Chapter 930
At the scene, there were Cheng Yaojin, Fang Xuanling, Du Gou and other veterans, as well as their children.

Naturally, the three generals Xue Rengui, Su Lie and Wang Xuance are also indispensable.

Seeing that they were all there, Li Chengqian gave orders first.

"Su Lie, tell the [-] Tang cavalry to prepare [-] catties of grain each, and we will travel lightly!"

"Don't want to carry on this time?"

Su Liedo asked a question.

Everyone still doesn't understand what Li Chengqian will do next, so they will inevitably ask a few more questions?
"Yes! It's still the same as last time!"

His answer has already been given, and everyone did not continue talking.

Xue Rengui was silent at the side, he knew that if he didn't take Xue Rengui out this time, he would have some pimples in his heart, but Xue Rengui had more important things to deal with, so he should understand it!

After a long time.

Cheng Chumo came out and said, "This time, Songtsan Gampo can only last for seven days at most!"

When he said this, it was a bit like when he was in the Turks before, but today is different from the past, some things have changed, and some distances have also changed very greatly.

So it's done in seven days?
That's kind of impossible.

If Songtsan Gampo returned to Pibo City, his capital, it would be more than 2000 miles away. It would take five or six days on the road alone, and there would be no fights. It might take another day or two.Seven days, I really can't figure it out.

"My king has decided to get Songtsen Gampo done within 30 days! If it takes seven days, it may be gone back and forth."

Li Chengqian said truthfully.

He didn't care much about it, but for ancient times, it was a god to get one Tubo in a month!
If there is a real fight, it won't take long.

His time is budgeted elsewhere.

Tubo is located far away, thousands of miles away from Datang.

Once again and again, the time passed. What if Songtsan Gampo ran away?
It will not be easy if the whole of Tubo is to be dealt with.

That's why no one said anything.

"Okay, let's do it! Time is running out!"


And Su Lie answered yes, then left the Tai Chi Palace and went to prepare.

Xue Rengui asked at this time: "His Royal Highness, what do I need to do?"

He finally couldn't take it anymore.

"No, you don't have to do it, you go back first!"

What should be done is done, there is nothing more to be done.

That's why Li Chengqian said that.

"But let me do something, right?"

"Rest well! In the future, your strength doesn't need to be much weaker than ours!"

Li Chengqian said so.

He didn't dare to disobey, so he had to salute and then left.

Then, there were many people missing in Tai Chi Palace.

But Cheng Yaojin and the others had no intention of leaving.

Li Chengqian deliberately asked: "Why don't you leave? Are you going to sleep here?"

Cheng Yaojin pushed Fang Xuanling once, and Du Ruhui again.

It seems that there is something to say, but I am too embarrassed to say it.

Na Duru cleared his throat and said first:

"Why don't you say it? You also have children and do things for them. What's wrong? When did your face become thinner?"

Cheng Yaojin said: "I don't know how to speak, you guys speak!"

The crowd was speechless.

Du Ruhui went on to say: "That's right. We heard that His Royal Highness is only taking two people with him this time, so I would like to ask, can we bring a few more people? For example, our children!"

They mean generals, only Su Lie and two.Is this enough?Do you want to bring a few more people with you?
And Li Chengqian looked around again, it was Cheng Chumo, Du Gou and other four people.Their eyes were bright and they seemed to want to go.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin continued Du Ruhui's words: "That guy Yuchi asked me and his child to have a place too! We can't let him down!"

Yuchi Jingde was sent out now, so he could only see three scammers.Who doesn't want their children to be better?That's why what happened just now?

Li Chengqian also expressed his understanding, this is human nature, nothing.

Cheng Yaojin is still loyal.

Don't wait for Li Chengqian to say anything.

Fang Xuanling said: "Yizhi has always liked martial arts and being a general. He said that it is a great blessing to be able to fight side by side with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Really pity the parents of the world.

Li Chengqian looked at those four people with urgent eyes, they really wanted to fight with him.

But Li Chengqian still wants to talk about one point.

"Going to Tubo here is not as simple as Turkic. If you are not careful, you may give your life there. Can you four think about it?"

Li Chengqian was not joking at all.

What he said is true, people will definitely die in war, and they may die at any time.

This is not Li Chengqian's alarmist talk.

If they want to go, he will not stop them, more people are easier to command.

Then he said again: "You are newly married not long ago, are you sure you won't be at home to spend more time with Madam?"

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Chumo was directly depressed.

"His Royal Highness, don't mention Madam, we've had enough. Being under control every day makes me feel uncomfortable!"

Unexpectedly, these four people are really afraid of their wives, that's a good thing, the earth will love their wives.

Maybe it's because they are still young, so they haven't adapted yet.

And Yuchi Baolin also came over and said: "My father taught me that I must work hard for the country and serve the country. Now that the country needs it, we will naturally go there!"

In fact, Li Chengqian knew better than them that what they did was for military exploits.

Following him, one can still accumulate prestige and military exploits, and one day when Li Shimin rewards him, he will be well-deserved.

"Yes, His Royal Highness, we also think so, and please His Royal Highness to fulfill it!"

Fang Yiai said so.

Seven people spoke at the same time as Li Chengqian, and he felt the wild bombardment of seven people.

But the old god is still there, he is not afraid of being annoyed at all.

But just let them follow, whether Li Chengqian wants to do it, it's all up to him.

Of course, I have to talk to Cheng Yaojin and the others.

"Uncle Cheng, Duke Xing and Duke Lai, you also know that going out will be very difficult. There will be danger at any time!"

As soon as these words came out, Du Ruhui responded directly: "His Royal Highness is not afraid, will our children still be afraid? If it belongs to a man, it should be for the country! Instead of staying at home to survive!"

"What do you think? I will ask you again!"

Li Chengqian still asked one more question.

The four of Cheng Chumo said in unison: "We are willing to go!"

"Okay! You guys will be with me tomorrow!"

Li Chengqian couldn't help it, so let's go together, anyway, I have less helpers, and it would be nice to have more of them.

The four of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and all of them danced happily, and said: "You can contribute to His Royal Highness, and you can contribute to Datang! That's great!"

"Okay, I'm going to rest first, see you tomorrow!"

Then Li Chengqian left Tai Chi Palace.

As for the others, they also left.

(End of this chapter)

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