Chapter 944 Rebellion
Facing a large number of Tang cavalry, they rushed over frantically.

Shang Nang was completely shocked, but there was nothing he could do. At this time, Hezhou City was already fighting fiercely, so how could he have time to pay attention to the upcoming Tang cavalry?
However, we have to guard against them, they will die even faster!

Shang Nang roared: "If you want to survive, don't kill each other, that will only give the enemy a chance!"

But the opposition did not take his words seriously.

The only way for the opposition to survive is to kill him. It is faster and easier than resistance to kill him.

Only some of his supporters came forward.

But the number of these people is so small that it doesn't matter at all.

Finally, he looked at the Han people who had just been arrested.

"Since the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty did this, don't blame me for being rude! Come here, kill all these people!"

Shang Nang was angry, so he shouted.

The Tubo soldiers took the order, picked up the sword and swung it towards the Han people.

How could the stubborn Han people be caught without a fight?

They resisted directly, and everyone joined forces to push the Tubo people aside, and the two sides confronted each other directly.

From their eyes, hope is felt.

"We have to resist and still have hope of living, otherwise we will only die!"

Someone said so.

"Yes! Resist!"

"For myself! Otherwise, no one will sympathize with me if I die!"

"You have to rely on yourself!"

The others responded, and all of a sudden, everyone got together.

Li Chengqian also saw this scene from a distance.

"Wang Xuance! Give me the gun!"


Without saying a word, Wang Xuance handed over a gun.

Li Chengqian took the gun, mounted his horse, and rushed towards Hezhou City.

With his leadership, everyone followed.This time the morale is full.

But Li Chengqian picked up his musket, aimed at the Tubo people on the city wall, and directly pulled the trigger.

With a bang, a Tubo soldier was killed and fell to the ground from the city wall.

Others were taken aback by the sudden change.It's all there.what happened?What happened?

Then, the trapped Han people shouted frantically.

"It was His Royal Highness who saved us! It was him! It was him! It was really him!"

Then, several more gunshots rang out.

In a short period of time, four Tibetans died.

"One more!"

Wang Xuance handed over another gun loaded with ammunition.Since he didn't have time to load ammunition, he might as well just change to a gun.

As soon as Li Chengqian's skills were activated, he directly killed five people again.

From the time he picked up the gun to putting it down, he killed ten people in less than 2 minutes.

And the distance was nearly [-] meters, so it hit from such a long distance.

This kind of spear technique, in this era, is definitely the number one existence.

At this moment, those Tubo soldiers who were going to kill the Han people were so frightened that they went to the rear to avoid it.

Because of the protection of the bunker, they cannot be hit.

Life survived, and they dared not come out again.

And the army of the Tang cavalry is still on the move.

Shang Nang also saw Li Chengqian's strength, and with only ten shots, he resolved the crisis of the Han people.

And he had to re-examine Li Chengqian's words.

The idea of ​​surrender may have sprouted in his heart long ago, but he didn't know whether Li Chengqian would accept his surrender.

Reality can't allow him to think too much.

Because at this time, he can't protect himself.

At the same time, he didn't have time to care about those Han people. Now they only have one purpose, and that is to survive.

I am afraid that the city cannot be kept, and the only thing I can do is to survive.

As for the situation of Datang Cavalry, it seems very optimistic.

After Li Chengqian finished firing the musket.

"His Royal Highness is good at marksmanship!"

Wang Xuance said on the side.

This may be the first time they have seen Li Chengqian use a musket.

I didn't expect his spear skills to be so powerful.

In fact, Li Chengqian didn't want to use it either. If he didn't see the Han people being threatened, he wouldn't touch the musket either.

"Unexpectedly, His Highness the Crown Prince has such spear skills, which makes people really amazed!"

Su Lie said the same thing.

"Coincidence! Just a coincidence!"

Sometimes Li Chengqian's words can make people feel depressed.

This is already very powerful.

How can there be so many coincidences, but still hit all ten shots?

"His Royal Highness is really too humble! He is an example we should learn from!"

Wang Xuance said.

"Okay, let's move on and take down these Tibetans!"


After that, under the leadership of Li Chengqian, everyone quickened their pace and headed for the gate of Hezhou City.

The [-] cavalry looked proud, and at the same time they were all full of spirit.

4 people are not too many compared to the [-] in Tubo.

But because of Li Chengqian's instigation, the number of hundreds of thousands became less than fifty thousand.

In addition to the civil strife at this time, no one went to guard the city.

Therefore, when Li Chengqian's army arrived at the city.

They were not hindered in any way.

They can be said to be unimpeded.

Even if there is an obstacle, it will be cleared by the muskets in their hands.No one dared to stop their march.

With 10 muskets fired together, they can instantly kill several times as many soldiers as themselves.In less than [-] minutes, they took control of the city gate.This speed is very fast.

It can be said that the current Datang Iron Cavalry is very powerful, even if millions of people are in front of them, they have no fear at all.

When they entered Hezhou City, some Tubo soldiers rushed out, trying to stop them.

At the same time, the Han people also saw the appearance of Li Chengqian's army, and their faces were full of hope.

Only a few bang bang bangs were heard, and a row of Tubo soldiers fell down directly.

When other people saw this situation, they just ran away, and they didn't care about so much.

There were about a thousand of these people, but before they ran a hundred meters away, enthusiastic Han people surrounded them directly.Don't let them get out of here.

After a while, these deserters were brought over.

Upon seeing this, Li Chengqian said directly
"Thank you!"

"His Royal Highness came to Hezhou to save us, this is what we should do!"

people responded.

Suddenly a soldier came to report.

"Report, Shang Nang is nowhere to be seen!"

Because when he entered the city just now, he quickly took control of the city.

Especially the people on the city tower were all under control.

He won this battle completely, and won without paying a single soldier.

As soon as he heard that the bag was not there, he asked:
"Where is Shangnang?"

Only then did people realize that Shang Nang was no longer here.

Probably escaped.

In other words, although Li Chengqian's countermeasure worked, it failed to kill Shang Nang!This will be somewhat depressing.

But Shang Nang couldn't escape anywhere.

"His Royal Highness, we saw them fleeing from the north gate!"

Someone said so.

(End of this chapter)

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