God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 926 Longevity Lock

Chapter 926 Longevity Lock

Li Chengqian led Guan Lishi and a group of people to Shanglinyuan.

When they arrived, the place was already surrounded by a large number of soldiers.

Seeing that it was Li Chengqian's arrival, these people came to salute.

"Meet Your Royal Highness!"

Everyone said.

After it was over, someone said: "His Royal Highness, let us inform His Majesty now!?"

"No! No need, I can just enter directly."

After finishing, he got off his horse and entered Shanglin Garden.

Along the way, a large number of soldiers were present.Everyone is full of energy, but what they are equipped with is just an ordinary Tang knife, and they are not equipped with weapons.

In Li Shimin's words, he was a little afraid of the guns last time, but only a small number of people held them this time.

In the Tang Dynasty, there is only one kind of person who can always hold a gun together, and that is the Tang cavalry.

It can be seen how cautious Li Shimin is.

Of course, it's best to be careful about everything.

Just in case someone with bad intentions turned against them.

This Li Chengqian walked directly into it, and many soldiers saluted.

And with a wave of his hand, everyone left.

He could vaguely hear a voice in Shanglin Garden.

In fact, it was the voice of Empress Changsun.

She only heard her say: "Your Majesty, with this beautiful scenery as a companion, I wrote a poem called "Spring Outing Song" out of emotion, can you enjoy it?"

It was Empress Changsun's voice. At that time, she was considered a talented poet, but her name was too big, and her poet name was covered up.

She is not much worse than Li Shimin in essay writing.

Otherwise, how could he be favored by Li Shimin.

Next came Li Shimin's voice.

"Hahaha, it's rare for Guanyin's maidservant to have such a good mood, so I will certainly listen with all my ears!"


After finishing, Empress Changsun said:
The peach blossoms in Shangyuan are in the morning, and the concubine of Lan Guiyan is in love with spring.

Inoue Xintao stole his face, and the tender willow beside the eaves learned to be light.

Come to see the dancing butterflies in the flowers, listen to the warblers on the trees.

Under the forest, why do you need to ask? He is famous for being outstanding and romantic.

This poem is also very famous in ancient times.

Empress Changsun's literary attainments are clearly reflected in this simple poem.

When he heard this, Li Chengqian couldn't help admiring: "Good, good! The poem written by my mother expresses the beauty of spring and metaphors the characters. It is very ingenious. The peach blossom steals the color of the flower, the butterfly dances among the flowers, the warbler sings on the tree, and laughs like a warbler. Forget about love for a while, and restrain yourself for a while. Containing but not revealing, intriguing!"

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun discovered Li Chengqian's arrival.

"Gao Ming, I made you laugh. Who never knew that you are the number one talented person in the Tang Dynasty. To be praised so much by you makes my mother feel ashamed!"

Empress Changsun said so.

It's not a high hat either, it's true.

"My son pays homage to His Majesty, Queen Mother!"

Li Chengqian did not forget to salute first.

Li Shimin waved his hand, and Li Chengqian stood up.

Li Shimin went on to say: "Yes, Gao Ming is right, Guanyin servant girl, if you see it and recite it, I will praise it."

Having said that, Empress Changsun blushed, but she was very happy to be praised so much.

After that, she said again: "When I was writing this poem, and seeing Gao Ming here again, I couldn't help but feel a little sad."

It is said that women are sentimental, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Empress Changsun was still talking about looking at the beautiful scenery one second ago, and then saw Li Chengqian's arrival the next second.

Make her a little sentimental.

Li Shimin gently grabbed her hand.

"What's wrong? Why sentimental?"

Li Shimin asked.

"Spring is coming, my son is about to go to war, my concubine is so worried! Although he came out for the country, he is still my child, and I am afraid that something will happen."

Li Chengqian also felt a little bit sorry for the eldest grandson empress.

She loves Li Chengqian very much, and she is afraid that he will be hurt in some way.

But Li Shimin said: "With Gaoming, it is only a matter of time before Tubo is destroyed. You know, he is invincible! It will be even more so in the future. My Tang's combat power is supernatural. Whoever dares to disobey will have to kill Of!"

Where there is Li Chengqian, there is no resistance, and everything that resists him will be nothingness.

"Your Majesty is right. With the might of the Tang Dynasty, the enemy must be defeated! Queen Mother, you don't have to worry about it!"

When Li Chengqian said this, Empress Changsun became a little more stable.

Then, she glanced at Li Chengqian again, and asked, "Gao Ming, how can you come here?"

Li Chengqian said: "Oh, it's like this, Xiang'er is full moon today, the banquet has already been finished, and I invite my father and queen to go with me!"

At this time, Empress Changsun deliberately asked again: "This time, what gift did you prepare for your son?"

Li Chengqian was speechless for a while, the Empress Changsun was going to blackmail her good things again.

She clearly asked for it, so can he not give it?
But after much deliberation, what should I give?
I had prepared a few things myself, so I might as well just give them one piece.

Seeing that Li Chengqian was silent, Li Shimin seemed to be thinking about something.

He said: "Your mother and I don't know what to give. I've been thinking about it these days, but I can't think of what to give. I know you have many good things. Why don't you give us one?"

Just like the gift of Li Lizhi's high heels last time, the more novel the things, the more they will be full of face. After all, they are also Li Xiang's grandparents, and they are also the current emperor and queen, so the things they give can't be bad.

It's vulgar to give anything like gold, silver and treasure.

Now Li Chengqian's financial resources are strong, and Datang has plenty of money, but there are no more interesting things.

This couple is calculating themselves all the time.

Forget it, who made them their relatives?

So he waved it casually.

A lock-shaped thing appeared in his hand.

At this time, Empress Changsun asked suspiciously: "What is this? Send this thing?"

"This is the longevity lock. The meaning of the longevity lock can lock the child, prevent evil spirits from getting on the body, and not be entangled by illness. I pray that the child will grow up healthily and live a long life. It has the functions of suppressing shock and warding off evil spirits, exorcising ghosts and disasters, and praying for longevity. , which symbolizes health and peace.”

What Li Chengqian said made Empress Changsun very happy.

"So, this is the best thing. Then Gao Ming, what do you want to give?"

"This object was originally intended to be given by my son, so let the queen mother give it to you."

"What's the point of that..."

Li Chengqian:  …

"It's okay, it's okay, Erchen thinks about it again."

"Haha, I said Gao Ming has a way!"

Li Shimin laughed.

It turned out that this matter was instigated by Li Shimin.This Li Shimin is really speechless.

"Your Majesty, Queen Mother, let's go back together. Now is the auspicious time. Don't miss the good time."

Li Chengqian said so.

Empress Changsun nodded.

"Okay! Now we've had enough fun, we're going back!"

In his hand, he tightly grasped the Longevity Lock.

"Then let's go! Let's go back to Chang'an City!"

After finishing, the group of people waited for Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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