Chapter 947
The people who came here were all the people of Hezhou, and they wore very gorgeous clothes. It can be known that they are also rich people in Hezhou.

What do they want to do?
Li Chengqian stared at them for a long time.

First someone said:

"This time Hezhou was rescued by His Royal Highness, which made us merchants very grateful. If it weren't for the army of His Royal Highness, we would have lost our families. Therefore, we feel that what we say this time must be done for His Royal Highness. Something, and here we are."

Li Chengqian didn't understand what these people were here for, so he asked again: "Oh? What do you want to do for this king?"

He smiled.

These people look at me and I look at you, with expressions that you understand.

Then, he yelled: "Come, come, send them up."

After a while, a group of beautifully dressed women appeared in front of Li Chengqian.

These people don't look like women from a good family, but more like fireworks girls, and they are pretty...

It's really not flattering, it's really not as good-looking as the two wives in my family.

Li Chengqian is a normal man, but he is not a man who is hungry.

"His Royal Highness, these beauties are among the best in Hezhou City. I hope they can give His Royal Highness some comfort. Also, we have prepared a lot of fine wine to drink with His Royal Highness!"

For these women, he said no.

From a big point of view, he can't do this, because he will lose popular support!
Speaking from a young age, he couldn't do anything, he hadn't reached the stage of being hungry, and the purpose of coming out was obvious, not to talk about love.

So he drank:
"What are you thinking? This king is here to fight for the Great Tang, not to get your compliments! If a foreigner invades my Great Tang, then he will be punished. What kind of person do you think this king is?"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words came out, no one dared to speak up, and everyone had hit a snag. Perhaps these people had done this more than once, and the Prime Minister of Tubo was probably treated like this by them, right?

It made everyone tremble because no one knew it was going to be like this.The situation is completely out of my control!

"His Royal Highness calm down, we didn't do this on purpose, just to make His Royal Highness more comfortable, there is no other intention."

Speaking of this, there is no other intention. I am afraid they have something to ask for, right?

If Li Chengqian really agreed to them, then these people would definitely ask for something.

Li Chengqian's refusal made them a little dumbfounded, and they didn't even know what to do.

"Calm down? You people! How can you do this!? Is this bribing the king?"

That's serious!

"His Royal Highness, we were wrong!"

Someone else said that they were afraid that Li Chengqian would get angry.

Su Lie, Wang Xuance, etc. also looked at these people, and they thought to themselves, these businessmen were really at gunpoint, if they hadn't come this way, maybe everyone would be fine, but now it's good, they directly blocked Li Chengqian's gunpoint.

At this time, if Li Chengqian didn't show them some color, he would definitely make them think that no matter who came, as long as they had beautiful women and wine, they could be bribed. This is a bad habit.

He must pursue it.

"What you have done makes this king very chilling. If you really have that heart, it is better to distribute some of your family property and give it to some people in need. At that time, this king will erect a monument for you to record your goodness!"

Who would dare to disobey Li Chengqian's words?

He looked at everyone, his face was not good-looking!

"What? Is my king's suggestion not good? Didn't you express anything?"

It looks like it's going to be angry.

These people kept nodding their heads in obedience.

Someone said: "Yes, yes, what His Royal Highness said is very true! We are willing to do this!"

"His Royal Highness is wise, it is very good to be able to do things for the common people!"


Then Li Chengqian hit the rails while it was hot: "Du Gou, you and Baolin go down, count the merchants in Hezhou, let them be rich and rich, some will send people, and some will give them food, and let them build a monument. These people’s contributions are all credited to it.”

Li Chengqian is very clever.Use this form.Forcing these businessmen to spit out their property.To help myself govern the order here.It is his original intention to let some people who have suffered losses live a good life, so that the whole society will become stable.

In the eyes of these businessmen, they had seen how powerful Li Chengqian was.He even knows how to govern the country better than Li Shimin.For his request, these people had to acquiesce if they wanted to survive.

Losing a little in exchange for stability, this trade is worth it.

The two should be.

Then he said to these businessmen: "Let's go, let's go and count together!"

These people are considered dumb and can't tell if they suffer from eating Coptis chinensis.

But what can be done?

Another person asked: "Then these women are here with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

After that, he left here.

As for Li Chengqian, he has no interest.

"You all go down!"

I had to wave my hand.

These women did not follow, but stood there.

"His Royal Highness, we admire your celestial power. Seeing you today really makes people's hearts flutter. We know that we can't afford it, but we just want to let us take a closer look!"

A woman said so.

This made Li Chengqian feel better from the bottom of his heart.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be able to talk, reward! Thank you, what's your name?"

"Little girl Lingyan!"

"The name is not bad, come here, and reward Miss Lingyan with a penny!"


Li Chengqian's operation makes people feel very miraculous, is there such a thing?

But Li Chengqian had his own plans.

"You are all here, and there is no reason to leave directly. Let's do this. Since you are all here, how about singing and dancing with our army at night to boost morale?"

When Li Chengqian said this, the girls kept nodding when they heard it.

"Yes, as long as His Royal Highness has a request, we will definitely do it!"

said the women.

"Of course, it's not without remuneration. After all, it's not easy for you. As for the remuneration, it will be calculated according to your nightly price, and the money will be deducted from those merchants!"

Li Chengqian really knows how to be a man. He borrowed the hands of businessmen to bless the people, and borrowed their hands to pay for the singing and dancing fees.

In the name of reward, resolve the crisis.

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"

Afterwards, these people obeyed Li Chengqian's arrangement, and danced and danced with fifty thousand Tang cavalry until late at night.

All the soldiers felt that the fatigue of these two days was exhausted, which made them feel full of satisfaction in their hearts.

All of this was done by Li Chengqian.

And his deeds are worshiped by all peoples.

From his points, it can be seen that he has not lost the hearts of the people at all.

If he agreed to the demands of those businessmen and took these women for his own use, then the hearts of the people might fall into the millions.

(End of this chapter)

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