Chapter 924
In the second year, the snow will melt.

Li Chengqian discussed state affairs with Li Shimin in the Taiji Palace.

Suddenly, a little yellow door trotted into the palace.

"Report to Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince, Zheng Liangdi is about to give birth."

When Li Chengqian heard it, he was about to give birth?
Here, the prince’s wives and concubines all have different titles, the main wife is the princess, and then there are two Liangdi: the third grade; Liangyuan six: the fourth grade; Chenghui ten people: the fifth grade ; Zhaoxun 16 people: the seventh grade; Fengyi 24 people: the ninth grade.

If Princess Silla really married Li Chengqian, she could only be Liangdi, because Wu Zetian was the only concubine.

And what Zheng Liangdi is talking about here is Zheng Liwan.

Li Chengqian got up directly.

At the same time, Empress Changsun said: "It's a little earlier than expected, Gao Ming, hurry up, go and have a look."

"Yes, Queen Mother!"

"Wait, the queen mother is with you!"

Empress Changsun said so.

As for Li Shimin, he also said: "Go, go and feel the feeling of being a father for the first time!"

"Yes, Father!"

Then Li Chengqian quickly went to the East Palace.

As for Empress Changsun, she was left far behind by him.

When he arrived at the East Palace, Wu Zetian greeted him.

At this time, she was also wandering outside with a big belly.

"What's the matter, Sui'er? What's the situation now?"

Li Chengqian asked with concern.

He was more anxious than anyone else, if Li Shimin hadn't been called to Taiji Palace early in the morning, he would rather stay here with Zheng Liwan, because as far as he knew, the due date was only two days.

"Not long after the midwife came in, don't worry, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

It would be a lie to say no rush.

"Just went in, it's not so fast."

Looking at the people around, they are busy.

Reminds me of scenes from TV shows.

The current level of medical care has improved a lot, so the birth rate has also greatly increased.

Sanitary conditions are better.

In addition, Zheng Liwan's vitality was well trained by Li Chengqian, so this time, Li Chengqian was not nervous, because he was anxious to see his child.

Empress Changsun and others also entered the East Palace.

When Wu Zetian saw her coming again, he also saluted her.

"Mother, are you coming too?"

"Yes, yes, I'm afraid your stomach will give birth soon, right?"

Empress Changsun said with a smile.

She was probably the youngest grandma ever.

Moreover, it was less than half a year before and after the two babies, and it was a great joy to have two babies within a year.

Li Chengqian's hit rate is also very high.

"Yes, the queen mother may be able to give birth when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince returns from conquering Tubo."

Wu Zetian touched his stomach and said so.

Li Chengqian said: "Then, this king happens to be able to make it to the first meeting with the child."

One child was born before the expedition, and another child was born after returning. I am afraid that there is no such happy person as Li Chengqian.

"Yes yes yes! Two a year, two concubines win the bid at the same time, Gao Ming is also very lucky!"

Empress Changsun said so.

Neither did Li Shimin.

"That's also the queen mother's blessing!"

"Yes, yes, Sui'er can really talk."

Then, a few chattering voices came from outside the Eastern Palace.

As soon as Li Chengqian heard it, he knew who it was.

It was Concubine Yang, Concubine Yin, Concubine De and Concubine Wei.

As soon as they entered the East Palace, they saw Li Chengqian and Empress Changsun, after a while of saluting.

They started chatting.

"Empress, tell me, Zheng Liangdi first asked whether this child is a boy or a concubine.

"It's the same whether it's a man or a woman, they're all brilliant flesh and blood, and they're all my royal queens."

Empress Changsun said.

At this time, Concubine Yang said: "Whether it's a man or a woman, anyway, we let the people in the palace prepare the clothes, several sets for men and women! Zheng Liangdi's child was born first, so we will send it first, and wait for the crown prince someday." If the concubine's child is also born, we will have already prepared for it."

These women know how to do this kind of thing.

There are several sets for men and women, and each set is very attentive.

Whether it's Zheng Liwan's or Wu Zetian's, they are all ready.

Concubine De also said: "When this child is born, he must be as smart and cute as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

That's because Li Chengqian is very popular, and for the four concubines, he also likes to communicate with Li Chengqian very much.

It was a bit noisy for these women, but Li Chengqian went to the side.

Look at everything in the room.

He was a little worried about Zheng Liwan.

The girls were chatting there, but Li Chengqian couldn't chat with them at all.

At this time, Wu Zetian walked to his side.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, everything will be fine, it's fine!"

Wu Zetian said so.

Li Chengqian also knew that everything would be fine, because what the two girls got was hundreds of times better than others.

So, Zheng Liwan must be fine this time.

"It's a lie to say that you don't worry. Whichever one of you is inside, this king will do this."

As soon as Li Chengqian finished speaking, the cry of a baby could be heard in the room.


This made everyone gather around the door, ready to see what happened.

A moment later, the door opened.

The midwife came out.

With a baby in her arms.

"Is it male or female?"

Empress Changsun asked.

"With a handle!"

The midwife said excitedly.

The baby was still crying at this time.

Li Chengqian walked over directly and picked up the baby.

"Don't cry! Don't cry!"

Something unexpected happened, the baby actually laughed.

At this time, the four concubines also surrounded her.

"This child is really beautiful, just like His Royal Highness when he was a child!"

"Isn't it? It's so beautiful."

Afterwards, Empress Changsun also took over the child.

But Li Chengqian walked inside.

At this time, the people inside are busy.

He walked to Zheng Liwan's bedside.

"Thanks to you."

The simple four words made Zheng Liwan, who was sweating profusely, burst into tears.

"It is worthwhile to be a concubine who can give birth to a son and a half for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


Li Chengqian held her hand.

"The concubine wants to see the child!"

"Okay, come here, let the queen mother bring the child in."

Soon, Queen Changsun brought the child over.

And put it next to Zheng Liwan, so the family is very harmonious.

"His Royal Highness, have you ever thought of a name for our child?"

Zheng Liwan asked.

"This king has already thought about it, so I will call him Li Xiang!"

"Li Xiang?"

"Yes, I have a saying: If you hold an elephant, the world will go. Therefore, this king named him Li Xiang!"

When Li Chengqian said this, it was convincing.

Li Chengqian is extremely talented.

Li Chengqian didn't realize that he would have an extra son.

He looked at Wu Zetian's belly again, there was another one there, and he didn't know if it was a man or a woman.

In this way, everyone stayed for a while before leaving the bedroom, because Zheng Liwan needed to rest.

And in a few days, Li Chengqian will go out to conquer the Tubo people.

(End of this chapter)

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