Chapter 929
At the same time, Li Yun and Li Wen also entered it.

After they saluted with Li Shimin, they were also puzzled. Li Yun asked, "What's wrong? Why do you look like this?"

A minister who knew the matter said: "The Tubo people have directly occupied Tuyuhun in the past few days, and gathered their main force at Dafeichuan. The situation is urgent now. The original Khan of Tuyuhun just wrote about this matter, let us send troops Save them."

It turned out to be the case.

That's why Li Chengqian said that he wanted to occupy Dafeichuan.

"Unexpectedly, Songtsan Gampo is so cruel that he would direct his troops to my Datang's vassals. Their courage is really not small."

"Yes! This person, it was a mistake to let him go back then!"

Everyone is talking about Songtsan Gampo. If he hadn't been allowed to go back then, he wouldn't have been in power, and what happened today might not have happened. .

"Who knew that such a thing would happen. His father was alive at the time. What power did Songtsen Gampo have? Maybe he was controlled by us, and maybe someone else controlled Tubo."

There is no absolute in everything, if this Songtsen Gampo is down, there may be another Songtsen Gampo standing up.

People are unpredictable, who knows what kind of things some people will do for power?

Lots of talk.

But Li Shimin asked: "Gao Ming, why is it there? Not Songtsan Gampo's lair?"

Someone else said: "If it is there, then I will directly confront Songtsan Gampo. I am afraid that only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would dare to do this!"

Someone said so.

Li Chengqian didn't care.

"The role of Dafeichuan is no different from that of Liangzhou City. As long as it is occupied there, it can be used as a base and spread outward. At this time, Songtsan Gampo may still be there. We will definitely He stays there and beats him until he surrenders. After Songtsen Gampo is gone, things will be much easier. We can threaten him, ask him to help us, or use him as a puppet!"

Li Chengqian said so.

Just the day before, Dafeichuan was defeated by Songtsan Gampo, and the entire Tuyuhun fell directly. The territory that originally belonged to Datang was directly turned into Tubo people, and the power of Tubo became stronger.

This news was just received by Li Shimin, and he was enthusiastic.

So he called Li Chengqian to discuss it together.

Because Li Chengqian was about to set off at dawn, and the first stop of this expedition was very important.

In case Songtsan Gampo tried to invade Datang, then they had to react quickly and not slack off.

Li Chengqian also gave his thoughts.His ideas have also become very mature. Originally, he wanted to invade directly from the Tubo border, but now that Songtsan Gambo came out, there was no need.

Someone said:
"Songtsen Gampo is quite ambitious, and it is not easy to convince him."

"This is too risky!"

"Yes, this is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger!"

But Li Chengqian said with a smile: "He is a tiger? Then we are hunters, and everything is under my control. So what if it is tough? I dare say that he could not last three days under my Tang cavalry!" "

Li Chengqian is not talking big, all this is under his control, as long as he meets Songtsan Gampo, everything will be easy to handle.

There must be an expert behind this guy, and he was almost swayed by him before.

Almost let him control Li Shimin, he must teach Songtsan Gampo a good lesson.

After Li Yun and the two listened, they said: "If we go to Dafeichuan this time, it will be at least [-] miles. We have built a railway leading there, and it is only [-] miles. Therefore, only It can take you to a place four hundred miles away, and the other one thousand miles, brother, you have to get off the train and go on.”

Before the morning, Li Chengqian ordered them to build a railway, with Chang'an as the center, and develop vertically and horizontally. This road to Tuyuhun is a horizontal line.

When Li Chengqian heard it, he became happy.

The four hundred miles is the same as the journey to Turkic before.

In this way, it really saves a lot of trouble.

Where there is a railway, it will be prosperous.

This also confirmed Li Chengqian's ambition, not only Chang'an was prosperous, but also the whole Tang Dynasty.

Use Chang'an to drive the development of the surrounding area.

Where there are railways, there will be development.

"In this way, it is naturally the best. We can save four hundred miles, which is a lot of time."

Everyone is so excited.

But there are still problems ahead.

But someone said: "But this train can't hold 5 people at a time!"

Li Yin said directly: "Now we have 1000 carriages, and the limit of each carriage is 5 people. As long as there is a place, it can accommodate people. It is our idea to maximize luck. If possible, we Two more trains can be added, so [-] people can be loaded."

Li Yin said that under the limit, so many people can be brought.

And someone asked again.

"Then if you add the cannon, wouldn't there be another train?"

He was right.

Whether you want a cannon or not is also because Li Chengqian has the final say.

He also doesn't want other people to sway his thoughts.

So he said: "You don't need to worry about this, the king naturally has a decision!"

The man bowed his head in silence, not daring to speak any more.

Then, he said to Li Yun and Li Wen: "You two have done a good job. In this way, you can save a lot of time in one go, and try to reach the destination in two days!"

The so-called military speed is precious, but Li Chengqian's speed is really fast.

In this way, people are excited.

Li Shimin also said: "If this is the case, it is naturally the best. It is best to take Songtsan Gampo. If this person is not taken down, Tubo will offend me again!"

He was not wrong, as far as their guts were concerned, it was just too rampant for them to ignore Li Chengqian's deeds of taking down the Turks and attack Tuyuhun in just one winter.

No wonder Yu Li Shimin was so angry.

"Father is right. My son will definitely take down Songtsan Gampo and send him to Chang'an himself."

"Okay, okay! With Gao Ming, there is no battle in this world that cannot be won!"

Li Shimin said so.

Li Chengqian acquiesced.

Because what Li Shimin said was not wrong.

Once he comes out, the world is invincible.

"Your Majesty is right!"

All the ministers said in unison.

Then, a smile appeared on Li Shimin's face.

It can be seen that he was relieved.

"Okay, you all retreat, go back to sleep earlier, and we will send Gao Ming to the expedition at dawn! I am also a little sleepy."

After finishing, Li Shimin returned to the bedroom.

Everyone is tired today, so it's good to get some sleep.

In the Taiji Palace, some people also left.

But there are others who have not moved.

Li Chengqian saw that several familiar people did not leave.

(End of this chapter)

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