Chapter 925
Time passed quickly, and the time for Li Chengqian's expedition was getting closer and closer.

Today, he went to the barracks to explain some matters.

Below are the three generals.

Xue Rengui, Wang Xuance and Su Lie waited under him for orders.

Li Chengqian said: "The day to fight against Tubo is getting closer and closer. This time, just in case, this king quickly took down Tubo, and decided to lead [-] Great Tang cavalry to go together."

Originally, he didn't want to bring so many people, but after thinking about it, the situation is unclear now, if he can't take down the opponent quickly, for Datang, he will miss an opportunity.

Therefore, this time, Tubo must be taken down quickly.

Only then will there be time to settle matters to the east.

Therefore, he changed his original intention and brought more people there.

There are also disadvantages to bringing more people, that is, regarding food, if there are a large number of people, the consumption of food is very huge.It's not as easy to operate as 3000 people.

But Li Chengqian has his own ideas, so this is really nothing.

His statement was recognized by everyone.

Xue Rengui said: "It's good to be brave. At this time, my Tang cavalry has trained 5000 people. Li Jing took away 10 people, and there are still more than [-] people. As long as it is less than [-] people, we can bring as many as we want!" "

"Well, very good. This time, I want to take Wang Xuance and Su Lie with me, Xue Rengui, and you will stay in Chang'an."

At this time Xue Rengui was not happy.

He was still talking about us just now, but now he is not taking him, which makes him very embarrassed.

Why?Why not take him?

He was puzzled.

"Your Highness, don't you think that Rengui is doing favoritism for the son-in-law? If so, Xue Rengui please fight!"

Xue Rengui was a little puzzled why Li Chengqian did this.

Could it be because he married Li Lizhi?
At the same time, Wang Xuance and Su Lie were also very curious. Ever since Xue Rengui got married, Li Chengqian didn't seem to think much of Xue Rengui.

Could it be because Xue Rengui became his brother-in-law?

If this is the case, I am afraid that I will not be able to convince the public.

At the same time, it is also their opportunity. After all, if there is less competition from Xue Rengui, their burden will be lighter.

"Xue Rengui, do you think this king will do this?"

Li Chengqian asked back.

"Rengui dare not!"

Xue Rengui said so, but he certainly didn't think so in his heart, because he didn't believe it, and he didn't believe that Li Chengqian had no selfish intentions.

But next, Li Chengqian laughed out loud.

"Public and private, this king has two things to say."

Li Chengqian said so.

He was also very bold, and said without any concealment: "First, for the public, Silla is not stable, and so is Goguryeo. And there is no trustworthy existence of this king in Chang'an City, Xue Rengui, you said you are with Ben Should the king go to Tubo together, or stay in Chang'an and keep an eye on the situation in the east? This is a matter of business, and this is very important. If you refuse, both Wang Xuance and Su Lie can replace you, my king I don’t force it on you either! But what I want to say is that the responsibility for this matter is greater, and the degree of danger is no worse than our trip to Tubo!”

Li Chengqian's words made Xue Rengui speechless, because what he said was good.

The princess of Silla is waiting for Li Chengqian to conquer. If he really follows, it is not impossible, but if something happens to Silla, then whose loss is it?
"What His Royal Highness said is absolutely true!"

Xue Rengui's tone softened.

At the same time, Wang Xuance and Su Lie were jealous, and they also wanted to stay.

Because of the heavier responsibilities, they are willing to do anything for Li Chengqian, they are all helped by Li Chengqian, and they all have the same experience.

Li Chengqian gave them too much, otherwise their mother would die early.

They knew better than anyone else that it was Li Chengqian who saved their mother's life, and lived younger and younger.

So when Li Chengqian made such a decision, no one dared to say no.

And then Li Chengqian said: "The second is for selfishness. Li Zhi was found pregnant the day before yesterday, and she came to me, hoping to spend more time with you. I can't refuse the request of a younger sister who is about to become a mother. Your mother has the same feelings for you. Therefore, this king asked Xue Rengui to stay in Chang'an first, but he didn't stay here all the time, but adapt to the situation. Can you understand this?"

After Li Chengqian said this, everyone was shocked.

They turned out to be speechless.

Because Li Chengqian has raised to a height that they cannot refuse.

Looking at it from another perspective, it is also understandable.

At this time, Wang Xuance smiled and said: "Rengui, you should guard carefully in Chang'an, don't let the future Emperor Liang fall into the hands of the enemy! The responsibility for this is even heavier. As for Tubo, the two of us will follow His Highness the Crown Prince. That's all right, just wait for our good news!"

Su Lie also said: "Yes, yes, when we return, we will not return drunk! How about it?"

"Okay, thanks to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, for entrusting such an important task to Rengui, Rengui will definitely guard Chang'an, guard the east side of the Tang Dynasty, and guard the future Liangdi!"

Seeing their harmony, Li Chengqian felt very relieved.

"Okay! That's good! We're going to leave in a few days. This king hopes that you will train well."

At this time, Wang Xuan planned to ask: "His Royal Highness, do we still need to bring our Zhenguan Cannon?"

He asked about the point, but Li Chengqian said: "You don't have to worry about this one, when the time comes, they will fall from the sky!"

The meaning is very obvious. This time, the same cavalry went to try to get rid of the opponent in the shortest time.

"Like last time?"

Su Lie asked.

Obviously, he also knew that Li Chengqian had a secret.

Li Chengqian smiled.

"It's not wrong, it's just that this matter should not be told to outsiders."

"My subordinate understands!"

The three said at the same time.

Afterwards, Guan Lishi rushed over.

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Princess welcomes you!"

"What did you say?"

"His Royal Highness, don't forget, today is the full moon of the eldest grandson of the emperor!"

It turned out to be Li Xiang's full moon, this time flies so fast.

The weather is also gradually getting warmer, and it is time to go out.

He once said that when Li Xiang was full moon, it was time for him to set off, and the time had come.

"Hahaha, this king has forgotten!"

"Have you notified His Majesty and Queen Mother?"

Then he asked again.

"Your Majesty and His Highness the Queen are relaxing in Shanglin Garden at this time!"

Shanglin Garden is a garden building in the Han Dynasty. It was expanded by Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, on an old garden site in the Qin Dynasty in the third year of Jianyuan.The current location is in the suburbs of Chang'an.

"Shanglin Court?"


"How long?"

"I left early in the morning."

"Go! Follow me to inform them!"


After that, Li Chengqian and Guan Lishi went to Shanglin Garden.

(End of this chapter)

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