Chapter 943 Rebellion
Then Li Chengqian's voice came from the sky.

He spoke in Tibetan and Chinese.He speaks two languages ​​in a row, and he is proficient in various languages.

Learning a language is something that can be accomplished in just a moment. There is nothing in this world that he can't do. If there is, it is just that he has not encountered it yet.

His purpose of doing this is obvious, in order to let more people hear.

to have the final effect.

That's part of his plan, and it's a start.

"Soldiers of Tubo, listen up, you are like turtles in a urn, and I can squeeze you at will! If you want to survive, there is only one way to go!"

As soon as his voice stopped, everyone stopped and listened to him.

What kind of road is it?

Not only the Tubo soldiers, but even the people of the entire Hezhou City listened. They also wanted to know how the road Li Chengqian mentioned existed.

Shang Nang was a little flustered on the tower.

He had absolutely no idea why this was happening.

Because once Li Chengqian's voice came out, everything would be inevitable, and he also knew that the brainwashing ability of the Prince of Tang Dynasty was very powerful.

It is impossible for him to limit it.

Sound can penetrate very strongly.

He simply couldn't think of an effective solution.

Just don't listen.

"Everyone cover their ears!"

Finally, he had to order so.

However, no matter what people do, they cannot stop the transmission of sound.

"Now there is an opportunity in front of you, it depends on how you deal with it and grasp it!"

At this point, some people didn't mean it. They didn't cover their ears, but listened carefully. They wanted to know what Li Chengqian would do next.

Even Su Lie and the two were very curious, what should the prince next to them do?
To prevent them from fighting, what kind of method do you want to use to wipe out the enemy?
"This opportunity is... to kill the bag holder, and you will save your life! Otherwise, the whole army will be wiped out to meet you! No one will survive! This king refuses to take prisoners!"

Refusing to take captives is a chilling behavior, and it is a dead end.

As soon as these words came out, Shang Nang who was on the tower was completely depressed.

The so-called attacking the city is not as good as attacking the heart.

What Li Chengqian did was to attack his heart.

It is the hearts of the Tubo people who are attacking!

If people's hearts are broken, even Shang Nang's power as a prime minister will not be able to control some people who want to live.

It can be seen from the several guards around him.

Their eyes dodged, and there was some communication between their eyes.

As a human spirit, he has long understood what is going on.

He hurriedly shouted: "Don't listen to his words, he did it on purpose, we can't trust him, whoever believes in him will die!"

As soon as these words came out, they couldn't stop some people who had different intentions.

Some people have already started shouting: "Don't believe him? Do you believe you? You said you would bring us here to make a fortune and eat enough! And now? Why did we encounter such a terrible existence as the Tang cavalry? And let us Trapped in the city, unable to do anything, we are like lambs to the slaughter. We want to live, we want to live!"

A small number of people have already begun to have a rebellious heart.

What Li Chengqian said next made more people feel rebellious.

"Think about the wives and children in your family. If you die here, someone will take over your wives and beat your children, and you are underground, but there is nothing you can do. How sad it is .This king can't stand it anymore!"

As soon as these words came out, the Tibetan army was directly detonated, and they began to become confused.

His family card has been tried and tested repeatedly, and every time the enemy can't hold on, his heart is made of flesh, how can he not feel it?
It's not over yet.

Li Chengqian then spoke with a loudspeaker.

This time, he only used Chinese, a language that the Tibetans could not understand at all.

"People of Hezhou City, this king hereby asks you to take up everything you can use and rise up to resist. The Tubo people are already known to be a group, and this is your chance to show your performance. Everyone, take up everything you have in your hands. If you can use something, stand up and resist, my king's Tang cavalry will also rush into the city!"

Li Chengqian's words were so loud that even Cheng Chumo and others who were around could hear them.

And then, Shang Nang's subordinates were completely in chaos, and soon, the Tubo people were divided into three factions.

The first faction advocated surrender and killed Shang Nang.

The second faction is Shang Nang's diehard loyalists.

And the third group is those who wait for the situation to change.

These three factions directly divided the Tubo people into three groups in an instant, and the number of them was even about the same.

At this time, the members of the first and second groups fought directly. As for those who waited and watched, they were waiting for an opportunity.

Shang Nang was going mad with anger.

Why, because his army was directly instigated by Li Chengqian's actions.

It's a shame.

This made him feel very painful.

However, there is nothing to do.

The next development of the situation, I am afraid that he will be frightened.

Because the subordinates began to slaughter each other frantically.

"Stop, you all stop! Don't fight, don't fight, we are compatriots, don't hurt each other!"

But no one listened to him.

Next, someone yelled.

"The people in Hezhou City started to rebel, and they killed many of us."

These words were like a stone, arousing waves of ripples, making people who were hesitant at first instantly determined.

At this time, Li Chengqian in the distance laughed with a telescope.

Su Lie and Wang Xuance were puzzled.

Why is he laughing.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, this Shang Nang is probably going to die!"

Li Chengqian said again.

"Your Highness, what's going on?"

"See for yourself!"

Li Chengqian handed over the telescope and said.

When the two of them saw it, they saw that the Tubo people on the city wall began to fight.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing. Now that the Tibetans are starting to fight internally, should we wait until their internal friction is over before moving forward?"

Wang Xuance asked.

"No! On the contrary, we will enter the city now and annihilate Shang Nang and his subordinates in one fell swoop!"

"Then what about those instigators?"

"Let them live, but you can't let them go back to Tibet!"

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, the two understood.

That is to say, even if these people beat Shang Nang to death, they would not return to Tubo.

The so-called capital crimes can be avoided, but life crimes cannot be escaped. Li Chengqian only promised to give them a way to survive, but did not promise to let them go.

"His Royal Highness is indeed tall!"

The two said in unison.

"Okay, get ready, let's enter the city!"

With a wave of Li Chengqian's hand, everyone understood.

The [-] Tang cavalry headed for the city.

(End of this chapter)

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