Chapter 914

As soon as Shi Wei's envoy came out, Li Shimin came out from behind.

The ministers and others nodded to him.

After Li Shimin came out, he laughed loudly.

"Gao Ming, indeed, you are really smart. If you can convince Shi Wei envoy and use power to suppress him, I am afraid that there will be no third person in the entire Tang Dynasty."

The implication of Li Shimin's words is that above the Great Tang, besides him, only Li Chengqian has this courage.

Li Chengqian had no choice but to say: "All this is due to His Majesty's wisdom! With Your Majesty here, what else can we do?"

"Hahaha! Good good!"

Li Shimin was a little shocked. Just by saying a few words, he took a country for his own use. I am afraid that there are not many people in this world.

Moreover, the ministers above the main hall also felt shocked and expressed their admiration one after another.

"His Royal Highness is really a god!"

"His Royal Highness, please accept our worship!"


Li Chengqian said: "As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, this is what I should do. The stronger the Tang Dynasty, the better."

His implication is that this is nothing, everyone will.

And also said.

"This is also the courage that a strong country should have. Why not help weak countries and let them develop?"

Force and weaken the country, after Li Chengqian said, the force will be directly improved!

To put it bluntly, this is a kind of transaction, if you like me, there is nothing wrong with it!Everyone has benefited, and everyone is happy!

Yes yes yes, that's it.

Li Shimin was even happier after hearing this.

"By the way, Gao Ming, someone whispered something in your ear just now. I see that you are very happy. Something good must happen!"

Li Shimin was very happy.

Suddenly thinking of what happened just now, he was very curious, and other ministers felt the same way!
"Oh, Silla sent an envoy to see His Majesty."

Li Chengqian said so.

This made everyone puzzled, especially Li Shimin.

"Didn't you say that among the six kingdoms, there is Silla. They didn't send anyone here, so why do they have envoys now? What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, although this envoy is from Silla, he does not represent Silla, but someone else."

Li Chengqian said so.

Li Shimin was even more at a loss.

"Who would that be?"

"Princess of Silla!"

When Li Chengqian mentioned the princess, everyone was curious, why not the king of Silla?But the princess?What's going on?

"Oh? What did she say?"

"You have to see this to find out!"

Li Chengqian said.

How could he know, Li Shimin said again:

"I see that you are so happy, there must be a reason."

"The arrival of people from Silla proves that there must be divisions within him. The king of Silla doesn't want to be with my Tang Dynasty, but the others are different. There must be contradictions among them. That's why I am so happy!"

Li Chengqian said so.

This is his guess, and the guess is methodical and convincing.

These words made everyone very convinced.

"Hahaha, in that case, that would be great!"

Li Shimin laughed.

Then Du Ruhui asked: "Your Majesty, did you see this messenger?"

Before Li Shimin replied, Li Chengqian jumped ahead.

"Let this matter be handled by this king!"

Li Chengqian said.

"The Shiwei envoy was also received by Gao Ming. This time, it will be the same! I will look behind and let the envoy enter the palace at this time!"

Li Shimin said so.

Then the little yellow gate went down to announce the envoy into the palace.

After a while.

A girl-like existence entered from outside the palace.

She looked around at the people, standing on the left and right, and standing in the middle was a young man who was handsome and extraordinary.

The young man is exactly Li Chengqian.

According to outsiders, Li Chengqian is only eleven or twelve years old, but in reality, he is an adult, because her development has been delayed for a long time, she paused for a while, and then returned to normal.

There were several male surnames behind her, and then she saluted Li Chengqian.

"The envoy of Silla pays homage to His Majesty!"

However, Li Chengqian smiled and said: "Message from Silla, this king is not His Majesty the King of Tang, this king is the crown prince!"

The aura of king embodied in Li Chengqian is no worse than that of Li Shimin, so when he stands in this palace, people who don't know him will mistakenly think that he is Li Shimin.

The Silla envoy was not the first to admit his mistake.

She quickly corrected it: "So it's His Royal Highness, the envoy of Silla, Hu Li."

Li Chengqian looked at this woman carefully, and she turned out to be pretty.

At the same time, someone who can be an envoy must be an extraordinary existence.

This made Li Chengqian look at him with admiration.

After all, she is still young, and she has such strength at such a young age. Although she is a little worse than herself, it is not bad.

When the Silla envoy saw Li Chengqian staring at her, although he was a little embarrassed, he still called out generously, "Your Highness, what are you looking at?"

"Your Chinese is pretty good, and you can speak it fluently!"

Li Chengqian said the same thing again.

If the other party can speak Chinese, it can be seen from the side that they have intentions.

Because of the intention, there is some meaning to please.

Therefore, he can conclude that the envoys from Silla came to Datang this time, and they must have something for themselves.

"The Chinese language is so broad and profound that people can't put it down! That's why we learn it. Unexpectedly, the more we learn, the more we love it."

What this woman said made everyone feel a little proud.

That's a sense of pride.

This is the embodiment of a strong country. If you are a weak country, who is willing to learn your national language?

But if it is a powerful country, everything becomes different.

"Hahaha, you are an emissary, you are very good at talking. Sure enough, Princess Silla looks good!"

Li Chengqian's words obviously aroused everyone's shock. It turned out that Princess Silla sent someone here.

Li Shimin in the rear was even more surprised.

The king did not send someone, but let the princess send someone, what is this?
There must be something unforeseen in this.

So, he leaned over to the side and listened to what was going on.

The Silla envoy chuckled.

"His Royal Highness knows things like a god. We haven't said where I come from, but you guessed it."

The Silla envoy was quite shocked, and at the same time kept staring at Li Chengqian.

Can not be removed for a long time.

This girl looks pretty good, in Li Chengqian's heart, she can at least reach [-] points.

Compared with Wu Zetian and Zheng Liwan, two beauties who are over [-], she is still a bit inferior.

But this is a political matter between the two countries, not a beauty pageant, so he focused on his intentions.

"Tell me, why did the princess of your country ask you to come here?"

Li Chengqian asked directly.

The officials also fell silent, and they also wanted to know what she was doing here.

(End of this chapter)

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