Chapter 946
"Come on, take them down!"


"Also, let someone notify Chang'an to ask Uncle Cheng to lead troops to bring these [-] captives back to mine for mining! These people are doing evil, but I don't think they can just die like this, they have to serve our Tang Dynasty , Contribute everything he should contribute!"

Li Chengqian pointed to the prisoner and said.

Although he will not kill these people, the death penalty is exempted, but the crime of living is inevitable, so they all have to go to mine.


Li Chengqian's order once again made thousands of people cheer, this is what these people should do.

So someone followed and passed the letter to Chang'an.

"Also, send new officials to manage this place! There must be no mistakes!"

Because after the invasion by the Tubo soldiers here, many officials have been killed by the Tubo people.Not to mention the guarding officials, even the guarding soldiers were cleaned up.That's why Li Chengqian did this!
These Tibetans are really damned!
How dare you do this, so some people must die!
Li Chengqian gave orders without interruption, this is his way of doing things, which is deeply loved by people.

Then he ordered:
"Okay, you guys did a good job today, take a good rest in this city today, and at dawn tomorrow, we will set off for Shancheng! Take it there!"

After defeating Hezhou, Shancheng will follow.

This is determination and no one can stop him!
At the same time, Li Chengqian said: "Block the news of Hezhou, and everyone who enters the city cannot leave the city tomorrow! All unofficial carrier pigeons are prohibited! Don't let Shancheng know the current situation! We will catch them by surprise tomorrow!"

This is what Li Chengqian thought in his heart, killing a prime minister Shang Nang.It's like killing Songtsan Gampo's left hand. This prime minister made a huge contribution to Tubo. Once he died, Songtsan Gampo would lose his help.

Next is the existence of another high-ranking Tubo.

Get rid of it completely and let the Tibetans pay the price!
"Okay, everyone, let's go back and rest. Get enough energy to prepare for tomorrow's big battle!"

The distance between the two places is within [-] miles, and he strives to arrive in eight hours, that is, to arrive tomorrow afternoon, which is the same time period as the attack here, and Dafeichuan may not be so fast in the future.


Everyone went to Li Chengqian's will to do things.

Until the evening hours.

Li Chengqian summoned Su Lie Wang Xuance and others to discuss tomorrow's affairs in the city lord's mansion.

At this time, there was no one in the city lord's mansion, and all the officials were killed by the Tubo people.

Being an official also has risks.

Things like this are a disaster for them.

The next step is to arrange tactics.

Li Chengqian said before the sand table: "Shancheng is located in the east of Dafeichuan. There is news that Songtsan Gampo is walking nearby, but it is also possible that he is in Shancheng. This time, we We must take Shancheng quickly and drive the Tubo people out of our Tang territory!"

Su Lie said: "His Royal Highness, as far as I know, Shancheng is located on a plateau, and our soldiers may not be able to stand the plateau weather."

Shancheng is located at an altitude of 2200 meters.

Places below 500 meters above sea level have high air pressure, high air density, relatively hot and humid, and have a heavy burden on human body functions; while places above 2500 meters, due to low atmospheric pressure and reduced oxygen content in the air, there will be Make it difficult to breathe and cause altitude sickness.The most suitable altitude for human survival is about 500 meters to 2000 meters.

It is 200 meters higher than the suitable height.

If you live in Chang'an, the average altitude is about 400 meters, except for the mountains.

So Su Lie's worry is not unreasonable.

Coming here is a huge test for their bodies.

"This king knows this. I have some herbal soup, and I can let everyone drink a bowl at night, so that nothing will happen tomorrow!"

It seems that the Miaoshou rejuvenation will be used again. As long as a large amount of medicine is produced, 5 people can take it. This altitude sickness will definitely be able to survive.


Everyone knows about this point, because Li Chengqian has many methods, such trivial matters really can't affect him.

"So what do you think of tomorrow's tactics?"

Li Chengqian asked again.

Everyone was silent.

"Okay, then there is no opinion. Tomorrow we will take 4 people to set off! As for 1 people, we will stay here and guard them, just in case, and they will be led by Du Gou and Yuchi Baolin. !"

Li Chengqian said so.

It made the two of them uncomfortable.

"His Royal Highness, why don't you let Chu Mo stay here?"

Du Gou said so.

But it made Cheng Chumo unhappy.

"I said Du Gou, are you influencing the decision of His Highness the Crown Prince?"

He just said that on purpose.

Du Gou said, "Don't dare! I'm just offering an opinion, and I hope His Royal Highness will not blame you!"

Li Chengqian didn't take it to heart at all, it doesn't matter whoever goes.

It's just that Cheng Chumo and Fang Yizhi are more suitable.

"There are two purposes for these 1 people here. The first is to wait for the army to come and take over. The second is to guard the city to prevent the enemy from attacking! Do you understand?"

When Li Chengqian said this, everyone understood that it turned out to be like this.

"Yes! We got it!"

Everyone responded at the same time.

"Okay, that's all for today. Tomorrow, after killing those people, it's time for us to set off! You all go back to sleep."

After Li Chengqian said that, everyone quit.

At this time, a soldier came to report.

"His Royal Highness has dozens of people begging to see him!"

It's already this time, who else is coming to see you?

"Let them in!"


After the soldiers went out, a group of people entered from outside the door.

Among these people, there was an old man and several young men.The clothes on his body are very dazzling.

And dozens of young women.

They hide at the end.

Li Chengqian was a little puzzled, what are these people doing here?
"Caomin wait to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

After these people saw Li Chengqian, they made a big gift with Li Chengqian, which was very well done.

"Get up, don't be too polite!"

When Li Chengqian said that, everyone straightened up.

These people look at me, I look at yours, and no one comes out to say anything.

It was Li Chengqian who first asked, "Why did you come here to find me this time?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone looked at each other and smiled.

This smile has a slight meaning.

"What are you laughing at?"

Li Chengqian was a little displeased.

The old man stood up and said:
"His Royal Highness, in fact, this time the grassroots came here, and they have something to give away!"


Li Chengqian asked.

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, hesitating to speak.

"Tell me something quickly, the king doesn't have time."

(End of this chapter)

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