little lazy.Fortunately, Li Chengqian was very happy to do this kind of thing.


Li Chengqian made a gesture of invitation.

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun went to the rear.

Li Chengqian asked: "Who is it?"

"The envoy of Shiwei Kingdom!"

Shiwei and Khitan come from the same source, bounded by the Xing'an Mountains, Khitan in the south, and Shiwei in the north.

After Tuli unified the Turks, they did not march towards Shiwei.

After all, there is still a Khitan in the middle.

Khitan has already become a part of Datang.

And Tuli also had no right to send troops to Khitan to take Shi Wei, so Shi Wei stayed.

It faces Mohe in the east, and Goguryeo is below.

You may not be familiar with Mohe. In the next 300 years, during the Five Dynasties period, the Khitan people called Heishui Mohe Jurchen. Since then, the name Jurchen has replaced Mohe.

It is still a small country dominated by tribes, with no particularly powerful places, and it is not much different from Shiwei.

At this time, Shi Wei came to face Li Shimin alone, so there must be something for Li Shimin.

Since Li Shimin gave him power, Li Chengqian would naturally not be polite.

(End of this chapter)

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