Chapter 927
When a group of people waited to return to the East Palace, the East Palace was decorated with lanterns and festoons. Except for the New Year and festivals in the past, the East Palace had never been so lively.

The whole East Palace is very festive everywhere, and everyone in the palace is very happy.

Because today is Li Xiang's full moon, he wants to make a big fuss, not for anything else, but because Datang is rich, and Li Chengqian is Datang's benefactor, and Li Shimin's eldest grandson, so the ceremony can't be too bad.

As soon as Li Shimin and Empress Changsun arrived in the East Palace, Zheng Liwan walked out with Li Xiang in her arms.

And Wu Zetian was standing beside her with her big belly, her eyes full of a little envy.

It would be nice if she could get pregnant earlier.

This eldest grandson was taken away by Zheng Liwan's child.

Although Li Chengqian said that in his heart, everyone is the same.

But in fact, if you don't think about it, it's a lie.

Wu Zetian touched her big belly again. In a few months, she will give birth too.

Empress Changsun came to the front, holding the Longevity Lock in her hand.

"Come, come, Xiang'er, this is a gift from Grandma Huang!"

After that, he put the longevity lock on Li Xiang's neck.

Li Xiang seemed to know what it was, and smiled happily.

Empress Changsun also laughed out loud.

Li Chengqian's things are really useful and meaningful, which makes people very satisfied.

"What is this, Queen Mother?"

Zheng Liwan asked curiously.

And Wu Zetian was also on the side, looking at the longevity lock curiously.


Empress Changsun glanced at Li Shimin, and then at Li Chengqian.

This said:

"This is the longevity lock. The meaning of the longevity lock can lock the child, prevent evil spirits from getting on the body, and not be entangled by illness. I pray that the child will grow up healthily and live a long life. It has the functions of suppressing shock and warding off evil spirits, exorcising ghosts and disasters, and praying for longevity. , which symbolizes health and peace.”

Li Chengqian was a little depressed, but then he was relieved.

The eldest grandson empress actually repeated her words verbatim, which made him a little speechless.

But so what?Whoever let her be his mother, let her do so.

Just make them happy!They can do whatever they want.

Wu Zetian couldn't help nodding and said: "Longevity lock! This thing is very meaningful, and the queen mother is really talented! You can think of this!"

"That's right, I will thank my mother for Xiang'er! Come on, Xiang'er, thank Grandma Huang!"

Zheng Liwan said.

Li Xiang giggled, this kid is really a delight.

It made Empress Changsun laugh even more, she is very happy today.

Li Shimin's face was also bright, although Li Chengqian originally wanted to give this thing.

But let them get cheap.

If you don't talk, no one will care about anything.

It doesn't matter if their faces are bright, the couple even made some depressing things.

At this time, Li Shimin also said to Li Chengqian: "Gao Ming, what are you giving the elephant? Take it out and have a look."

Li Chengqian:  …

I am so...

Good things are given to you, but you actually asked me what I prepared?
Well, don't be angry or angry, I'm prepared anyway.

Li Chengqian calmed down, let the two of them get such a meaningful thing, and give some interesting things to themselves.

So he ordered: "Guan Lishi, pull the thing out!"

Now, everyone was stunned.

Waiting to see what Li Chengqian sent.

They all knew that Li Chengqian's moves were extraordinary.

After a while.Guan Lishi pushed something out of the bedroom.This thing is like a car, the whole body is full of luster, and there are many bells and toys on it.

"Gao Ming, what is this?"

But Li Chengqian said: "This is a crib. Elephants can lie on it in the future, and adults can push it around. When the wind blows to the bell, it will make a sound, and the toys on it can be used for children to play with. "

This thing is very miraculous, naturally Li Chengqian took it out of the system.Good-looking and durable, the shape is novel.

Everyone thought it was fun, so they gathered around, looked up and down, and were amazed.

He still said that the prince made a move, which was extraordinary.

Surprise people every time.

Zheng Liwan also carried Li Xiang to the stroller, and when Li Xiang sat in it, she was very happy.

This made everyone nod their heads.

Empress Changsun said:

"Gao Ming is really practical, so that adults can relax more and communicate with children!"

That's not it, this thing is very modern, something that didn't exist in ancient times, so it's naturally good.

Empress Changsun gave the most meaningful things, while Li Chengqian gave practical things.

The things Li Chengqian gave not only made Li Xiang happy, but also made Zheng Liwan less busy and more relaxed.

Sending out this one thing satisfies both of them, so he is even smarter.

At the same time, Li Chengqian also noticed that there was a person standing still on the field.

So he walked over.

"Ji'er, why don't you go and see that car?"

"That's for Xiang'er, what should I see?"

It seems that he is angry.

But it made Li Chengqian laugh out loud.

He lightly stroked Wu Zetian's big belly.

"My child has a share. This king has prepared two copies. There is also a different one, which is also in the palace. When the child is born, it can be used!"

He didn't just prepare one, but prepared both of them.

He, Wu Zetian, would not extravagantly ask for things from Empress Changsun, but the things that Li Chengqian gave must be in place.

She was a little angry at first, but now she has calmed down.


"That's natural. You are all the women I love the most. How could I forget it? You can't treat one more favorably than another, right?"

That's it, it's not the first time they met Li Chengqian.

"That's my concubine thinking too much."

Wu Zetian said.

"By the way, Lizhi is also happy, does your husband..."

"At that time, let the craftsman make one. From now on, every princess and prince in the entire palace will have this thing. However, I can guarantee that my child will use it the best!"

Wu Zetian nodded in relief.

At this time, Guan Lishi yelled: "The auspicious time has come!"

Li Chengqian said at this time:
"Okay, let's go to the front, the ministers are waiting there!"

"Alright, if you don't get drunk today, you won't go home!"

Li Shimin said.

Then, Li Shimin took the lead and walked forward, where ministers were waiting for the protagonist to appear.

Today's absolute protagonist is Li Xiang.

On that day, the ministers drank until the early hours of the morning before dispersing. If Li Chengqian was not going to go out the next day, they might drink until dawn.

As for Zheng Liwan, Wu Zetian and Li Chengqian, there are many things to say, but everything is kept silent.

Just wait until tomorrow to send Li Chengqian to the expedition.

(End of this chapter)

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