God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 915 Why Help You?

Chapter 915 Why Help You?

The Silla envoy hesitated to speak, and seemed a little afraid to speak.

Then he said: "This matter is related to the reputation of the princess, so this matter can only be discussed with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. As for the other ministers, please forgive me!"

As soon as this remark came out, the ministers were dissatisfied.Why can't you tell yourself?Did the messenger fail to understand the situation?

Fang Xuanling first said:
"The princess of your country has nothing to do with the crown prince of my dynasty, so where is the reputation problem?"

Li Jing also said:

"That's right, don't say that, or I'm afraid my innocence will be ruined!"

None of the many ministers did not feel angry.

Du Ruhui said: "Could it be that you want to blackmail me into the crown prince? Don't make your plans so loud."

Why is Silla like this?

Some people even asked her to leave Chang'an!

Crowd and angry.

Li Shimin behind the account was also surprised, what's going on?

Could it be that Li Chengqian did something shameful?
But Li Chengqian has been in Chang'an, otherwise he would have gone to Turkic, never been to Silla.

How could it have something to do with Princess Silla?
Or does the reputation mean something?
It's puzzling.

Only then did the Silla envoy realize that he had said something wrong.

Hastily said: "No, no, I didn't mean that, it's because I said this to the princess, and the prince of the Tang Dynasty must come and listen. Others are here, so I can't talk about it, so... so my way of speaking is a bit wrong problem. Please forgive me!"

What the Silla envoy said made me feel a little more comfortable.

She obviously didn't realize that what she just said had serious consequences.

And Li Chengqian also wanted to know what the Silla princess wanted to say.

And if you trust your own people, how can you let them leave?

"Let's talk about things. All the civil and military officials here are loyal people of this dynasty, and they don't talk nonsense. Especially when it comes to the relationship between countries, they don't talk nonsense!"

The Silla envoy remained silent.

Li Chengqian said again: "Remember, whoever dares to reveal half a sentence of what the Silla envoy said, don't blame me for being rude! Are you satisfied with this?"

After Li Chengqian said that, the Silla envoy didn't say anything more.

So he nodded and said, "Then I'll tell."

All the officials focused their eyes on her, and Li Shimin leaned against the tent and listened.

The Silla envoy slowly opened his mouth.

She said: "Now Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje border each other, forming the power of the Three Kingdoms. In recent years, my king's health has gradually deteriorated, attracting the coveted eyes of Goguryeo and Baekje. My king has no children. The princess is worried that one day, when my king makes some mistakes, the other two countries will unite and annex Silla! If that happens, Silla will be destroyed!"

The Silla Dynasty is a dynasty in Korean history. It was established in 57 BC. It confronted the Baekje Dynasty and the Goguryeo Dynasty and formed the "Three Kingdoms Period" in Korean history. At this time, the princess, whose real name was Jin Deman, was the Silla Dynasty. The eldest daughter of King Jinbaekjeong, the 26th ruler of the 632th generation, she was smart and witty since she was a child.In 27 AD, King Jinpyeong passed away. Because he had no sons, all civil and military officials of Silla, after discussion, supported King Jindeman, the eldest daughter of King Jinpyeong, as king. This was the first time in Korean history that a female monarch appeared. Her posthumous title is "King Seondeok", so she is commonly known as "Queen Seondeok".Queen Seondeok, whose real name is Queen Seondeok, is the [-]th monarch of the Silla Dynasty. She lived in the late period of the Three Kingdoms period of Joseon.

This princess is like a flower at her age.Also a tough character.

Li Chengqian is also very familiar with this period of history.

It's just that I didn't pay much attention to it before, but today I ran into it.

This is interesting, maybe now is an opportunity.

Because King Zhenping is also close to the day of his death.

The narration of the Silla envoy is the current situation. Now the whole world is in chaos. I am afraid that only Datang is the most stable existence.

"So what? This is a matter of your country, what has it to do with my Tang Dynasty?"

"Yeah, what have you got to do with me, Datang!"

All the ministers said in unison.

This made the Silla envoy dumbfounded.

Then what she has to say will be shocking.

"His Royal Highness, therefore, I ask the princess to ask me to come to Tang Dynasty for help!"

Li Chengqian was puzzled, he asked for help when he asked for help, and what about his reputation?
So he asked: "And then? Then what are you going to give?"

Silla's position is rather embarrassing, and he is more inclined to the Wa country.

If Datang wants to support, there is almost no possibility. Goguryeo and Baekje have to be bypassed. In that case, the difficulty is not small.

And in what way to support, there is no legitimate reason at all.

So Li Chengqian didn't want to help Silla.

Because it is not necessary.

Unless, they put forward some attractive conditions, such as giving him Xinluo.

Becoming a part of the Tang Dynasty, in this way, it is possible to go up to support, in this case, it is reasonable to send troops and famous for the division.

Otherwise, if you send out unreasonable soldiers, you will be cast aside.

But how could Silla do this?

They also want to be independent, and giving the country to others is equivalent to destroying the country and changing the name of the country.

Du Ruhui said at this time: "Yeah, what are you going to pay? I, Datang, can't help everyone. If you put forward some attractive conditions, I, Datang, can consider helping you and let you overcome obstacles!"

Even he knows this, it is impossible for him to understand in Silla.

Otherwise, I wouldn't come to Datang so exhausted.

You know, from Silla to Datang, you have to go through Goguryeo, otherwise you have to go through the Yellow Sea and take a boat.Either way is extremely dangerous, but they have arrived.

Finally this Silla envoy came, and they must have come with determination.

The Silla envoy was silent.

She seemed to be thinking about how to answer, or that she was too embarrassed to say it.

Then this means what she just said is about the reputation of the princess.

"Silla envoy, you are telling me, why did my Tang Dynasty help you? How can I become famous!"

"Hurry up, our time is precious, and we cannot delay His Royal Highness's time because of your affairs."

"Yeah, if nothing happens, I'll be here today."

"Are you all in Silla like this? When you come to beg for help, don't you explain why?"

"Show us your sincerity, not just talk."

The ministers couldn't bear it any longer, and said one after another.

All eyes gathered in one place.

Only then did the Silla envoy speak.

What she will say will shock everyone, but at the same time, they are also curious, why is this so?

This Silla princess has no small ambitions.

All the evaluations of knowing how to choose and so on came out.

Even said that.

Even at the expense of yourself, you have to achieve your goals.

It's really impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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